Site Index:
9 03/22
thru 03/31/08
Everybody, The
adventures of 2008 from 1/1/08 through 3/21/08 have previously been published on
the website. We continue with the latest edition, UPDATE 2008 # 09. UPDATE
2008 #09 03/22/08 through
03/31/08. At
last update, AMARSE was at our winter home at ABACO BEACH RESORT and BOAT
HARBOUR, in sunny Marsh Harbour, Abacos, Bahamas. 03/22/08
It's just another fabulous day in Paradise.
Judy went for her morning walk leaving me in a vegetative state.
Coffee and breakfast got me going and I worked most of the day on logs
and publishing the previous update. Judy
went to the store and we had the ingredients for a pork sausage-based chili,
Fritos, and shredded Mexican cheese. 03/23/08
Judy stayed aboard this morning to make French Toast with some Coconut
Swirl Bread that she got fresh from the bakery yesterday.
We waved goodbye to MASCOT, WINGS, and SUPERIOR LADY as they made their
final way out of Boat Harbour enroute to Green Turtle Cay.
For most of the day, we experienced very heavy
rain. We utilized the inside time
to do logs and trip planning for our own return trip to the Florida coast.
Aboard JOHN HENRY, the guests of Wink and Wilma
gathered to share an Easter dinner as a boating family.
Everybody brought his or her contribution to the gathering.
Our hosts had fruit, ham and gravy; AMARSE carried in a Roast Beef and
Penne pasta casserole and a Green Bean Casserole; SALTY DAWG brought great
mashed potatoes and an Apple Crunch dessert; ODYSSEY came over with salad and
fresh, yeast rolls; CHIPKA FIRE III brought snacks, candy, and fruit.
Needless to say, there was a huge variety and quantity of food, fun, and
Wink does the slicing thing as “Mango Man”.
L-R) Judy Law, Sherry and Fred, Pat Dwyer. (Front L-R) Pat Dwyer, Wilma Thornton.
Wink Thornton relaxes in his Ekornes recliner chair.
They had been busy all day getting charterers settled on SIEMPRE FI, a
rented Great Harbor N37. Paul was
tired and feeling a little goofy. Even
Sue looks shocked at his silly, fun antics.
The final tab tallied, hoses stowed, electric cords disconnected, and all
lines were aboard AMARSE at 7:20am, as we eased from Dock #420 for the last time
this year. A group of good friends helped and waved goodbye with
promises to see each other again soon. All
will be missed very much until we meet again.
We have developed even stronger and more wonderful bonds of friendship
this winter season.
The rising sun in the east promised of a beautiful morning.
The weatherman, however, forecast for upcoming nasty weather commencing
sometime this afternoon.
We chose to make our passage through the “Don’t Rock” routing.
With the tide only 20 minutes before high, smooth seas, calm winds, and
good visibility, the choice was made wisely with depths of 6 to 6.5 as minimums.
Other vessels were actively crossing through the Whale Passage without
problems this morning.
With threatening skies to the west, the showers
were only slight when we docked at Green Turtle Club on the Cay of the same
name. Fellow AGLCA “Loopers”,
were nearby to greet us. (L-R) Bill
Stone, Susan Hauge, Jane Stone, and John Hauge holding his personally designed
DECL pennant. He made them up to
help identify those cruisers doing the Down East Circle Loop.
Of course, that’s Judy Law in the yellow rain slicker.
The bar in the Green Turtle Club is unique and eclectic.
The walls are covered with dollar bills from around the world with
people’s names scrawled on them.
A TV and sitting room is provided at the resort building.
The dining facilities are lovely and the food has the highest reputation.
Under the rainy, gloomy skies of afternoon, it was comforting to be
securely berthed here at the GTC.
The resort building as viewed from AMARSE.
The dining rooms and lounges are hidden behind the building in this
Bill and Jane Stone (LOOSE STONES) hosted a cocktail party aboard their
lovely 49 foot Krogen Express yacht. Five
couples, all loopers, enjoyed the gathering.
Frank and his brother are here awaiting a weather
window to continue taking SEA SMOKE west to Florida.
Dinner reservations and selections must be conveyed to the resort prior
to 5pm. At our 7:30pm seating, we
were served this sumptuous dish of Fresh, Baked Grouper stuffed with Stone Crab.
