Site Index:
8 03/11
thru 03/21/08
Everybody, The
adventures of 2008 from 1/1/08 through 3/10/08 have been published on the
website. We continue with the
latest edition, UPDATE 2008 # 08. UPDATE
2008 #08 03/11/08 through
03/21/08. At
last update, AMARSE was at our winter home at ABACO BEACH RESORT and BOAT
HARBOUR, in sunny Marsh Harbour, Abacos, Bahamas. 03/11/08 TUESDAY
HOP DAY. Today will be a very busy day. Along the edge of the dock seawall, this stingray meandered
through the harbor and between the boats.
Numerous boats yielded to the urge to
depart from the harbour. A rare
weather window has presented itself and the skippers felt compelled to take
advantage of the forecast conditions. I
am sure that all will miss a great evening and, even sadder, we will miss
sharing the evening with them. However,
as fellow boaters, we understand their dilemma and respect their choice. Among the departing vessels, we assisted CHABLIS, PELICAN,
and SEA DEE get under way. The
determined walking gals had Judy right along with them for the 4-mile jaunt.
With barely enough time to cool down, she was heading off to the Marquis
Tent for the 10am gathering of the decorating crew.
The dedicated volunteers worked steadily and in harmony to create and
develop an atmosphere reminiscent of the 50’s and 60’s.
This was the main centerpiece for the sock
hop theme. It was placed on the
main stage. I love the way Judy
developed the “bobby socks” concept.
Having the distinction of being the tallest
gal, Mary Coles (MASCOT) was a natural at reaching the high places. Helping hand her the records, Rita Wieczorek (MAGNUM OPUS)
may have the distinction of being the shortest gal on the crew and being one of
the most helpful.
Carolyn Wilson (blue tank top) was the
driving force of the decorating team. Her
artistic skills and detailed planning resulted in a magnificent effort to
transform a plain, canvas tent into a surrounding aura reminiscent of Town
Armories or School Gymnasiums on dance night.
Carolyn’s attention to creative detail
was evident right down to the special request box.
Each table had its own centerpiece inspired
by Judy’s original design. Just
too Cool!
With all the preparations completed, the
folks began to arrive for the RMHYC Sock Hop and Rock ‘N Roll Party.
We may not look exactly the same as we did
50 years ago, but, I assure you, we felt as though we had taken a giant leap
back in time.
Milton and Fran Ohlsen (SEA FOX) headed up
the registration crew. They were
already accepting guests at 4:30pm.
From the very moment you walked in, you
knew that this was going to be a night to remember.
Greeting everyone was our roller-skating, Car Hop, Wilma Thornton.
Complete with her cute uniform and milkshake tray, she recreated those
feelings of years past. Thoughts and memories of those early days immediately flooded
into everyone’s mind. I felt like
I had just pulled up in my old, red and white, ’55 Chevy Convertible. Wow!
The incredible costumes were so much fun
and the gals have had lots of fun together making them.
Tony and Fran Relouw (TOURELOU) look just
the part of that special era when Poodle Skirts were all the rage.
Zipping around on her skates, she was,
definitely, “Miss Shake, Rattle, and Roll.”
Check out the COOL glasses and poodle skirt
on Rita Wieczorek (MAGNUM OPUS). Bob
had his blue jeans rolled up just like we used to do.
A key part of the success of this great
party belongs to Paul Graham (ODYSSEY) at the Open Bar.
He and Bob Mueller poured a lot of powerful “lubricants” to loosen up
those “rusty” dancers.
Steve O’Brien (CHRISTMAS) looked mighty
cool with that dynamic hairstyle. He
toted lots of ice and made many a drink for the members and their guests at the
“Legendary Open Bar”.
Is that Joe DeMaris (ADAMAS DE MARIS) or
the original “Wild One”, Marlon Brando?
Check out his babe, Eileen Ambrosini (ADAMAS DE MARIS).
This stylish trio delighted everyone with
their Poodle Skirt Costumes. At
first, I didn’t even recognize Karen O’Brien (CHRISTMAS) in her sexy, blond
coiffure. Judy Law (AMARSE) had the
cutest freckles, and yellow is the perfect color for that perky,
cheerleader-type, Sue Graham (ODYSSEY).
