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UPDATE#16 04/16 thru 04/30Howdy
Everybody, The adventures
of 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009 through 04/15/09 have been published on the
website. We continue with the
latest edition. UPDATE
2009 #16 04/16/09 thru 04/30/09 At last update,
we were making our way us the Atlantic Intercoastal Waterway (ICW) from Florida
to Georgia. 04/16/09
Judy and I were
underway on AMARSE from our anchorage at mile marker 735 at 6:40am.
It was a bit chilly but the wind was still calm.
Coming out of the Ft. George River, we followed the route suggested in
Skipper Bob’s book and found nothing less than 8.8 feet.
The GPS tide table indicated that we were 1.8 feet above Mean Low Water (MLW). All things being equal, that should have given a vessel 7
feet of available depth at MLW. It
would be advisable to follow the suggested route to the letter.
Of course, YMMV.
As we progressed
northward past Fernandina Beach, FL, the winds began to kick up. Anticipating a rough, wet ride through the Sound, we opted to
try the “alternate route”. Our
tides were favorably high and we made the turn at Marker #40 and #A34 at
11:25am. It was an interesting and
tranquil route that was much calmer than the Sound would have been. We listened to other boats that were waiting out their
passages through the Sound in hopes that the winds and seas would subside.
At 1:13pm, we were back in the ICW and entered Jekyll Island Creek at
MM685 just 5 minutes later. The
tide was favorable for sufficient depths all the way through.
Folks passing this way need to be especially cautious with their track
and the tide conditions to reduce the possibility of running aground.
Once through the creek, the wind was kicking up the water quite a bit.
In the main channel of the Brunswick River, this “car carrier” vessel
was steaming toward the sea.
At 2:11pm, we passed
under the beautiful Brunswick Bridge on the Brunswick River, then turned north
up the East River channel. The
protected waters were nearly smooth. Soon,
the familiar shrimp boat docks were in sight.
A small cruise ship was visiting at the city dock.
Just beyond, the
Brunswick Landing Marina became a welcoming sight.
Dockmaster Sherrie Jackson was hailed on VHF radio and we were given
excellent instruction leading to our assigned dock #12.
As another welcoming
gesture, both Sherrie and Cindy were waiting at the dock to help us with our
lines and to give us their friendly hugs. They
are both terrific. At 2:45pm,
AMARSE’s engines were silenced and the world was at peace here in the
tranquility of our protected slip.
It was great to see
our friend, Paul Murgo, (THE ROSE), and his boat hand for this trip. THE ROSE was only in for one night during their enroute trip
to Rhode Island. Unfortunately,
Connie wasn’t there to give us a hug too.
Our car has been
sitting patiently waiting for our return. I
hooked up the battery and she started right up without a problem.
I’m convinced that putting Sta-Bil in the gas kept it stable and fresh.
I hooked up the battery charger for about an hour to top off the cells in
the car.
Our trip today showed 66.6 miles at an average speed of 8.2 mph.
Since leaving Man-O-War Cay in the Bahamas, we have put 575 miles under
the keel. 04/19/09
A lazy, restful
morning had us sleeping until 9:30am.
Judy scrubbed on the boat all day. Did
Fred help? Some would say “yes”, some would say “not much.”
The boat was very dirty from both the trip and from having been in the
boat yard.
SEA ISLAND GIRL, DARLING, and SEA SMOKE arrived here in Brunswick in
Having our car available, we volunteered to help out by taking Buck to
West Marine. Frank and Mary were
grateful for the ride to pick up grocery supplies.
They all had plans for a potluck supper, however, we had already made
other plans to attend the concert, Rhythm On The River, being held tonight at
Mary Ross Park which is adjacent to the marina.
Mason Water and the Groove All-Stars was the featured band.
They were excellent and played an enjoyable selection of pop type music.
After the concert, we
visited with Robert and Carolyn Wilson until after 11pm. 04/21/09
At 10:15am, I had an
appointment with the TSA office here in Brunswick to complete my application for
a TWIC card. This is now a
requirement for all licensed Masters, Captains, and Mariners.
Photographs, fingerprints, credentials, background, and complete personal
history are entered. The TSA and
FBI follow up with an extensive and in-depth background check to determine
eligibility. After approval, I will
have to return in person to pick up the technically advanced ID card with
electronic imprinting.
