Site Index:
7 03/01
thru 03/10/08
Everybody, The
adventures of 2008 from 1/1/08 through 2/29/08 have been published on the
website. We continue with the latest edition, UPDATE 2008 # 07. UPDATE
2008 #07 03/01/08 through
03/10/08. At
last update, AMARSE was at our winter home at ABACO BEACH RESORT and BOAT
HARBOUR, in sunny Marsh Harbour, Abacos, Bahamas. 03/01/08
Much of the day followed the pattern of everyday life in paradise.
Warm, pleasant breezes waft gently across the clear, turquoise waters of
the Sea of Abaco. The sun shines,
the people play, and life is good.
At suppertime, Joe DeMaris joined us for bowls of
Chili and fresh, hot corn muffins.
We watched a little Sopranos Season 6, then off to bed early for a busy
day tomorrow. 03/02/08
The alarm blasted us out of a sound sleep at 5:45am.
With a cup of coffee in hand, the view of the sunrise was spectacular.
A tropical breeze and low 70’s promised the beginnings of another
wonderful day.
A delighted group of friends have been invited to board ODYSSEY for a
trip to Great Guana Cay. Our
instructions were that ODYSSEY would sail with those onboard at 0630.
A little after 6am, our neighbor, Jerry (ISLAND PRINCESS), said to me
that he thought there might be a problem because there were no lights on at
ODYSSEY. Now normally, Paul would
have been scurrying around arranging lines and cords and hoses and all manner of
equipment to ready ODYSSEY for sea. Jerry
bravely went and rapped loudly on the side of ODYSSEY to awaken a sleepy crew.
Somehow, their alarm did not go off and they had overslept.
The slightly embarrassed captain quickly prepared and gracefully welcomed
all his guests aboard for a timely departure.
How about this view as ODYSSEY moved astern from her berthing?
The two-hour voyage to Guana Cay was skillfully accomplished and the
smooth ride was delightful. ODYSSEY
is a strong and comfortable vessel that is a real treat to enjoy.
Safely tied up to Earl’s dock in Guana, Captain Paul takes a second to
pose on the bow of ODYSSEY.
The crew in the galley was busily preparing a sumptuous breakfast for the
eleven, famished bunch. Each person
had brought something to share. Judy
(AMARSE) and Sue (ODYSSEY) combined their culinary talents to prepare bacon and
several varieties of French Toast recipes.
It just doesn’t get better than this.
Jenkins (L)(DOUBLE JJ) and Sandy Johnson (R)(CRITCHER CAT) relax in the glider
rockers in the saloon area of ODYSSEY.
Now, this is something you won’t see everyday.
This is the kind of picture that the National Inquirer would love to get
their hands on. Yes, my friends, I
actually caught Sherry in the very act of doing dishes.
If you must know, Sherry even refuses to cook anymore.
If any of her friends back home in Manhattan ever saw this, she would be
ostracized henceforth. Please help us keep this a secret. We love her too much to let this kind of information leak
Debbie McKenzie looks so comfy resting peacefully on the divan.
Don’t you think she epitomizes the name of their boat (ISLAND
It is Sunday, March 02, 2008, and the excitement of the Barefoot Man
Concert at Nipper’s Beach Bar is starting to build.
Faithful centurions from the Royal Marsh Harbour Yacht Club have been
defending prime table positions under that shaded, roofed area all night long.
in two-hour watch schedules, the defenders staved off any and all intruders
desperately trying to compromise the premier vantage location.
Several of us arrived at 10 or 10:30am to join the vigilance.
Barefoot Man (George) has been a personal friend of Susan Harward
(SUSAN’S COVE) for many years. You
may remember that she had lived on this island for many years and is much loved
by everyone here. Susan was happy
to personally introduce Judy and me to her friend, the Barefoot Man.
He signed our T-Shirts with a friendly smile.
Judy enjoyed the chance for a photo with George, the Barefoot Man.
I wonder if he will come up with a clever song about Judy someday?
Remember the picture of this deck from the last update?
What a difference a day makes! The
headcount leaped from a mere dozen to nearly two thousand, sun-seeking,
fun-loving, drink-guzzling, dancing fools.
Even the shed rooftops were filled to over-capacity with spectators,
fans, and even some exhibitionists.
Even though she doesn’t have a T-Shirt, Barefoot Man autographed this
gal anyway. Now, tell me, “Is
that a dedicated performer or what?”