When Milt and Kathy Sales (LO KEE) showed
up, all eyes were on them. Kathy’s
outfit was wonderful and Milt’s was amazing.
The designated “Nerd” came complete with bow tie, plaid shorts, ink
pen (with an actual ink spot on the pocket), and a “Slide Rule” strapped to
his belt. There was even tape on
his nerdy glasses. You know, it’s
true; the Nerds DO get the pretty girls.
The Balladeers (mostly dock 7 and 4 folks)
belted out an old Statler Brothers tune, “Do You Remember These”.
The members and guests were having so many
special moments dancing to all those old, familiar tunes. We owe a great debt of
gratitude to Ray Vallerie (LAST DANCE) for compiling the enormous playlist and
perfect mix of dancing music.
Mary and Scott Coles (MASCOT) looked COOL
and they knew every word to every song. Perhaps,
Mary’s favorite song might be, “I Only Have Eyes For You”.
I loved Scott’s T-Shirt from Fast Eddies.
I have personally enjoyed many, many fantastic nights in that famous
burger joint and watering hole located in Alton, Illinois.
Joe and Eileen (ADAMAS DE MARIS) were
“cuttin’a rug” on the old dance floor.
Sherry (CHIPKA FIRE III) was dancing
a blue streak with Judy, Wilma, and Sue.
Let’s Twist and Shout, Just Like in those
Good Ole’ Days………
It may have been a while since their shoes
and hips made these fancy moves, however, it was easy to see that Connie and
Galen Siler (R-JOY) were, and are, obvious masters of the “Twist.”
It was a tough, tough decision by the panel
of distinguished judges, however, when the votes were tallied, Milt and Kathy
Sales had whooped the competition in the Twist Contest.
Not only did they look the part, they danced the part. Enjoy that First Prize bottle of Bacardi Gold.
When Henry Jamrozinski took the stage, the
clear, smooth music of Neil Diamond filled the room.
Everyone was spellbound. His
second song, “Sweet Caroline”, held everyone intently focused as they sang
along to the familiar chorus.
When the speakers blasted the music of
“Sprach Zarathustra” (2001 Space Odyssey), all eyes were focused on the
entryway as the deep, bellowing voice of our Master of Ceremonies, Jim Fenn (FENNDERS),
harkened, “Ladies and Gentlemen; Now, In A Special, Live Appearance to the
Bahamas, Direct from Memphis, Tennessee……..”
Simultaneously, a uniformed security guard ushered the undisputed
“King” into the hall. The crowd
screamed, yelled, shouted, howled, whistled, and cheered boisterously.
Did anybody faint? The
mellow tones emanating from the man from Graceland had the women swooning and
the men spellbound. Everyone in the
house was delighted by the sights, sounds, and dynamic gyrations unique to Mr.
Elvis Aaron Presley.
The benevolent performer thrilled this
swooning fan with an autographed, red scarf.
I was truly convinced that this was the
real, live Elvis. I was shocked to
hear some inconsiderate, insensitive, skeptic trying to dissuade others into
thinking that this was our Commodore, Robert Wilson (SEA ISLAND GIRL).
I’m not falling for that absurdly ludicrous, farcical heresy.
I know the real Elvis when I see him!
Wink and Wilma (JOHN HENRY) danced the
night away. Most of the time, Wilma
was on skates.
When the distinguished panel of judges
presented the result of the “Costume Contest”, everyone applauded the
fairest of choices. Wilma Thornton
(JOHN HENRY) had dressed, acted, and skated her way into everyone’s fondest
memories of the 50’s and 60’s. Congratulations,
Even the most resolute “wall-flowers”
were coaxed into shuffling their feet and shakin’ their “tail feathers”.
Eileen and Joe (ADAMAS DE MARIS) were
definitely “in the groove” and in their element.
When you see smiles like these, you can be sure that “It don’t git
better’n this”.
Bob took time of from his mixologist duties
to be with his lovely wife, Joyce Mueller (SHEETLESS).
In a rare moment, I managed to corral these
high-steppin’ kids in seated position. Connie
and Galen (R-JOY) danced, and danced, and danced the night away.