Robert and Rita
(MAGNUM OPUS) arrived here today on their way to Charleston.
The girls headed off to the historical district of Brunswick for some
antique shopping. The boys headed
to (where else) West Marine and Boaters World.
The afternoon weather was nearly perfect for sitting on the sundeck
enjoying music, sunshine, cigars, and a travel book.
The Wilson’s hosted the cocktail hour aboard SEA ISLAND GIRL.
Rita (MAGNUM OPUS) showed us her latest basket creation made from Abaco Pine Needles.
We all headed off to
Mud Cat Charlie’s Restaurant at Two-Way Fish Camp marina in Darien, GA. As usual, everything was delicious.
We got back just
before the heavy rains, winds, and thunderstorms hit. 04/22/09
Rita and Judy did
their morning walk routine picking up where they left off in the Bahamas.
They couldn’t pass up the opportunity to go shopping today for craft
stuff either.
We picked up some tickets to attend this evening’s performance of
“Guys and Dolls”. At 7:30pm,
the show started at the Glynn Academy in Brunswick.
It was an absolutely wonder performance by these young people.
I was very impressed with their acting skills and the stage settings.
A round of boisterous
applause and Bravo, yes, Bravo to the cast and crew. 04/25/09
After working on the
boat most of the morning, we headed for Woodbine, GA to attend the Crawfish
Festival. We bought a few things
from the many vendors’ booths. The
Mike Miller Band played an awesome show of country music.
I hope to hear these guys again some time soon.
There were all kinds
of food booths set up at the festival. Judy
tried a funnel cake.
The starboard teak
rail on the bow end had gotten away from us this year.
The varnish had some bubbles and peeled.
This made it necessary to completely strip and refinish that section.
With as many layers of deep varnish there, it would be a very time
consuming process. For those of you
that have varnished teak exterior sections, you already know what I’m talking
George Grafer arrived
aboard TIME OUT. He has been in
Marathon, FL this year and is making his way north to Charleston. It was great to see him and visit with him again.
On occasion, we are graced with a visit by some manatees.
They are a strange, but friendly creature.
The RMHYC gang all
gathered for a Potluck supper on dock 13. Rita
fixed and cooked a ham. The
pitch-in items included beans, scalloped potatoes, and lots of other goodies.
At the moment, we are
planning our summer travels. Our
choice is to travel to Texas and then work our way in the pickup truck to Alaska
and points west. I joined AAA to
get travel planning tools, maps, and guides.
The closest office is in Savannah, GA, which is a bit more than an hour
Upon our return, we enjoyed cocktails aboard AMARSE with Don and Ellen
(SIRIUS ENDEAVOR), our dock neighbors. 04/28/09
The intense work on
the teak continued again today. We
finished stripping the forward rail. It
had to be scrubbed, cleaned, brightened, and rubbed with a light coat of teak
oil to bring up the color. After
all had dried out, the first coat of Schooner varnish, which had been thinned
with 10 percent solvent, was brushed on. The
rest of the rails had been scuff sanded and cleaned.
A full strength coat was applied to them.
More trip planning using the vast array of material from AAA.
At times, it can be frustrating using their materials since they seem to
yield to the advertisers quite heavily. With
perseverance, we will succeed. 04/29/09
Judy walked with
Haldine (DARLING) this morning.
Terry and Peggy
arrived here this afternoon on MORE ATTITUDE.
We used up most of our day doing a lot more work on the varnish
brightwork. 04/30/09
THURSDAY BRUNSWICK, GA Once again, we did lots more work on the varnishing project. For dinner, Judy made her wonderful Chicken Breast in fresh mushroom sauce served with savory rice. The corn on the cob was quite good. CONTINUING
We sincerely hope that
you will review the previous years of compilations to give context to the
current editions. Please let us
know if you have any special suggestions and thoughts.
REMEMBER: The website
is now fully active and you can visit it at any time.
You can also review any of the previous logs from the years 2006, 2007,
or 2008 and learn more about the crew and their many adventures.
You may contact us via email anytime. Thanks
for allowing us to share our life and adventures with you. Lotsa
Luv, Fred
Reed and Judy Law AMARSE MT40 "AMARSE"
pronounced "AM-ARE-SAY".
Our website is:
www.amarse.net .
Fred H. Reed |
www.amarse.net © 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 |