Site Index:
thru 09/30
Everybody, The
adventures of 2008 from 1/1/08 through 09/08/08 have been published on the
website. We continue with the
latest edition. UPDATE
2008 #28 09/09/08 thru
09/30/08 At
last update, we had just returned to AMARSE docked in Brunswick, Georgia.
(Fred’s #1 Grandson)(BTW, He is definitely AWESOME!!!!!)
It is great to be back aboard our beloved AMARSE; Home-Sweet-Home.
We checked over the boat carefully and were pleased that she had been
such a good gal while we were gone. Our
friends had been kind to put on a couple of extra lines when the big blow was
expected. Fortunately, Brunswick
was spared when the swirling low moved north and away from here.
Hurricane Hannah had brought extra high tides and only tropical storm
force winds that did not cause very much damage to the area.
Without the length of time or continuous pounding, the heavy-duty
floating docks held everything securely. AMARSE
is very strong and very well constructed.
After being away for nearly six weeks, we had to make a few shopping runs
to re-supply and re-stock the barren refrigerator and depleted larder.
Our shopping list included a few items to go along with tonight’s
dinner. Paul and Sue Graham invited
us back to ODYSSEY for an evening get-together featuring Vidalia Burgers and
fresh veggies grilled by the “Master of the Spatula”, Captain Paul. It is wonderful to be back with our friends again.
We have missed them very much. 09/10/08
Unfortunately, my camera is off being repaired by the Geek Squad at Best
Buy. I am guessing that the supply
of pictures will be far fewer in this update than usual.
Most of the time, I carry my trusty digital camera right in my pocket to
be ready for the opportunistic snap of the shutter.
Somehow, I am forgetting to dig out Judy’s camera for the backup.
I am making progress on the picture files and Log Updates from our Peru
trip. It is a daunting task and I
anticipate a lot of time-consuming work is ahead.
Judy and Sue had fun looking at all the new beads that Judy recently
added to her stash. I bet they have lots of artistic juices flowing through their
veins as they plan their next bunch of eye-catching creations.
They both do such incredibly beautiful crafts. 09/11/08
Although we are fortunate to have a nice Farmers’ Market next to the
marina, the selection is very slim in comparison to what we’ve seen over the
last month or so in Peru. Judy picked out a few, choice red tomatoes that I am looking
forward to sinking my teeth into.
In the early evening, we piled into the car and headed to Darien, Georgia
located about 20 miles north. Dinner
was planned at Mud Cat Charlie’s Restaurant.
This has been one of our favorite places during the last couple of years. The food is very good, the river scenery at their marina
location is pretty, and we all enjoy the casual atmosphere of waterfront dining.
Thanks, Paul and Sue.
With the anticipation that Hurricane Ike might slam the Gulf coast,
gasoline prices have been skyrocketing due to fears of damages to offshore rigs
and refineries that could result in lengthy shortages.
Prices jumped over $1 per gallon in some places in just one day.
Seems to me that they can come up with just about any reason to
significantly drive up the prices.
Dave and Barb Bluto are back on CHABLIS after their trip to the
Carolinas. They invited us to join
them at a Japanese Drum concert being held at the local college campus.
When we arrived, we grabbed up the last few remaining seats.
The highly demonstrative percussion show was very enjoyable.
Lasting only an hour, we would have enjoyed even more of the rhythmic
beat. Thanks, Dave and Barb
This was a day that we had been looking forward to for a while now.
Our very good friend, Ivor Nathan, wheeled up to the Brunswick Landing
Marina astride his shiny new motorcycle. The
glistening, silver Honda ST1300 was nothing less than gorgeous.
I have always admired the sleek and sporty lines of that sport/touring
model. All dressed in black, Ivor
exuded the aura of today’s upscale motorcycle enthusiast.
Having been riders for many years, Judy and I felt the pangs of envy
seeping into our psyches.
Ivor and Susan have been traveling for months in their luxurious motor
home. Having left Florida, they
traveled the eastern mountains to Kentucky, then west to the Dakotas, Colorado,
Wyoming, Montana, Utah, Arizona, Arkansas and Texas.
It was in Arkansas that he decided to trade-in his Suzuki Burgman for his
new sporty ride. We sure wished
that Susan could have joined him here too.
She had to drive the Jeep back to Florida while he maneuvered the
two-wheeler from Arkansas to Brunswick. We
have remained great friends since we met them at Waterford, NY on our Great Loop
Lunch at the Longhorn Steakhouse was scrumptiously delicious.