Pat and Pat Dwyer (SALTY DAWG) might have
been voted “cutest couple” in the senior yearbook.
Mr. Pat was so cool that he needed to wear his sunglasses at night.
CAT) twirled and swung around the dance floor until they were both too dizzy to
see straight.
Sue (ODYSSEY) danced continuously until she
was totally soaked with dripping sweat; so much so that the poodle on her skirt
could have used Scuba gear. We
should have had a “wet T-shirt contest”, but we didn’t.
Those outfits that she and Judy (AMARSE) made were just fantastic.
Isn’t this a hoot?
Can you imagine? Robert Wilson (SEA ISLAND GIRL) was strutting
around trying to impersonate the real Elvis just to impress Jessica Hart
(Carolyn Wilson’s Daughter). Who
does he think he is? It just won’t fly, we have actually seen the REAL,
LIVING Elvis perform here less than an hour ago.
As you can plainly see, the gals have much
more stamina than the guys. Only
Galen Siler and Milt Sales could muster enough strength at this point.
Maynard and Marnie Goette (GRAND MARNIE)
showed us the kind of fancy footwork that made them famous in Canada.
Henry and Lilly Jamrozinski (OH HENRY) gave
their all to the music and the dancing.
As Ray and Susan Vallerie (LAST DANCE)
select the perfect tunes behind the Wurlitzer Juke Box, Joe DeMaris and Eileen
Ambrosini (ADAMAS DE MARIS) pose as the “Biker and Biker Babe” from the Wild
When the music came to a close, the party
was over. Many could have, and
would have, danced the night away. Elvis
had left the building; Neil Diamond must have snuck out the back door too.
Everyone now has at least one more fabulous memory to add to “the times
of their lives”.
03/12/08 WEDNESDAY
BOAT HARBOUR, MARSH HARBOUR, BAHAMAS When the VHF radio was tuned to channel 78
for the morning program of the Royal Marsh Harbour Yacht Club, I was compelled
to offer a lyrical message of “Thanks” to all the wonderful folks that
helped make last night’s party such a huge success.
Their efforts and contributions helped to make nearly 200 folks very
happy. Here is how it went:
you dance till your feet and legs hurt so much that you wondered if you could
walk back to the boat?
you had as much fun as Judy and I did, then please join us in thanking everyone
that made it happen for you. Thanks
to everyone that helped in so many different ways! Thanks
to those Foxes and Hound, You know, Sea Fox, The Silver Foxes, and Salty Dawg
for registration and checkin! Thanks
Ray Vallerie for the perfect mix of music!
Most of all, a special thanks to all of you that jumped from your seat, latched
on to the beat, and kept shuffling your feet. I
can’t remember when I’ve seen so many folks smiling that much.
You were all definitely TOO COOL. Once
again, the members of the Royal Marsh Harbour Yacht Club have demonstrated,
beyond a shadow of doubt, that this is the most fun and fantastic yacht club in
the world.
Even after all that dancing, Judy and the
gals still mustered enough energy to proceed with the Walk ‘N Talk. At 10am, a willing volunteer crew assembled at the Marquis
Tent to disassemble and pack-up all the beautiful decorations.
There is no sock hop scheduled for another two years, however, hopes are
that some of the creative designs and artwork can be used if and when. Several
more boats made their spring departure from Boat Harbour headed back to the
States. In
addition to overstressing my leg last night, I seemed to be developing an
adverse reaction to the adhesive bandages and telfa pad bandages.
I will switch to a no-tape, no latex method of bandaging.
03/13/08 THURSDAY
BOAT HARBOUR, MARSH HARBOUR, BAHAMAS It is nice to be able to relax without the
pressure of event planning. Dave
and Bette Bauereis (TARHEEL) made their departure this morning.
We waved goodbye confident that we would see them again next winter.
Sometime after doing her walk, Judy took off for
poolside sun and fun. I worked on
pictures for submission to the RMHYC newsletter and The ABACONIAN newspaper by
Rita Wieczorek, Rear Commodore of Communications. Milton
and Fran Ohlsen (SEA FOX) came by for a nice relaxing visit.