Sherry (CHIPKA FIRE III) and Sue (ODYSSEY) shared their friendly smiles.
That is Susan Harward (SUSAN’S COVE) seated in back.
The human masses continue to swarm around the deck and stage area.
If you notice the dancing pole in the right side of the crowd, there is a
pair of very big woman’s underwear hanging on it.
This is in total keeping with one of our favorite Barefoot Man songs,
“I Want to Dance With a Big Panty Woman”.
If you’ve ever heard it, you know it’s a hoot.
Many of the sun-worshipers were content to lie around the pool and avoid
the crowds. I think they knew that
it was a better place for them to be seen.
Up on the roof…….
Down in the pool…….
Atop the wooden deck……..
On the picnic tables………
Up and down the stairways…….
On tables and benches……
Everyone was thoroughly enjoying the Barefoot Man and this magnificent
day of sights and sounds.
That bar that was empty last week is now bulging beyond any reasonable
capacity. What would OSHA say? And
who among you cares?
This gal is sipping a drink appropriately called a “Nipper’s”.
The fruity concoction should be required to display some kind of warning
Maybe the Barefoot Man is playing my favorite song, “She’s Got
Freckles on her Butt, She’s Fine”.
Now, my friends, this is one of the most wonderful displays of unselfish,
service to the public that I have ever personally observed.
I think that even Mother Teresa would be proud of these two fine
gentlemen and their dedicated servitude. Perched
strategically adjacent to the ladies room, they generously handed out toilet
paper to all needy patrons. Robert
and Earl deserve some sort of medal, commendation, or even possible Sainthood,
for their efforts and accomplishments in an otherwise savage world.
As we departed at the boat dock, our RMHYC friend, Dennis Krakow
(PIZZAZZ) bade us farewell. With
staff in hand, he portrayed the image of “Let my People Go”.
And we did…..
The two-hour cruise back to Boat Harbour was beautiful and relaxing.
We had lots of opportunity to chat, joke, laugh, and enjoy being with
wonderful friends. Thanks, Paul and
Sue!!!!! We had a wonderful
day!!!!! Oh, by the way, their
alarm clock sounded just as we were pulling back into the dock.
Guess it was set for PM instead of AM,
Oh well……. 03/03/08
At 8am, I made another, originally composed, announcement for the
upcoming Sock Hop and Rock ‘N Roll Party.
Judy and I have accepted the coordination and arrangement of this RMHYC
event scheduled for March 11TH.
I have been getting lots of compliments on the entertainment value of my
announcements and it is said that some folks tune in to VHF 78 just to hear what
I’m going to say.
Judy trod off on the morning stroll and I visited
with Joe DeMaris aboard ADAMAS DE MARIS. We worked to transfer his photos to his Apple Computer.
It has been said that the Apple programs are “intuitive”.
After lunch, we hustled and bustled around to
coordinate with volunteers for the Sock Hop.
It is great to have folks with good ideas and experiences from which we
can draw. Paul and Sue (ODYSSEY)
graciously offered their services and valuable experience with the Open Bar and
contest prizes.
We had a wonderful evening at dinner with Galen and
Connie Siler aboard R-JOY. Galen
sliced the freshly baked, Bahamian bread.
Connie prepared an interesting, Rachael Raye inspired, recipe for Chicken
Breast with Brie Cheese and baked in dough crust.
The wine choice was a Lambrusco and dessert was Apple Spice Cake with
whipped cream.
We had a wonderful reunion visit from friends that shared the loop
together. They are Tom and Marbeth
Dietrich (center)(CHANGE OF PACE) and Jean Turnbull (L) and Priscilla Myers (R)(OCEAN
FLYER). They were wonderful companions and adventurers on our
Canadian flotilla and throughout the Great Loop experience. I continue to be impressed with Jean’s life accomplishments
in business, aviation, and nautical seamanship.
I have developed a special admiration and find her an inspiration of
adventurous spirit. Priscilla is an
accomplished first mate aboard OCEAN FLYER and has shared numerous adventures
with Jean.
Tom and Marbeth have lived comfortably aboard their trawler for numerous
years. Their next planned voyage
aboard CHANGE OF PACE proceeds from the Bahamas, up the east coast to NYC, the
Hudson River, then their choice of routes to the St. Lawrence SeaWay to Canada,
the Atlantic waters of Maine and New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island,
Connecticut, and back to New York City. Jean
and Priscilla plan to travel the same sort of routing aboard OCEAN FLYER.