Thanks Ivor.
Evening cocktail time was very enjoyable on the covered sundeck aboard
AMARSE. Jimmy and Betsy (SIMPLY
SOUTHERN), and Sue Graham (ODYSSEY), joined the three of us to reminisce about
the good times on their America’s Great Loop adventures.
We were thoroughly enjoying our drinks and snacks until the
“No-See-Um’s” decided that it was their snack time too.
After a few to many bug chomps on our legs, we closed ourselves into the
saloon of AMARSE. The movie, My
Cousin Vinny, had us laughing until bedtime.
I think Ivor was quite comfortable sleeping in the forward berth. 09/14/08
Ivor decided to continue his motorcycle journey south today.
We had hoped he could stay for a couple of days but a careful check of
the weather revealed the threat of thunderstorms over the next few days.
Nobody that I know likes to ride in the rain.
Although we were disappointed to have our time with him shortened, we
understood his concerns. The rumors
of possible gas shortages added to his list of possible detriments.
We cleaned and polished his windscreen, packed his saddlebags, and wished
him good trip before he zoomed off for the asphalt jungle.
At least Sunday traffic will be more cooperative and comfortable for the
rider. My advice to Ivor was to "...always
keep the silver side up and the rubber side down".
Dave and Barb (CHABLIS) were hosting another of their fabulous Shrimp and
Oyster Roasts this evening.
I had made up a fresh tomato, cucumber, black olive, crab leg, pepperoni,
mozzarella, red pepper, green pepper, roasted garlic, olive oil, and balsamic
vinegar salad. Yummy.
Dave assumed the position at the barbeque grill to skillfully roast a
half-bushel of oysters.
Having been taught by Dave last time, I helped to pry open the shells
revealing the succulent, juicy morsels. I
must admit that shucking the oysters also put me in a very advantageous position
enabling me to snatch a taste test at my very whim.
There were pounds of jumbo, Wild Georgia Shrimp that were readied for
shrimp cocktails. More pounds of
the local crustaceans had been carefully skewered and were sizzling alongside
the oysters. Now this, my friends,
is what good southern living is all about.
Robert and Carolyn Wilson (SEA ISLAND GIRL), Henry and Susan McCoy (MAKUAHINI),
Paul and Sue Graham (ODYSSEY), Wayne and Leslie, Wayne and Louise, Bob Updegrave
(RADIO WAVES), a couple from dock 10, Jimmy Ethridge and Betsy Harris (SIMPLY
SOUTHERN), and Fred and Judy (AMARSE) all participated with an assortment of
dishes featuring their favorite specialties to accent the feast.
Judy, Jimmy, and Betsy were having a great time.
The RMHYC event burgee was proudly displayed here on the dock.
Even with lots of shrimp still available, Paul could not resist the
chance to snitch one of those tasty brownies.
I think they might be his favorite sweet.
Commodore Robert Wilson was having a wonderful time with the
Past-Commodore and birthday guy, Dave Bluto.
Carolyn Wilson is a talented artist and writer.
She read aloud from the terrific card that she created especially for
Dave’s birthday. Her prose is
always so cleverly written and delightfully delivered.
Light the candles on the cake and sing another chorus of the birthday
song. We were all singing loudly, Happy Birthday To You, Dave.
With this wonderful grouping of our members and guests, it was like
another Royal Marsh Harbour Yacht Club extravaganza right here in Brunswick.
Everyone certainly had plenty of good stuff to eat (and, later, so did
the No-See-Um’s). Thanks, Dave and Barb. 09/15/08
At 5:30pm, Henry and Sue McCoy, Jimmy and Betsy, and Judy and I were
graciously welcomed aboard SEA ISLAND GIRL.
Robert, Carolyn Wilson, and their dog, Maggie, made this evening another
to add to our list of fond memories during our summertime in Brunswick.
It is this kind of friendship and fellowship that makes us honored to be
a part of the RMHYC family. 09/16/08
I think I am becoming obsessed, as well as overwhelmed, with the task of
preparing the Log Updates. I seem
to work continuously from early in the morning until extremely late into the
night. The effort is extremely time consuming. We are pleased that so many are taking their valuable time to
share our adventure tales. We
sincerely hope that folks will thoroughly enjoy what we have to offer.
Judy, Betsy, and Sue gathered to create masterpieces of their jewelry
artistry. These gals make fabulous
necklaces, earrings, and bracelets. I
don’t mind admitting that I don’t know much about jewelry, however, I do
know that this is some very nice stuff. Youz
galz are jez so kool, yaz makez me drool like a silly ol’ fool.