Milt made a special trip back from Dock 7 to share his rendition of Sock
Hop photos. Of
course, we enjoyed the cocktail party along Dock 4. 03/14/08 FRIDAY
BOAT HARBOUR, MARSH HARBOUR, BAHAMAS Another fabulous morning enhanced Judy’s
desire to walk with the gals. I, of
course, kept busy working on pictures, logs, and copy changes for Rita and
friends. After
lunch, Judy biked to town and brought back some fantastic chopped steaks for
dinner. Served with savory mushroom
gravy and a Baked Potato, it turned out delicious. Hot,
fresh baked chocolate chip cookies and cold milk made a great snack while we
watched some episodes of the Sopranos. 03/15/08 SATURDAY
THE IDES OF MARCH! For Julius Caesar, the solemn warning of
the soothsayer to “Beware the Ides of March” foretold of his assassination
by a group of conspirators, including his beloved Brutus and Cassius.
As told by Shakespeare, Caesar ignored the soothsayer’s warning, some
fearsome thundering, his wife’s dreams of his murder, and so on.
Caesar would venture forth on the “Ides” to meet his doom.
The soothsayer's onerous warning to Julius
Caesar, "Beware the Ides of March," has forever imbued this date,
March 15TH, with a haunting sense of foreboding.
For us, the day was totally enjoyable.
The upcoming convention of the MTOA (Marine Trawler Owner’s
Association) is scheduled for mid-April in Jacksonville, FL.
Being members, we received the list of seminars to be held there. One seminar is entitled, “Women in the Engine Room.”
Judy has always had an interest in AMARSE’s mechanical components.
We decided to have our own seminar and, together, removed the floorboard
to gain access to the engine room. With
a little direction from me, Judy turned on the fluorescent lights, opened the
battery compartments and refilled the ship’s batteries with nearly 3 quarts of
distilled water, checked both engines’ oil level and topped them off with
fresh oil, checked the fluid levels in both transmissions, and confirmed the
fluid levels in the generator. She
reset the circuit breaker on the Generator and started it from the engine room
panel. Moving aft in the cramped
spaces, she proceeded to bleed the circulating system of the aft air
conditioning unit. She cleaned up
the engine room, turned off the lights, and helped me close up the hatches.
Now, tell me, how’s that for a seminar?
She was absolutely fantastic and I’m so proud of her.
One of her girlfriends, however, scolded her saying that Judy is ruining
it for all the other gals here. I’m
saying, “THANX, Hon!”
The annual Pathfinder’s Auction drew a large
crowd to the invitational event. This
auction raises funds to foster the higher education of some Bahamian student
seeking a scholarship. In previous
years, the Sea Spray Resort manager, Junior, was enabled the opportunity to
attend college in the US to study Hotel/Restaurant Management.
Now, we all benefit from his education when we visit Elbow Cay.
The Silent Auction occurs simultaneously with
drinks and snacks. Anxious bidders
peruse the numerous items seeking to outbid each other.
The buffet line served roast beef, pastas,
and assorted appetizers. The open
bar seemed to loosen the purse strings of many attendees.
A live auction was conducted following the
7:30 pm closing of the silent portion. Fabulous
items, like books of 8 to 10 airline tickets, weeks in ski resorts,
accommodations in Paris, Washington, DC, New York City, and Atlanta, were highly
sought after. Vacations in Canada,
Cape Cod, and elsewhere, intrigued bidders from the surrounding islands.
Boats, artwork, and, even sculptures from Pete Johnston’s Gallery, were
on the block to the highest bidder. It
was not unusual to hear bids of ten, fifteen, or twenty thousand dollars being
bantered about. Tonight, the
wealthiest of the wealthy in Abaco were feeling generous to the Pathfinder’s
cause. I’d guess that upwards of
a half-million dollars was raised at the event. 03/16/08 SUNDAY
BOAT HARBOUR, MARSH HARBOUR, BAHAMAS Early this morning, the telltale whirring
of R-JOY’s bow thruster informed everyone that they were underway. The crew of four will seek a weather window from West End
sometime later this week. Bon
Voyage, Galen and Connie, we will miss you.