We had the good fortune to dine with looper friends, John and Susan Hauge
(LA GARZA VERDE) (translated as “The Green Heron”).
Judy looks like a million dollars.
After a night of clocking, gale force winds that reached 40 to 45 miles
per hour, the morning sky was blue and sunny.
The winds, now out of the north, continued to blow around 25 to 30 mph.
Fortunately, we are fully sheltered in here.
The lagoon beach at the resort is very picturesque.
We tried to rent a golf cart to do some island exploring, however, all
the units were previously rented. Good
fortune followed when Ken and Peggy Watton (CIDERELLA) offered to take us with
them in their cart. Ken did a
wonderful job of driving us around the island and showing us points of interest.
This view of the Sea of Abaco comes from the harbor at New Plymouth,
Green Turtle Cay.
Ken, Peggy, and Judy pose by the government freight docks.
This liquor store has a dining counter and has the reputation for good
burgers and fries. Ken and Peggy are Canadians from Midland, Ontario.
There, all of the liquor stores are government operated; therefore, this
is a very unusual situation for them.
In Canada, booze is very expensive because of extremely high tax
assessments. These low prices
amazed Ken and Peggy.
Up on a hillside overlooking Black Sound, the Albert Lowe Art Gallery
sets in an area filled with lots of flowers and foliage.
The artwork displayed is wonderful.
Unfortunately, everything was well above my price range.
This small beach and adjacent cove provide a tranquil setting to the
boisterous Atlantic seen in front of the reef.
Judy and Peggy became instant friends.
After that cold front, those jackets were welcome.
This hermit crab scurried across this piece of driftwood.
The small shell on the sand hosts a very small hermit crab.
At another beach, more open to the ocean, the breeze was stronger and the
beach rougher. Note my lovely,
medical “compression stocking” as ordered by my doctor.
It provides 15-20 mm of compression to foster better circulation to
improve my wound healing. By the way, everything is healing well, however,
I have been informed by the doctor that it could take six months to fully heal.
Even in the harshness of this rugged beach, nature places something very
This view of the Sea of Abaco is as seen from the deck of the Bluff
This resort located on the opposite side of the White Sound harbor is
quite lovely.
At harbor side, this café and bar sit atop a solid teakwood deck.
In this day and age, the use of that kind of wood is almost unimaginable.
Even the steps are made of solid Teak wood.
This lovely flower is only one of many lining the walkway at the Green
Turtle Club where AMARSE is berthed.
John Hauge, Bill Stone, Susan Hauge, and Jane Stone sit chatting while
awaiting their dinner call.
We joined Ken and Peggy Watton (CIDERELLA) at our 7:30pm seating.
Tonight, we chose the Roasted Chicken entrée.
It was delicious.
This is a picture of a picture that is hung in the hallway of the resort.
It would be unbelievable to think that this pounding sea did not destroy
this yacht. We don’t know whether
this was taken at the infamous “Whale Passage” nearby or not. I’m certainly glad it wasn’t me!
This picture of a picture was taken on the same hallway wall.
It shows Hurricane Floyd from 9/14/1999 approaching the Florida coast.
Imagine the destructive power of this monster located over the Bahamas.
Now that is a classic hurricane photo.
03/26/08 WEDNESDAY
Susan Hauge manages the fly bridge while John handles the lines.
They are leaving this morning for an anchorage at Great Sale Cay located
about 60 miles west.
LOOSE STONES is departing for points east.
They have been here at GTC for 2 weeks and will now visit Marsh Harbour
and other cays on the east side of the Whale.
This vessel is fully fitted with powerful engines and a special
stabilizer system.
Berthed next to us is BOBCAT. The
fishing boat owned by the Jung’s. Bob
is a renowned orthopedic surgeon and Cathie holds the Guinness Book of World
Records title for having the smallest waist in the world.
For many, many years, Cathie has devoted herself to strict “waist
training” using corsets. She wears the constrictive garments for at least 23 hours a
day. All of her internal organs
have assumed alternate locations and she has been able to attain a 15” waist.
Now in her 70’s, she maintains her diminutive waist and figure.
This picture was taken from her website, http://www.cathiejung.com
, and is only a few years old. We
enjoyed having the opportunity to chat and visit with Bob and Cathie.