Worries are escalating around the country as the stock market and economy
are taking huge hits and getting quite bad.
It appears that we are in for some increasingly hard economic times
ahead. Combined with runaway gas
prices, we are all rethinking our approach to everything.
The grill unit on our dock is all rusted out and trashed so the nice
grill on dock 4 was fired up for our dinner.
We skewered some veggies, including mushrooms, onions, and peppers, for
grill roasting. Links of Lee Smoked Pork Sausage (made in Georgia) and some
Johnsonville Polish Sausages were browning alongside the skewers.
Judy liked the Lee brand best and I preferred the polish style.
It was all wonderfully delicious. 09/17/08
Another day of steady concentration had another update, #15, ready to be
published to the website.
With a definite “go” for our friends’ wedding date, we made
internet reservations for us to fly to San Antonio for several weeks in October.
Jacksonville, Florida is slightly less than an hour drive away and
provides an economical departure point to most cities.
Continental Airlines will take us through Houston to our destination on
October 1st.
We had the pleasure to visit ODYSSEY to see the new carpeting.
It should look real nice with the re-upholstery work that they are
planning. Paul and Sue certainly
have a lovely home aboard their Great Harbour 37. 09/18/08
The Magic Moments Beauty Makeover Salon was opened to trim Sue’s
hair. After making Sue look
gorgeous, Judy inadvertently flicked her finest pair of scissors right over the
edge of the dock and into the water. Oops!
While I worked on updates, the bargain hunting gals scurried off to the
mall. When the going gets tough,
the tough go shopping.
A bunch of the gals from various docks gathered to attend a pottery
workshop class in historic downtown Brunswick.
I wasn’t feeling particularly great tonight so I missed out on the
boys’ night out at the Oyster Shack Restaurant. 09/19/08
Paul came over to AMARSE this morning equipped with a cartload of diving
gear. He suited up for the
underwater search in the “Saga of the Sunken Scissors”.
In the chilly, murky waters, the search was to no avail.
The illusive opposing blades are now and forever relegated solely to
snipping the curly locks of King Neptune and his bevy of mermaids.
The marina is located in the midst of a thriving tidal
estuary. The fertile waters provide
plenty of prolific plant life for the various marine creatures.
Unfortunately, there is an overabundance of plant and sea-life growth
that subsequently chooses to attach to the bottoms of our boats.
A diver with a scraper can be kept busy removing the tenuous stuff from
the hull. Paul actively scraped and
brushed until the bottom of ODYSSEY was as smooth as a baby’s butt. The boat will get much better speed and fuel efficiency
without all that drag resistance. The
long, yellow hose is attached to an electric compressor unit.
He will have plenty of air without the cumbersome interference of a heavy
scuba tank.
The major event for Brunswick tonight was the scheduled appearance of the
US Navy Band, “Country Current”, at the Mary Ross Park.
Adjacent to our marina, the group had set up a fabulous sound system.
We arrived about 6:15p so we could have our pick of the best seating
location for our lawn chairs. The
familiar melodies of Faith Hill and Tim McGraw were clearly and richly emanating
from the awesome speaker arrangement. At 7pm, the Mayor proclaimed that the cloud-filled skies
would not dampen our enthusiasm and all unanimously agreed. The white uniformed band members brought everyone to their
feet with a rousing rendition of the National Anthem. They proceeded to open the show with an absolutely wonderful
tune made popular by Tim McGraw.
Contrary to the Mayor’s decree, the skies decided to simultaneously
open their display of showers. Reluctantly,
the band announced that they could not safely continue their concert with these
electrical instruments and equipment.
Seeking shelter from the increasing intensity of the rain, most of the
crowd hunkered under the covered sheds of the Farmers’ Market area.
Everyone was delighted when the band announced that they would entertain
us with an acoustic, Blue Grass music session.
They played and sang their repertoire of hill country music tunes for
nearly an hour.
It was fun and enjoyable, however, it could not overshadow our
disappointment in missing out on the absolutely fabulous musical event that had
been planned. Some day soon, I hope
that I will get to hear these talented musicians perform in all their glory.
After the concert, we had a nice opportunity to continue our visit with
Jimmy, Betsy (SIMPLY SOUTHERN), and a few of their visiting friends from
Georgetown, SC.
In some ways, it was an absolute fantastic day.
The weather was nothing less than fabulous.
