Site Index:
UPDATE#07 03/01 thru 03/05
Everybody, The adventures of 2006, 2007,
2008, 2009, and thru 02/28/2010 have been published on the website.
We continue with the latest edition. UPDATE 2010 #07
03/01/10 thru 03/05/10 At last update, we were at Boat
Harbour in beautiful Marsh Harbour, Abacos.
Welcome back to the Bahamas… 03/01/10
Saltwater is a natural electrolyte.
When numerous boats are in close proximity to each other and hooked up to
shore-side electrical power, there is always the chance for stray current to be
transmitted into the water. The
phenomenon, called "electrolysis", causes very fine molecules of
metals to be carried away along with the electrical current.
To prevent damage to essential metal parts, boats are equipped with zinc
pieces that act as sacrificial anodes. Since
the zinc metal transmits more easily, the replaceable pieces are the first to
erode. Good maintenance requires
that these parts be replaced occasionally.
Doug (HAPPY CLAMZ) was diving to replace his pieces while taking
advantage of the clear water and relatively comfortable water temperatures.
Being the good guy that he is, he took a look at AMARSE and reported that
all was well and no action was required.
Above-And-Below Abaco is a company that normally provides snorkeling and
sport scuba diving experiences to the vacationing community.
When the weather is not conducive to the underwater exploration, Kay, the
owner, offers alternative activities on land.
A favorite is her itinerary to visit the famous Blue Holes of the Abacos.
Recently, some of these same places were covered in a PBS television
special. Today, Kay would be
guiding four gals from the RMHYC group. From
left to right: Kathy (FANTASY), Peggy (MORE ATTITUDE), Judy (AMARSE), Kay (ABOVE
With many years of local experience and knowledge, Kay knows all the
interesting sights. Her trusty 4-wheeled drive vehicle provides access to places
otherwise hidden.
The tour visited numerous Blue Hole sites.
holes formed during the previous ice ages, when the general sea level was as
much as 330–390 ft lower than the present day.
Back in those times, these caverous formations were affected by the same
chemical weathering conditions common to limestone-rich terrains.
As the ice age ended and water tables rose, the caves became submerged
and remain filled with water.
Out on the seas, the wind was howling and the waters rough.
Within the protected confines of the land, the blue holes were totally
Access to these remote places is often difficult.
A makeshift walkway seems to work, as precarious as it may be.
Adventurers, Peggy (MORE ATTITUDE) and Rita (MAGNUM OPUS)…
This recently installed stairway has improved access to another area.
Kay and Rita wade in the crystal clear water at the edge of a deep blue
Some of the gals have been designing and making decorative baskets.
The main material is from the special Abaco Pine needles.
Today’s trip was the perfect opportunity to bag up an ample supply.
Kay helps Kathy (FANTASY) fill the sacks to overflowing.
The tour included a lunch stop at Nancy’s Restaurant to the south of
Marsh Harbour. She is famous for
generous servings of lobster, chicken, and other local seafood.
After lunch, they included several beach locations for shelling and sea
glass hunting.
The threatening skies teased but the rain held off for the gals.
Judy was told that these pods hold “sea pearls”.
The gals had a wonderful time and they raved praises for Kay.
Her services are highly recommended, both above and below Abaco. Well done, Kay… 03/03/10
It was very, very windy overnight and into today with meters registering
45 knots plus. Fortunately, the resort has numerous protected areas that are
great for other activities. The
Men’s Bocce Ball teams were active and the guys were having lots of fun
testing their competitive skills.
This is the second pool area at the Abaco Beach Resort.
Many of the gals found a table in the lea to use their creative talents
for basket making sessions. Everyone
has a different style and their personalities and individuality shines though.
The group calls themselves, “The Basket Cases”; kinda' cute, ain’t
This is the main hotel complex at the Abaco Beach Resort.
The soft, white sand beach is nicely groomed…
The resort grounds are nicely kept and offer spectacular views of the Sea
of Abaco.
View of the marina facilities from the beach area…
We were invited to SEA ISLAND GIRL to be the dinner guests of Robert and
Carolyn Wilson. Carolyn prepared a fabulous “Stew-oup” (thinner than
stew, yet thicker than soup) made with chicken, vegetables, and pasta.