With her cup of coffee and her terrific smile, this beautiful and
wonderful gal could easily earn me the Guinness title for “the Happiest Man in
the World.”
During my engine checks enroute to GTC, I had noticed higher than normal
readings on my fuel filter gauges. Not
wanting any problems with clogging fuel filters on the passage to Florida, I
decided to make a precautionary change of the Racor filters.
The portside was pretty gunky looking and the starboard one was quite
dark. I use the very fine 2-micron size filters hoping to trap any
contamination before it can reach the main engine filters.
They are much more time consuming to change.
The exodus continued as Frank and his brother
motored out toward Great Sale Cay. With
these breezy conditions and the forecast for crossing conditions later in the
week, we opted to stay right here and enjoy the wonderful hospitality, meals,
and friendships at the Green Turtle Club.
The docks here at Green Turtle Club are rather unique.
They have no finger piers; therefore, boarding must take place off the
stern to a ladder mounted on the dock pier.
Sometimes you can step across, other times, you are safer to go down the
boat ladder and up the dock ladder.
afternoon, Robert and Carolyn Wilson were arriving on SEA ISLAND GIRL.
They have had an unpleasant experience in the whale passage.
Robert described the experience in his email as follows: “FYI "the Whale"
is a 3 mile passage from South to North Abaco that has direct access to the
Atlantic, reefs and the Sea of Abaco. It is where Disney literally walked away
from a resort they built because the sea conditions often made it impossible to
get their cruise ships through the passage. Well Thursday was our day, and it
seemed that all was well. We were leaving early in order to get back home to
attend a wedding in Naples. The Whale, and hurrying, do not go together!
Robert invited me on board to view the mess.
I snapped these pics and recalled the smooth passage we had encountered
just two days before. Fortunately,
they were safe and unharmed. For
them, it is pick up the pieces and move on.
Many folks meet at the lounge bar for cocktails and appetizers while
waiting for their dining room seating assignment.
Robert and Carolyn have regained their composure and donned their best
smiles after cleaning up from their morning ordeal in the Whale Passage.
with Ken and Peggy Watton (CIDERELLA) and Carolyn and Robert Wilson (SEA ISLAND
GIRL), we enjoyed an absolutely magnificent culinary experience.
The meal was even more elegant than its description.
Check it out! Sesame
Encrusted Lobster with mild vanilla sauce, crisply sautéed veggies, and saffron
rice. This may have been one of the greatest meals I’ve ever
The entertainment commenced at 9pm when the “Gully Roosters” took to
the outside stage. Resort goers and boaters joined in for dancing to many
familiar Bahamian tunes.
The alarm at 7 am signaled the message to get everything ready for a
morning departure. The office opens
at 7:45am for our checkout giving us time to pack away all our equipment and
ready for sea. In the company of
SEA ISLAND GIRL, we were underway at 8:10am through the shallow channel and out
into the Sea of Abaco. With 10-15
knot, northerly winds, the seas remained relatively calm because of the
protection of the outer islands and cays.
Being a faster cruiser, SEA ISLAND GIRL took the lead and was beyond
visual range in a few hours. Slightly
before 4pm, we passed the GTSALE waypoint marking the southern region of Great
Sale Cay. SEA ISLAND GIRL made way
for the anchorage behind that cay. AMARSE
opted to continue on to Mangrove Cay. With
the changing weather forecast, we felt that tomorrow offered the best
opportunity to cross the Atlantic Gulfstream to Florida.
We were able to receive weather updates from WX Channel 3 on VHF
reporting out of Palm Beach. By
7:17pm, we were securely anchored along with about 10 other boats.
Sunset occurred a few minutes later at 7:29pm.
It was a lovely, tranquil evening with only very light easterly winds.
The stars were incredible.
We traveled 86.8 statute miles at a moving average of 7.8 mph.
Our normal cruise is about 8.5 mph, however, the average is often lower
due to tidal currents and slow speeds in harbor channels and anchorages.
We have traveled 117 miles since leaving Boat Harbour.