Bon Voyage, mes Ami.
Judy and Sue have been busily sewing their Poodle Skirts for the Sock
Hop. Being very focused gals too
occupied to cook, I urged Paul and Sue to accept our invitation to dine aboard
AMARSE. Paul is especially fond of
meatballs. I prepared spaghetti
smothered in a northern Italian style sauce that I made from basic ingredients.
I think they enjoyed the flavorful, yet lighter textured, sauce.
I hope Paul enjoyed the meatballs, especially prepared for him, as much
as I enjoyed making them especially for him.
He is one of the greatest guys that we have ever met.
Today was a great day for me! I
was eager with anticipation with my wonderful daughter, Sharyn, due to arrive
this morning. We had several
pressing meetings concerning the Sock Hop event that we thought would be
finished before she arrived. Guess
what, she arrived by taxi earlier than expected.
The good news is that lots of folks were expecting her and were ready to
help her get orientated. Within a
few minutes, we were exchanging wonderful hugs that were long awaited.
Although she can only stay a few days, we are excited to have her here.
We occupied most of the day just chatting and catching up on our life
stories. Sharyn enjoyed the tour of
the resort and she seemed impressed. The
lure of a hammock between the trees near the sandy beach caught her eye with a
promised beckoning.
Wednesday nights are special at the Jib Room
Restaurant and Marina. The lines
form early for open seating with confirmed reservations.
As near to 7pm as possible, the doors swing wide to the food line.
In exchange for your meal ticket, the crew serves cole slaw, potato
salad, baked beans, and rolls. The
grill master, Marvin, fills your second platter with a slab of Baby Back Ribs. Hopefully, you had arrived early enough (5:45pm) to get a
great table like we did.
Sharyn, Judy, and I had a wonderful time being together.
Judy and Sharyn have developed a great relationship over the years.
These are the two most important women in my life.
I am so richly lucky to have both of them as such major influences to my
The pelting rain showers drove the limbo king, Desmond, inside to perform
his low, low limbo dance.
Even though it got a little smoky inside, Desmond wouldn’t disappoint
the spectators with anything less than his famous fire limbo.
Sharyn was amazed. “Did
you see what this guy just did?”
When the Rake ‘N Scrape music got going, Sharyn joined right
in scraping at that saw. They both
seem to be enjoying the music and the beat.
Other friends were nearby to join in the fun of Rake ‘N Scrape.
(L to R) Scott and Mary Coles (MASCOT), Judy Law (AMARSE), Andy Allen
(SEA DEE), and also seated, Oliver and Sallie (1 Oliver 2).
Joe DeMaris (ADAMAS DE MARIS) has been with us all evening, but, somehow,
he avoided the camera lens.
It was still raining when we caught the taxi back to Boat Harbour but our
spirits were still shining from the fun evening. 03/06/08
Sharyn was up and feeling energetic.
She joined Judy and the gals for the morning Walk ‘N Talk.
She told us that the pool was just the right way to cool down after the
walk, so she joined another bunch of the gals for water aerobics.
Everyone is enjoying Sharyn’s visit and it seems like she is certainly
enjoying all the great folks here.
Sharyn enjoyed the resort facilities and even took
a short nap in the beach hammock.
The neighbors decided to hold a welcome party.
A large group gathered at 5:30pm to share the meeting and greeting.
There were lots of fancy hors d’oeurves and snack stuff.
Judy made delicious Pizza pieces much to everyone’s delight.
All the partygoers brought their cocktails and their smiles.
Everyone enjoyed meeting and visiting with Sharyn.
They all knew her name because they’ve heard me talk so much about her
visit. I guess you might say that
I’m a proud Papa.
Everyone had hoped that Jessica Hart, daughter of Carolyn Wilson (SEA
ISLAND GIRL), would have been here for the party, however, the plane was delayed
and we missed her tonight.
Back at AMARSE, I prepared a four cheese Ravioli
with Walnuts sautéed in butter combined with Balsamic Vinegar reduction sauce.
It was delicious.
For the evening entertainment, we played the DVD
movie, Dream Girls, on the Hi-Def Big Screen in the AMARSE Theatre.
I love that movie!
Sharyn and Judy headed off for the morning walk.
The original plan was for Sharyn and Judy to join Robert and Carolyn
Wilson, and daughter, Jessica, for a road trip south to Little Harbour.