The dock 4 evening cocktail party was well
attended and lively. We combined a
celebration for Sallie (1 OLIVER 2) with libations and friendly conversation.
I think Oliver might get jealous if he sees
Brian Beckwith (ROVING SEAS) snuggling in that close to his wife, Sallie.
No dock 4 birthday party would be complete
without a cake. Sallie hands out
generous portions of the sweet delicacy. Ahh,
there’s nothing quite like a Gin and Tonic along with frosted birthday cake.
At sunset, Sue (ODYSSEY) hoisted the conch
horn for the traditional sounding. That’s
Jan Dennis, with drink in hand, (ROVING SEAS) chatting with Judie Jenkins
Joe and Eileen (ADAMAS DE MARIS) accepted
our invitation for dinner. The bill
of fare led off with a wedge of iceberg lettuce, an entrée of Cheese Ravioli
sauced with toasted walnuts in a butter-balsamic reduction and shredded Parmesan
cheese, and finished with warm, chocolate brownies.
Joe displayed his lucky streak in a game of
03/17/08 MONDAY
JENKINS. Jonathan Jenkins hosted a special adventure
walk this morning. He had
discovered an old, abandoned path with a cut carved out of the island limestone.
Folks being ferried from Nassau to Marsh Harbour used this pathway in
former times. The ferry terminal
and government dock has been relocated within Marsh Harbour itself.
Now abandoned, the path has become overgrown and infrequently used.
No one saw any snakes, so, perhaps, St. Patrick drove all the snakes off
of this island too. What think you,
Mon? We had
indications in the forecast that were hinting that we leave Boat Harbour in the
next couple of days. I spent a good
portion of the day trip planning and programming the GPS navigation systems. Judy
rode to town on her bike and located a new, more firm stocking with a 20-30mm
compression factor. This should
improve the circulation to my leg wound. The
Marquis Tent was bustling with the “wearing of the green”.
About 100 folks have been putting together their versions of an Irish
feast. There was all manner of Corned Beef, piles of Cabbage, boiled
potatoes and carrots. Several
people made Irish Soda Bread while others contributed desserts.
A few couples even went as far as to have green beer and cocktails.
As Kermit always said, “It isn’t easy being Green”.
Milton and Jimmie Neitsch proved that on
St. Patty’s Day, everyone is Irish.
It was great that Fred (CHIPKA FIRE
III) could come back to the island today for the party.
Actually, he just traded one island for another island, i.e. Manhattan
Island for Abaco Island. Look how
happy Sherry is to have him back. We
are happy too.
I don’t know if there is any direct
connection with St. Pat’s Day, however, these are our saints, Pat and Pat
Ah, yes, me laddy. The man
in green is none other than Milton Ohlsen.
Irish?? Maybe not, but even his boat hull is colored GREEN!
Joe and Eileen (ADAMAS DE MARIS) are as
Irish as Irish can be (BUT ONLY FOR TODAY).
Jonathan Jenkins (DOUBLE JJ) didn’t want
his lovely wife Judie’s birthday to be shadowed by the other celebration.
He managed the prime table with the premier view at Angler’s Restaurant
to share a special dinner in her honor.
Judie didn’t suspect that a large
contingent of her friends was secretly gathering about her boat to surprise her
when they came back from dinner. A
sampling includes, (L to R) Chris Johnson (CRITCHER CAT), Wilma Thornton (JOHN
HENRY), Sandi Johnson (CRITCHER CAT) and Sherry (CHIPKA FIRE III).
Judie was definitely surprised to see that
so many well-wishers had invaded her boat.
She enjoyed the cake.
Other folks present were: Wink Thornton
(JOHN HENRY), Fred S. (CHIPKA FIRE III), Fred and Judy (AMARSE), Paul and Sue
(ODYSSEY) with guest, Ryan, Milt and Fran Ohlsen (SEA FOX), and Robert and
Robert offered a proclamation declaring
this as Judie Jenkins Day. Her
husband, Jonathan, read a fantastic tribute to his wife recognizing the many
ways he loves her. It’s been
quite a special day for the birthday girl.