The young folks from the local sailing group were taking full advantage
of the lovely breeze to skillfully maneuver their agile craft around the
In other ways, it was a sad day for us.
Our wonderful friends, Paul and Sue, will be heading south in ODYSSEY.
As agreed, we were there to help them get ready to get underway.
There was plenty for them to do. They
had to lower their dinghy, load up the motor scooter, and reset the dinghy
topside. Moving from dock #4 to
dock #1 gave them more room to accomplish the equipment juggling act.
Slacking the starboard dock lines permitted the wind to hold ODYSSEY just
far enough off the pier to provide adequate space for hoisting the skiff.
With everything set, the final line was slipped at 11:25am.
It will be many months before we have another opportunity to enjoy their
warm smiles and their friendly companionship.
Until then, we wish them Bon Voyage,
Bien Viaje, and Good trip!
The race was going strong as ODYSSEY headed out for the river.
Carefully maneuvering so as not to interfere, it was like threading a
needle to make way through the competitive sailing event.
A quick visit to the Farmers’ Market showed a paltry display of
picked-over goods. Nothing there
seemed exciting enough to loosen our purse strings.
It was already 2pm when we arrived at Jekyll Island.
This weekend was the annual Wild Georgia Shrimp ‘N Grits Festival held
on the beautiful grounds of the historic Jekyll Island Hotel and Resort.
Jimmy and the gals from Georgetown, SC were in a long line for the shrimp
concession stand when we found them. Betsy,
as you might guess, had scurried off seeking some spur of the moment shopping
opportunities. There were an almost unlimited number of interesting booths
scattered throughout the grounds.
Due to our later arrival, we had been unable to attend the main
competition event featuring an accomplished group of chefs in the amateur class.
We were on time for an entertaining and informative cooking demonstration
by a professional chef. Currently,
he is an instructor in the culinary arts department of a South Georgia college.
Formerly, he was an instructor at the Culinary Institute of New England
in Vermont. The famous TV chef,
Alton Brown, of Food Network fame, was one of his former students.
Assisted by his daughter, an aspiring chef following in her father’s
footsteps, they prepared the event signature dish, Shrimp and Grits in a Creole
style. The opportunity to sample
their creation proved it to be a taste sensation.
An event that drew a very large crowd was the “Flying Frisbee Dogs”.
The trained dogs would race furiously across the field area and leap to
catch a whirling Frisbee in midair.
It was quite interesting to watch the various different styles of
throwing, catching, and retrieving.
We had hoped that the onstage, live music groups would be fun.
Unfortunately, we couldn’t seem to get very excited by their blaring
renditions that, to us, seemed to sound more like hammering noise than music.
Anticipating the onslaught of No-See-Um’s at dusk, combined with our
lack of enthusiasm for the bands, we headed back to the comfort of AMARSE.
Obsessed with the log updates, I foolishly continued work until 2:30am.
That was much too late and I was much too tired.
Get a grip, boy! 09/21/08
(Fred’s Son-in-Law)
Today was a maintenance day aboard AMARSE.
Along with various assorted chores, we replaced the automatic float
switch in our shower sump. The pump
can be operated either automatically by the float switch or manually by holding
a spring-loaded toggle to the ON position.
I could not repair the faulty float and we made a run to our local West
Marine store for a replacement.
Every two weeks or so, the main engines and auxiliary generator are run
to circulate the oils and fluids. The
transmissions get exercised in both forward and reverse, which also helps to
bring the engines up to normal operating temperatures.
Electrical power is transferred from Shore Power to Ship’s Power to
load the generator and circulate the coolants and fluids in the air conditioning
Of course, much of the day and evening were occupied with the continuing
preparations of pictures, logs, and updates. 09/22/08
(Judy’s Daughter-in Law)
We spent a lot of time today planning, organizing, and arranging for our
trip to Texas. The cell phones were busy with lots of calls, including those
to doctors and dentists for annual checkups, lab work, and office appointments.
A beautiful, pork tenderloin was the chosen meal for tonight.
I wrapped the meat with strips of bacon before placing it on the
preheated grill. Although I had
planned to grill it to 135 degrees F, it managed to creep up to 140 F before I
yanked it off. I was having such a
good time yakking with the dock neighbors that I lost track of time.
Using a trick I garnered from a Food Network show, I wrapped the
tenderloin in foil and let it rest for 20 to 30 minutes.
The pork will continue to cook from its own retained heat and the
internal temperature continued to rise to 155-160 degrees F.