Robert had rented a van that would seat them all, including Steve and
Karen O’Brien (CHRISTMAS). I
couldn’t join them because I had a doctor appointment at 11am.
At the last minute, Sharyn got an email about a
customer problem that she wanted to resolve immediately.
Regretfully, she opted out of the van trip.
The good news is that she was able to handle her business issue and,
then, volunteered to be nursemaid to her Pappy.
We walked into town and waited for the doctor.
His diagnosis was encouraging in that there were indications of healing
and that there still was no sign of infection.
He did some more minor surgery to remove non-productive tissue,
re-bandaged it, and informed me that I could expect it to take up to six months
to fully heal. Say, What?
He also recommended a more firm compression stocking to promote
Sharyn and I walked into town with stops at the Bakery, Pharmacy, and, of
course, Maxwell’s Grocery Store. I
was happy to take the taxi back to Boat Harbour.
Judy’s day was much more exciting.
The group rode in the van to see the sights south.
The view of Little Harbour shows an assortment of boats at fixed moorings
throughout the small harbor bay.
Pete’s Pub is an eclectic assortment of pieces, parts, and memorabilia
assembled into a beach bar pub. This
famous location has survived the test of time and hurricane to beckon curious
visitors from all over the earth. Pete
Johnston has been a resident here since the fifties when his father, Randolph
Johnston, first tamed these wilds. The
family, Pete being the youngest, carved a niche and eked out an existence in the
most primitive manner. Reading the
book, “An Artist and his Island”, by Denny Johnston, is a lesson in
subsistence living that I would have no interest in pursuing.
Pete has carried on the sculpting traditions of his father and the bronze
casting artistry thrives here. The
modern gallery presents the works and garners a phenomenal group of collectors.
Everything here will remain well beyond our financial reach.
Many of the pieces are valued at near $15,000 to $30,000.
Their process of bronze casting often involves quenching the molten metal
castings in the local seawater. Further
aging occurs in that environment.
I believe that this is a reproduction of one such piece that made the
father, Randolph, into the respected and successful artist that he became.
I think it was called, “The Old Man of the Sea”.
Outside the protected little bay, the waters can display a bit of their
awesome power.
Rustic and secluded, this sandy beach had Jessica “just a swingin’”.
Judy snapped this photo of a hermit crab.
He was either visiting another or looking for a new home.
Robert and Carolyn Wilson, along with her daughter, Jessica Hart, visit a
friend’s home located near Pete’s Pub.
Steve and Karen (CHRISTMAS) are hoping that the powerful surf will drive
some spectacular shells ashore.
This lovely Bahamian styled cottage is in
the small community of Cherokee. (pronounced “Cher-ROCK-kee”)
A special dinner was prepared for Sharyn’s enjoyment.
We obtained some Bahamian Lobster. I
sautéed the lobster meat in butter and made a sauce with cream and sun-dried
tomatoes. The medley was served
over linguine al dente. Wow! There was fresh, warm, French Bread to complete the meal.
Wink and Wilma Thornton (JOHN HENRY) invited a
gaggle of folks over for game night. The
Apples to Apples card game has been great fun for these large groups.
There were 16 fun-loving souls there to enjoy the question and answer
game. Everybody had so much fun
that I can’t even remember who won. 03/08/08
Sharyn and Judy were ready at 8:30am for the daily walking routine.
When they returned, I made them a breakfast of Pancakes from batter
containing mashed bananas, egg, heavy cream, pina colada smoothie mix, and both
coconut and banana rums. You wish
you could get these Pancakes at IHOP, but you can’t.
Sharyn was intrigued with the beautiful jewelry
that Sue and Judy have been making. She
joined them aboard ODYSSEY for the opportunity to learn the secrets of the
masters. Ooops.
I think they have created another jewelry-making addict.
Their absence gave me a good chance to nap.
I hadn’t been feeling all that well and was glad to rest and sleep for
almost 4 hours.
I had asked Judy to recreate her specialty dish for
our dinner. It is my personal
favorite and I knew that Sharyn would love it too.
Working diligently in the small galley, Judy made it all happen again
with her Chicken Breast in her special Mushroom sauce.
Served with Mashed Potatoes, stuffing, biscuits, and some of Sue’s
Homemade Coconut Bread, I can’t think of a more perfect meal.
Thanks, Judy!!!!
A visit to Boat Harbour and AMARSE would be
incomplete without the chance to FARKLE. Sharyn
caught on quickly to the game played with five dice.