Of course, we were quite tired and wanted to go to
bed early. Supper consisted of
Albacore Tuna Salad on Ritz Crackers. Lights
were out at 8:30pm so that we could “rise and shine” early tomorrow. POSITION:
N 26 54.962 W078 37.346
Mangrove Cay anchorage. 03/28/08
At 4:15am, the alarm bleated out the buzzing needed to arouse us from a
sound sleep. Judy wakened me up several times in the night when she heard
the “anchor alarm” sound. I had
set the range to 100 feet. When the
wind went calm, the tidal current gently swung the boats around in the opposite
direction. With nearly 100 feet of
rode, we exceeded the range that I had anticipated.
I had thought we would stay headed east.
We were secure at anchor and I reset the anchor alarm to 120 feet,
however, a second current change caused the anchor alarm to sound again.
Fortunately, we were not dragging so I merely reset the alarm again with
the expectation that we would not swing again before wake up time.
At 5:05am, we had the anchor raised.
It had been set very well in thick, clay-like sand that was difficult to
clean off the anchor flukes. We had
agreed to depart with two other vessels headed west.
ANCHORS AWEIGH, a Krogen 42, and GOT THE FEVER, a DeFever 44, took the
lead positions at speeds comparable to ours.
The trip departed under star-studded skies waiting for the sunrise at
7:13am. In light easterly winds and
seas only slightly more than 1 foot, we continued west to cross just south of
Memory Rocks into the Atlantic Ocean waters.
The other two vessels headed more Northeasterly toward Ft. Pierce Inlet
while AMARSE followed a course to St. Lucie Inlet.
At noonsite, we recorded our progress as Bearing 291 degrees, Course Over
Ground 295 degrees, Speed Over Ground 8.5mph, Distance to STLCY 38.5 miles,
Magnetic Heading 265 degrees, Coordinates N27 01.048 W079 31.995.
The seas were following at 2-3 feet with occasional 4-footers.
Everything onboard was stable and nothing was moving around.
These were nearly ideal crossing conditions.
About 20 miles offshore, Judy’s AT&T cell phone started to have
signal. We made a call to Dave
Elliot to see what he could arrange for docking.
At first, we thought we might be located behind a private home way up on
the St. Lucie River. We were reluctant at that since tides have been running very
low this time of spring and the electrical service there is less than desirable.
Judy had gotten a nasty shock last year while we were there.
Dave went out of his way to help us find a marina on the ICW that would
provide better accommodations.
At 4:35pm, AMARSE rode through the St. Lucie Inlet
with a confused following sea. There
was a bit of turbulence that made it necessary to hand steer the boat to keep on
course. The channel follows a
sinuous path and meanders back and forth between the markers.
I would be uncomfortable trying to navigate this pass during darkness.
You can see the force of the waves breaking on the jetty and on the
sandbar beyond.
We entered the ICW at mile 987.8 and turned north.
At mile 979.3, we turned into a narrow channel leading into and behind
Nettles Island. As instructed, we
backed into a slot on the lay-along Dock D.
Several very helpful boaters assisted us with lines.
These pelicans were going about their business on the pilings adjacent to
our dock.
We were tied securely at 6:35pm. At
6:45pm, I started calling US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to obtain
clearance back into the US. The
on-hold message advised that all calls would be answered in the order received.
After almost 1 hour, the call was dropped. I called again and began receiving the same message.
After 4 calls and over two and a half hours of hold time, an agent
finally answered and politely took my phone number promising to call back as
soon as he could. True to his word,
he called back at 10:15pm. The clearance process was very efficient because we had
applied for a special “Local Boater Option” (LBO) number for each of us.
With the vessel numbers, Customs sticker number, and our LBO numbers, the
agent could issue our clearance number. We
would not need to appear at the Customs Office because we had accomplished that
when applying for the LBO numbers. Cool!
We had traveled 108 miles in 13hrs 35minutes
yielding an average speed of 8.0mph. We
have traveled 226 miles since leaving Boat Harbour.
It was late and we were tired.
We had eaten a sandwich for dinner because we couldn’t leave the boat
prior to clearance. Off to bed….. POSITION:
N27 17.108 W080 13.069
Nettles Island Marina mile
979.3 03/29/08
The alarm was set for 8 am, however, I was up at 7am because the fenders
had slipped off the post and the rub rail was squeaking on the piling.
I was awake now and couldn’t go back to bed.