03/18/08 TUESDAY
BOAT HARBOUR, MARSH HARBOUR, BAHAMAS Of course, Judy did the walk first thing
this morning. Not long thereafter,
she gathered up all the laundry for what might be the last loads here at Boat
Harbour. I engaged in serious trip
planning and weather following trying to determine whether or not we would have
a sufficient weather window to accomplish the passage to Florida. It is a difficult undertaking planning that far into the
future because forecasts are historically inaccurate out this far.
We need three full days of suitable conditions to make the voyage.
It can possibly be broken down into a two-day block needed to reach West
End, Grand Bahama Island, followed by another day to cross the sometimes
treacherous, gulfstream of the Atlantic Ocean.
We are not heroes, we are not adventurers, and we are not thrill-seekers
when it comes to the Gulfstream. Our
type of boat is designed for cruising, not crunching big seas. A
possible window for the Gulfstream is forecast for this coming Saturday.
The conditions for the Sea of Abaco and the Little Bahama Bank might be
possible, albeit, slightly uncomfortable. One
major hurdle is the Whale Passage about 3 hours west of here.
Frequently, this area becomes impassable due to raging sea conditions
that preclude any manner of safe boat handling. The turbulence there can quickly render a vessel
uncontrollable. At certain higher
tide levels, there is sometimes an alternative slot called “Don’t Rock”.
It is very shallow and can be impassable too.
We will try for the alternative slot. I
wanted to be sure that my leg was healing effectively.
Judy scheduled a 1pm appointment for me with Dr. Hull to examine my
condition and to do another surgery if needed.
We are guessing that medical care in the US will be difficult.
It seems like every doctor there just wants to refer you to another
specialist. Dr. Hull was pleased
with the improvement and found no infection.
He diagnosed that healing should continue at a slow pace and that the
increased compression from the new stocking was having beneficial results. He acknowledged that the adhesives and latex barrier on the
bandages were causing a reaction with the new, tender skin.
We will avoid those items. This
was the kind of news we wanted to hear. We
will rest easier for a while as we continue to watch for problems. Although
it was quite windy, we met for cocktails on Dock 4.
Anticipating that a couple of us might leave tomorrow, everyone opted to
go to Jamie’s Restaurant for a kind of farewell dinner.
There were thirteen of us arranged precariously about a mish mash of
connected tables and chairs. It was
fun. The
late evening check of the weather indicated that we could try early in the
morning. Along with MASCOT, we
proceeded to tally our bills at the resort with the caveat that we could stay if
the forecast changed overnight. Our
plan was a daybreak departure. 03/19/08 WEDNESDAY
BOAT HARBOUR, MARSH HARBOUR, BAHAMAS Sunrise was to occur at 7:13am. The alarm sounded at 5:45am and we scurried around and
commenced the last minute check of the weather.
It was just as we should have suspected, the window for the Saturday
crossing had been altered and would no longer allow safe conditions.
After careful deliberation and discussion, the two captains decided that
we should remain here in Boat Harbour until all around conditions improve.
Many of our friends had awakened early to help us get underway. They seemed relieved that we opted to cancel the departure.
By 6:30am, they had all disappeared back to their boats. Judy
went back to bed. I was too hyped
to think about sleep. The
adrenaline fade would catch up with me that afternoon.
There are no suitable windows in the foreseeable future.
Maybe next week, Mon, Maybe next week. 03/20/08 THURSDAY
BIRTHDAY, BOB ALLEN. The gals were extra energetic and decided
to make it a longer walking route this morning.
We had received an email from Jean Turnbull on OCEAN FLYER. Now back in the Florida area, they realized that she had left
her camera on Man-O-War Cay. Fortunately,
an honest resident found it and turned it over to the marina folks.
Fanny Albury at the marina was willing to help in anyway she could.
Jean asked if we could retrieve the camera, containing all the pictures
that she had taken in the Abacos, and send it on to her via DHL.
Judy jumped to the occasion to help our looper friends.
She coordinated the transfer of the camera to Marsh Harbour by ferryboat,
and then rode her bicycle all the way to the ferry landing to pick it up.