I think it is one of the most fun games I’ve ever played.
Roll’em, Sharyn……
Of the three games played, we each won one. 03/09/08
Hey, what happened to that hour of sleep today?
We had to set the clocks ahead an hour last night.
In essence, that means that we were gypped out of a whole hour of sweet
dreams. Oh, well…….
Sharyn has to go home today.
It is Sunday so Judy usually stays aboard for a day of rest and to be an
extra treat for me. She also volunteered to make that scrumptious French Toast
with fresh, Coconut Bread and rum-laced egg batter. It is always a hit around
What a Goof-Ball! She keeps
me smiling and laughing all the time. No
wonder I love her so much.
We enjoyed sitting and chatting on the sundeck of AMARSE all morning.
Lots of friends came by to visit with Sharyn and wish her well.
At lunch, Sharyn made a special request for Judy to make her favorite
Chicken Salad that she liked so much. Sharyn
went to the galley and made the tasty mixture with directions from Judy.
Sharyn plans to add the recipe to her list of favorites at home.
The plan was for Sharyn to head to the airport at
4pm for her 5:30pm flight. We
checked the computer and found that delays were significant with the flight out
of Ft. Lauderdale. Finally, after
seeing that the flight was further delayed, she decided to go to the airport
hoping for the possibility of transferring to another flight.
When she hopped into the taxi at 4:45pm, I found myself missing her
already. I had been a wonderful,
albeit all too short, time together. I
am hoping that we will be together again soon.
Judy gathered up a group of volunteers to work on
the centerpiece decorations for the Sock Hop. She has ingeniously come up with the wonderful idea of
arranging some flowers in bobby socks. I
will have some pictures in the next update.
Oh, what the heck, here is a sneak preview now.
Even though Sharyn had to leave, the party must go on.
We were invited to join the Dock 5 (also affectionately named, “Fifth
Avenue”) for cocktail hour. Dave
and Barbara Bluto had also invited us to join them on CHABLIS for dinner.
Dave prepared his famous recipe Chili.
That award-winning recipe appears in the RMHYC Cookbook entitled “More
Marshed Potatoes” which is the second in the series. This cookbook was compiled to commemorate the 25th
anniversary of the club. There was
hot corn bread and chocolate cake to delight the taste buds.
When we checked the computer for info on Sharyn’s flight, originally
scheduled for 5:30pm takeoff, we found that it finally departed at 10:45pm.
We were feeling very sorry for her long delay when we received an email
message that she was home safe and sound. Fortunately,
she was boarded on a plane that left at 7pm.
That plane had been scheduled for 2pm.
Oh well, as they say in the islands, “Plane cum soon, Mon, Plane cum
soon.” 03/10/08
At 8am on VHF channel 78, I made the final announcement for the big Sock
Hop and Rock ‘N Roll Party happening tomorrow.
I have spent long hours creating the original messages designed to
capture the interest and imagination of the members and guests.
Many of our listeners have commented that they have thoroughly enjoyed
each message and have had their interest piqued.
A good portion of the day was occupied with setting
up the Marquis Tent, making final coordination details with the resort staff
involved with Events and Activities. All the tables were set up and the stage rearranged and
repairs made to some equipment. Progress
today was good.
It was nice to see Eileen Ambrosini back aboard the
ADAMAS DE MARIS. She says that
she’s ready to party. Tomorrow,
we will find out how many others are ready to “Make it a night like it used to
be, When our Hearts were Young and our Souls were Free.”
This concludes this edition of the AMARSE Update logs.
We hope you will join us again soon for more adventures coming in the
month of March including the details and photos from our fabulous Sock Hop and
Rock ‘N Roll Party.
We sincerely hope that you will review the previous years of compilations
to give context to the current editions. Please
let us know if you have any special suggestions and thoughts.
The website is now fully active and you can visit it at any time.
You can review any of the 2006, 2007, or the current 2008 logs and learn
more about the crew and our plans. Enjoy. ATTENTION:
You may contact us via email. Our
cell phones have been turned OFF while we are in the Bahamas.
We do have occasional SKYPE connections at ‘amarse1’. "AMARSE".
is pronounced "AM-ARE-SAY". Our website is: www.amarse.net
Thanks for allowing us to share our life and adventures with you. Lot
of Love, Fred
Reed and Judy Law AMARSE MT40 |
Fred H. Reed |
www.amarse.net © 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 |