We finished our showers just moments before Dave
Elliot arrived at 8:45am. After
chatting over a cup of coffee, Dave drove us over to retrieve Judy’s Riviera
from the storage lot near Ft. Pierce. The car started right up after hooking up the battery and we
were on our way about 10:15am. Dave
is in the real busy season and had a full itinerary for the next week or so.
He promises to get to us when he can.
As he headed off, we drove to the Cracker Barrel for a nice breakfast. When we returned to the marina about 11:30am, Andre helped us move AMARSE from D Dock to a slip on A Dock in close proximity to the restaurant. It is very nice and tranquil here in this protected area. The restaurant closes at 8:30pm and will not present any problem.
We made lots of phone calls and set up the internet on WiFi. Late
in the afternoon, we headed over to Sam’s Club. Hoping to eat around 7pm, we called the Longhorn Steak House
at 6pm for addition to the waiting list. We
were informed that the wait was running about 85 minutes.
We rode around a while and finished the wait at the crowded restaurant.
The wait was well worth the time and we enjoyed a great meal. I selected a delicious Filet Mignon as Judy yielded to the
temptation of the Baby Back Ribs. We
both agree that Longhorn has the best ribs we’ve ever tried. 03/30/08
Although the alarm faithfully sounded at 8am, we decided to just lie
around and snuggle. Sundays are for relaxing and we had a wonderful breakfast on
the sundeck.
Most of the morning was spent planning our trip to
San Antonio. We made reservations
to fly from Ft. Lauderdale after a couple of days visit with my daughter, Sharyn.
We made it just in time for the Sunday brunch at
The Landing Restaurant just steps from our back deck.
They only serve until 2pm on Sundays and then close all day on Monday.
Judy had the Tilapia Fish N’ Chips and I tried their New York Ruben on
Grilled Rye. It was very enjoyable
in the open-air table area.
The marina gang met at the Tiki Hut for afternoon
and evening drinks and conversation. For
dinner, we had shaved, Perdue Oven Roasted Turkey heaped on a fresh Hoagie Roll.
Both items come from Sam’s Club and are wonderful products. 03/31/08
With strong storms and very heavy rains, the cold front came roaring
through last night. We are thankful to be secure here in this slip and not out
anchored somewhere. It was a bit
windy and cooler this morning making our breakfast of French Toast taste even
We did some shopping at Publix and Sam’s for ingredients needed for our
special dinner for invited guests, Ivor and Susan Nathan.
These are wonderful friends from our looper experience and we feel very
close and bonded to them. Although
they have since traded their boating lifestyle for a Motorcoach lifestyle of
traveling, we find ourselves missing them all the more.
When they arrived at AMARSE at 5pm, the table was all set on the sundeck
for appetizers and cocktails. A
tray of Colossal sized shrimp and tangy red sauce took the edge off while
cocktails and wine were enjoyed. By
6:30 pm, I had the dinner ready to be served.
The entrée consisted of Jumbo Sea Scallops pan seared in a buttery,
balsamic reduction with sautéed fresh mushrooms, red pepper strips, and
sun-dried tomatoes. Fresh green
beans steamed with red pepper strips offered color and great vegetable taste. The dessert was fresh strawberry slices topped with whipped
cream and pecans. The positive
comments were well received. It was
great to see our friends again. This concludes this edition of the AMARSE
Update logs. We hope you will join
us again soon for more of our activities and adventures in the month of April
and beyond.
We sincerely hope that you will review the previous years of compilations
to give context to the current editions. Please
let us know if you have any special suggestions and thoughts.
REMEMBER: The website
is now fully active and you can visit it at any time.
You can review any of the 2006, 2007, or the upcoming 2008 logs and learn
more about the crew and our plans. Enjoy.
You may contact us via email anytime.
We will have internet where ever we find WiFi
Our cell phones have been turned back ON.
Judy has AT&T/CINGULAR service.
Fred has VERIZON service. Email
us if you would like our phone numbers. "AMARSE".
is pronounced "AM-ARE-SAY". Our website is:
www.amarse.net . Thanks
for allowing us to share our life and adventures with you. Lotsa
Luv, Fred
Reed and Judy Law AMARSE MT40 |
Fred H. Reed |
www.amarse.net © 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 |