The next complication arose when we checked for a DHL office. The local knowledge gurus thought that they had gone out of
business here in Marsh Harbour. Judy
proceeded to track them down and found that they had transferred to another
agency and location. With Jean’s
addresses and account numbers in hand, she set off on her trusty bicycle again
to find the offices of Trinity Customs Brokers. She put in a lot of time consuming hard work and lots of
miles, but she got the job done. We
think Jean will be appreciative. One
more example of how “Loopers” become such close friends.
On a similar note, isn’t nice to see the honesty and caring of the
islanders here in the Bahamas? Do
you think that the odds would favor a camera would be returned if found in the
US? I was
able to publish Update #7 to the website today.
Tonight, we viewed the 10th episode of Season 6, Part 1 of the
Sopranos. Dinner consisted of
delicious, stuffed green peppers. Add
a couple of meatballs and you’ve got a very memorable meal.
03/21/08 FRIDAY
BOAT HARBOUR, MARSH HARBOUR, BAHAMAS Remember when TGIF meant a lot? Remember when the start of the weekend came with great
anticipation? In our present
lifestyle, neither concept garners much attention.
Here, every day is a holiday, every day is special, and every day if
filled with anticipation of what will happen next.
The sun is shining, a breeze is blowing, and people are out and about
having fun. Eileen
has taken off for points north. For
the life of me, I don’t understand why she would possibly leave here
voluntarily for the cold and harshness of New Jersey.
Yes, we tried to convince her otherwise but to no avail.
I think next year will be a different situation all together.
She seems to have found a home here with lots of caring friends and
things to do all the time. ADAMAS
DE MARIS now rest quietly while Joe prepares to make way for the US later this
This photo shows the southern side of Dock
4. It is difficult to pick out
ADAMAS DE MARIS or AMARSE in the mass of fiberglass.
This beach bunny has soaked up enough sun,
sand, and sea for this day. Sherry
(CHIPKA FIRE III) definitely has sand in her shoes guaranteeing that she will
return here soon. Resting under the
palapa, her husband, Fred, just has to finish reading that next chapter.
Behind the palms rises the Abaco Beach
Resort hotel. The boardwalk leads
to the sandy beach and to the volleyball court on the right.
After a nice spaghetti (Linguine) and
meatballs dinner with hot, fresh baked bread, we arrived at JOHN HENRY at 8pm.
Eleven dock 4 friends were assembled to play a couple rounds of the game,
“Apples to Apples.” Pat (SALTY DAWG) claimed that she had just baked those
OREO’s, however, there is a look of guilt on the other Pat’s face that tells
me otherwise.
It’s Sherry’s turn.
She has chosen a green card with an action word on it.
Each other player selects a card from his or her hand of six red cards.
Each is trying to come closest to matching how Sherry thinks. Believe me, all those comical responses, and the hysterical
laughs, are incredible, and sometimes, even shocking. I think the game is best played by a sizeable group of close
friends that have an open sense of humor.
As Pat (R) tries to make sense of the red
response cards; Judie and Sue act the tough guys with their cookie cigars and
Harley Shirt. Jonathan can only
chuckle at their silly antics.
When the games first started, Wink
predicted that Judy (AMARSE) would be a big winner tonight.
You know, he was right on; she won both games by securing 4 green cards
in each game. Wink proclaimed it as
a first. It was noticed that the
couple that won last time were not present tonight.
Do you think Judy will be banned henceforth too?
I sure hope not! This concludes this edition of the AMARSE
Update logs. We hope you will join
us again soon for more adventures in the closing days of March. POST
SCRIPT: We sincerely hope that you will
review the previous years of compilations to give context to the current
editions. Please let us know if you have any special suggestions and
thoughts. REMEMBER:
The website is now fully active and you can visit it at any time.
You can review any of the 2006, 2007, or the upcoming 2008 logs and learn
more about the crew and our plans. Enjoy.
You may contact us via email anytime while we are still in Boat Harbour.
Our cell phones have been turned OFF while we are
in the Bahamas.
We do have occasional SKYPE connections at
‘amarse1’. "AMARSE".
is pronounced "AM-ARE-SAY". Our website is:
www.amarse.net . Thanks for
allowing us to share our life and adventures with you. Lotsa Luv, Fred Reed
and Judy Law AMARSE MT40 |
Fred H. Reed |
www.amarse.net © 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 |