It was absolutely delicious and one of my all-time favorites.
Mary Lou (SEA SMOKE) came by to say goodbye.
She will be leaving for the US tomorrow.
We will certainly miss her.
A good-sized contingent of boaters has been planning this trip for weeks.
Unfortunately, windy and cool conditions have plagued the islands for
several days and the forecast was no better.
Numerous folks decided to forego the trip today and cancelled their
reservations for marina dockage. Several
of us decided to give it a chance and headed out early this morning.
Some were headed for the full-service Orchid Bay Marina, while we set out
for Guana Hideaway’s dockage facility. The
Sea of Abaco was a bit frothy and the winds brought a dousing of salty spray.
The westerly winds gave us a rocking horse pitch motion, however, there
was very little roll. Side by side, HAPPY CLAMZ, M/V TALLY HO, and AMARSE were soon
tied securely in the narrow slips. A
little bit of a swell action remained in the harbor. ADAMAS DE MARIS arrived later in the afternoon.
One of the Moorings Charter company rental boats arrived with a rather
strange sight. They were towing their dinghy upside down.
It was quite unusual to see the propeller and hull exposed, while the
outboard motor was completely submerged. Saltwater
is no friend of an engine.
The renters told us that the dinghy had parted from the davits while
underway and the wind and the waves flipped it like a pancake.
We met up with several other boaters from the Orchid Bay group to have
lunch at Grabber’s.
Their location looks out westerly over Sunset Beach and Fishers Bay on
the Sea of Abaco side of the cay.
L to R: Ed (M/V TALLY HO), Art, Bonnie, Roger, Mary (TEAMWORK), Leslie
(HAPPY CLAMZ), Shirley (TALLY HO), and Judy (AMARSE)…
The tent sheltered us from most of the wind but the temperatures were
quite cool.
Very strong winds yesterday made Fishers Bay extremely rough and
uncomfortable, especially for this sailboat that was swamped and sank.
This was not a pleasant sight.
Judy, Shirley, Ed, Leslie, and Doug…
We walked passed the docks and up the sandy road to the world famous
Nipper’s Beach Bar. Tomorrow’s big event, the underlying reason for us being
here, will feature everyone’s favorite island singer, the Barefoot Man with
Sea-N’B. We are all excited.
The Atlantic Ocean side was somewhat in the lea of the westerly winds,
but the chilly conditions warranted a warm jacket.
After resting back at the boats, we returned to Nipper’s for the
evening of cocktails and hors d’oeuvres.
Ed, Doug, Leslie, and Roger sipped on frozen Nippers drinks and Kalik
This afternoon, we wondered what celebrities the two helicopters that
circled overhead were bringing in. It
turns out that one of the wealthier islanders had ordered a load of fresh
oysters to be flown over for everyone’s enjoyment.
Doug demonstrated the fine art of oyster shucking to Shirley.
Shirley thought she was in oyster heaven as she slurped the tasty
mollusks straight from the shells.
The sound system blared a great mix of music and we danced, danced,
danced… 03/05/10
Fred (AMARSE), standing by a stairway to nowhere.
Seems that a hurricane blew away the rest of the building.
I decided to get decked out in my “fancy pants” that I got in
Guatemala this summer. I think they
are pretty neat and festive. Much
of the panel work is hand-woven and embroidered.
Just up the sandy road, the colorful Nipper’s Beach Bar faces the
Atlantic Ocean.
Around noontime, Johnnie (owner of Nipper’s) introduced the band to a
cheering crowd.
The Barefoot Man (George), Barrie (percussion), Chuck (keyboard), and a
new addition this year, a drummer...
The crew of ADAMAS DE MARIS (Joe, Joe Jr, Melody, and Tim) got
here early enough to secure a prime table situated between the bar and the
The upper gazebo deck was filled with RMHYC party people.
Most had opted to come over for the day, from Marsh Harbour, on the
special ferryboat that George (TIME OUT) had arranged.
The setting is perfect and the weather is cooperating nicely.
Tom and Pat (LISA MARIE)…
The Barefoot Man writes all his own songs and is a master of cleverly
contrived lyrics that are very interesting and very funny.