Thinly sliced and dipped in a little bit of applesauce, the tender bites
were juicy and tasted excellent. Some
sliced, fresh tomatoes and cucumbers from the local Farmers’ Market provided
the perfect accents. Next time,
however, I will attempt to be more vigilant and try to pull it from the grill at
135 F, letting it rise to only 150-155 F. 09/23/08
Judy was a very busy girl today. Of
course, she started her morning routinely with a 3 or 4 mile, brisk walk
consistent with her exercise plan. She
stacked her rolling cart with of the laundry stuff and lugged it off to the
washers and dryers at the marina facility.
Having completed that chore, making the bed, and cleaning up the boat,
she proceeded to start her sanding project on the teak wood rails of AMARSE.
I don’t know what was in her coffee this morning but, somehow, someway,
she managed to muster enough energy to clean the carpet.
As you can tell, Judy takes great pride in her home aboard AMARSE and she
is always actively pursuing ways to make our lives and lifestyle even better and
more comfortable. I guess it’s no wonder that I love this gal so very much.
Today was my day to be Mr. Fix-it. I
started with the repair of a light fixture in the aft cabin.
The electronic control and alarm system for the propane stove and tank
solenoid has been malfunctioning. Although
the sensor was the culprit and source of the problems, there are no replacement
parts available for that obsolete model. Having
purchased and received the entirely upgraded replacement system manufactured by
Xintex, I commenced to install the unit. It
required completely rewiring the panel leads and control unit.
Another trip to the local West Marine store and we had the properly
gauged wire for the job. Unfortunately,
I didn’t have time to get the whole process completed.
Oh well, tomorrow is another day.
Work continued on the installation of the new propane control.
To accommodate the redesign of the main switch panel, the modification
required us to buy a 2-1/8 inch hole-saw to cut through the solid teakwood
panel. Complicating matters, I hurt
my back trying to lift a heavy tool bag out of an aft locker.
As usual, Judy was there to help at every stage of the way and cheerfully
cleaned up the mess afterward. At
the end of the day, it was a nice, clean, safe, and efficient method to manage
the propane supply.
To test the operation of the stove, I cooked up a nice pot of homemade
chili and it was good. Judy went
with Betsy to another session of the pottery making classes.
She brought home her pottery project.
It was a beautiful, square plate featuring a beach scene and she had
personalized it with AMARSE inscribed in the finished glaze.
It was very, very nice; she does such great craft work.
My back was really bothering me so I stayed on AMARSE while Judy walked
over to SIMPLY SOUTHERN for the evening to visit with Jimmy and Betsy.
They are hosting friends, Stan and Annie from KOPAPELLI lying in
Jacksonville, Florida. 09/26/08
Even though my back was making life uncomfortable, I continued my work on
the pictures and log updates. Again,
Judy was feeling chipper and after her morning exercise walk, she cleaned up the
boat and applied a smooth coat of varnish to the teak rails.
During the afternoon, she headed to the mall for a big sales event at
Belk’s Department Store. She got
some great bargains with some new shirts and shorts for me.
Thanks, Judy. Later, she
even managed some time for jewelry making.
Tonight was the first of the Presidential candidate debates between John
McCain and Barrack Obama. Oh, oh,
oh my gosh; I think this country could be aiming for troubled times ahead. 09/27/08
Judy took Betsy to the shopping mall to look for more bargains and, guess
what, they found them. Both of them
came back with bags of nice stuff for their men.
They reported that girls’ lunch out was very good too.
During her morning walk, Judy noticed a couple of Dahon folding bicycles
for sale on dock #6. Upon inquiring, the husband said yes, however, the wife said
that she thought she had already sold them to some friends.
Later, Judy was somewhat surprised when the man came over and told her
that those friends had changed their mind and she could have them if she wanted.
She bought them and now they are snug in their canvas bags on the sundeck
of AMARSE awaiting their use in the Bahamas.
At 5:15p, three carloads of us headed south to the riverfront summer home
of Betsy’s friend, Hap.
Hap is a retired US Navy Captain. He
and Betsy grew-up and went to school in the same town in Mississippi.
The place was tranquil and very lovely sitting peacefully at the
waters’ edge. Fortunately, a big
box fan helped keep the No-See-Ums at bay.
We had a great time visiting and chatting with all the nice folks.
At last, a lazy morning was all ours to sleep in and rest.
We enjoyed just lying around relaxing until the unheard of time of
9:45am. After all, it is a Sunday
morning and we’ve earned the rest.