“Up on the Roof”, the tossing of strings of beads followed a familiar
Steve (Indemnity) found a choice location up on the roof of the gazebo
from which to catch and throw beads. The elevated vantage provided an
viewing location too.
Down on the main deck, eager revelers vied competitively for those
glittering strands of party beads
Jane and George (TIME OUT)…
As the music and the drinking intensified, the cheering and dancing
Linda (LINDA G) had on her favorite Barefoot Man T-Shirt that boasts his
personalized autographs from numerous past years.
Joe (ADAMAS DE MARIS) enjoys a fine Cuban cigar…
Like father, like son… Joe, Jr. and his wife, Melody...
Their friend, Tim (from Sugarland, Texas)…
Kathy and Milt (LO KEE) enjoyed lunch and a frozen Nipper…
Doug and Leslie (HAPPY CLAMZ)…
The party girls were out in force…
Everyone loves to join in the boisterous outbursts to the song refrain of
Now, if that won’t get you a string of coveted beads, then I can’t
imagine what would…
The menu features an endless variety of delicious choices ranging from
burgers to cracked conch.
Could this be a “rose between two thorns” or a “beauty between two
studs”? Tom (LISA MARIE), Judy (AMARSE),
Judy and Jane (KARAYA) party it up with dancing on the tables…
Judy (AMARSE) with Robert and Carolyn (SEA ISLAND GIRL)…
The weather was warm but I’d bet the pool water was still chilly…
For this special event, the islanders join in enthusiastically.
Several golf carts were decorated in the theme of special Barefoot Man
Barrie and friend gave a rendition of another favorite island song…
The party continued to escalate “Up on the Roof”…
...and “Up on the Tables”…
...and under the gazebo… Ed
must have been a professional pole dancer in another life…
Fred (SHEARWATER) and Judy (AMARSE)…
After the first set that lasted three hours, Judy and I took a walk on
the Atlantic beach…
It’s hard to imagine a more beautiful spot…
...or a more lovely “beach bunny”…
Fred (AMARSE)… (Livin’ in the Land of the “Sun, Sand, and Sea”…)
We came back for the Barefoot Man’s second set.
Nipper’s, where the party never stops…
Most of the RMHYC group had to leave on the 3:30pm ferryboat headed back
to Marsh Harbour. The island party
group just kept going like the Energizer bunny…
By very late afternoon, the concert was in the history books.
We headed over to Grabber’s for some more musical entertainment.
All of the island establishments were thriving on this special concert
The sun was rapidly setting into the calming Sea of Abaco at Fishers
The final, Albury’s ferryboat of the day approached the dock in
Settlement Harbour to return the last passengers back to the main island.
Several more RMHYC boats had come in this morning.
Bob (NO TACT) brought about 15 RMHYC folks over this morning and dragged
them back in the afternoon. Staying
overnight with Judy and Gene (LO QUE SE A), Carl and Lois (PUFFIN) co-hosted a
supper plan that featured Hot Dogs, Polish Sausage, Chili, and all the fixin's
served aboard their Great Harbour 37 Trawler.
Looks like Ed and Carl are happy to be here.
These two could qualify for the campaign, “Poster Kids for Rum”…
RMHYC boats in the Guana Hideaways dockage tonight were HAPPY CLAMZ,
Including TEAMWORK, NJORD, SHEARWATER, and TOURELOU, several others remained
over at Orchid Bay Marina. The
conditions were still a little rocking due to the little swells coming from the
westerly breeze. Aboard AMARSE,
Judy and I were quite comfortable and slept well.
Please join us back on Guana Cay in the next update. CONTINUING
We sincerely hope that you will review the previous years of compilations
to give context to the current editions. Please
let us know if you have any special suggestions and thoughts.
REMEMBER: The website
is now fully active and you can visit it at any time.
You can also review any of the previous logs from the years 2006, 2007,
or 2008 and learn more about the crew and their many adventures.
You may contact us via email anytime. Thanks
for allowing us to share our life and adventures with you. Lotsa
Luv, Fred
Reed and Judy Law AMARSE MT40 "AMARSE"
is pronounced "AM-ARE-SAY".
Our website is: www.amarse.net .
Fred H. Reed |
www.amarse.net © 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 |