I have been having technical problems with my website and publishing
program. I guess the extra rest
helped, as I was able to figure out the root problems and correct the situation.
Judy and Betsy headed off to pick up some groceries and related stuff.
I made up a big bowl of fresh salad fixin’s that included lots of
shrimp. This was for the cocktail
party tonight on dock #8. We were amazed at how many folks showed up for the
impromptu soiree. Maybe I’m not
exactly sure by whom, why, or how the event was conceived but, then again, who
really cares as long as we were invited and it was fun.
Perhaps that is one of the great things about cruisers, most times they
don’t need a special excuse to enjoy life because they are already busily
enjoying it each and everyday. 09/29/08
I was awake very early and up working on the log updates.
I guess I’m feeling some pressure to get more done because we will be
leaving here for Texas in a few days. Once
there, we will have only very limited and occasional access to the internet.
Judy was busy packing up lots of stuff to take to Texas, stuff that we
just don’t use that often. When
you live on a boat, storage space is at a premium and you can’t have a lot of
extra stuff hanging around unused.
We helped Bob and Joanne Updegrave get RADIO WAVES underway from their
slip at dock #5. We waved goodbye and hoped we would have more opportunities
to see them again. They motored off
in the direction of Palm Coast, Florida. Alas,
we have been unsuccessful in convincing them to join so many of us in the
Bahamas this year. We will miss
their smiling faces and kind, fun-loving personalities.
Somehow, a group of us decided to have a “Pitch In”.
For those of you unfamiliar with the term, it means the same as a Pot
Luck supper. Several years ago,
our dear friends from HAPPY CLAMZ, Doug and Leslie Folkerth, were the first to
acquaint us with the unique term.
Since the grill works great on dock #4, we decided to hold it at the
outside tables over there.
I grilled this great, bacon-wrapped pork loin.
Judy and Barb each marinated big slices of summer squash to be grilled.
Jimmy and Betsy came with lots of sausages and beef tips to be served
with their corn on the cob. Dave
and Barb brought other veggies and a big, homemade cherry pie.
Now, if that doesn’t make your mouth water, I don’t know what would.
When everybody was full to the brim, we chatted and relaxed together over
a few sips of wine. Dave and Barb Bluto told us stories about their wonderful
trip this summer to the Tuscany region of Italy.
The “Pitch-In” was such a lot of fun.
I’m sure glad we had this evening together because Jimmy and Betsy are
leaving Brunswick in the morning. With
SIMPLY SOUTHERN heading west for Mississippi and AMARSE heading east for the
Bahamas, I feel that it will be much too long before we will have another
opportunity to be with them. They
have become such dear, valued, and loved friends.
By the time we woke up at 8am, Jimmy and Betsy were already underway in
SIMPLY SOUTHERN. They plan to ease their way south to the St. Johns River and
cruise the inland waters past Jacksonville toward Sanford, Florida.
If Lake Okeechobee has opened back up, they will cross to the west coast
of Florida in mid October. Their
cruise destination will be the Biloxi area of Mississippi.
We are going to miss them very much.
Judy did several loads of laundry and finished packing our bags for the
Texas trip. I worked feverishly on
log updates and managed to publish through Update #20 on the website.
To keep AMARSE safe and happy while we are away, we topped off the
batteries, ran the engines, generator, and transmissions.
We closed all the intake through-hull valves, closed the fuel tank
valves, closed the propane valves, repaired the fitting on the fresh water pump,
and added extra forward and aft spring lines to back up the security.
Even the ice machine had to be drained and cleaned.
Perishable foods had to be discarded to avoid spoilage.
AMARSE was ready except for a few final items left for the early morning. It was quite late at night before we were finally able to
rest our heads on the pillows. Ahhh,
this bed is so comfortable. CONTINUING
Update logs. We hope you will join
us again soon for more of our activities. POST
We sincerely hope that you will review the previous years of compilations
to give context to the current editions. Please
let us know if you have any special suggestions and thoughts.
REMEMBER: The website
is now fully active and you can visit it at any time.
You can review any of the 2006, 2007, or the upcoming 2008 logs and learn
more about the crew and our plans. Enjoy. ATTENTION:
You may contact us via email anytime. Thanks
for allowing us to share our life and adventures with you. Lotsa
Luv, Fred
Reed and Judy Law AMARSE MT40 "AMARSE". is pronounced "AM-ARE-SAY".
Our website is: www.amarse.net .
Fred H. Reed |
www.amarse.net © 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 |