Site Index:
1 01/01
thru 01/15/08
Everybody, The
adventures of 2006 and 2007 are complete and are published on the website.
We begin with the 2008-year’s initial edition, UPDATE 2008 # 01. UPDATE
2008 #01
01/01/08 through 01/15/08.
Welcome back to the new Adventures of the trawler AMARSE.
At last update, we were at our winter home at ABACO BEACH RESORT and BOAT
HARBOUR, in sunny Marsh Harbour, Abacos, Bahamas.
AMARSE, and her crew, loves this clean, clear water and sunshine. 01/01/08
As the giant ball was falling in Times Square, the Bahamians were
celebrating in a different way.
Just at midnight, the magnificent fireworks display erupted over Hopetown
For half an hour, the loud explosions filled the clear, warm skies with a
colorful brilliance that delighted everyone.
The small community of Hopetown, located on Elbow Cay, hosts the largest
New Years’ celebrations in all the Abacos.
As you know from the last edition of 2007, we had taken a ferryboat to be
part of the festivities.
The New Year’s revelers cheered the terrific display.
In the distance, we could hear the approach of the Junkanoo Band.
The colorful costumes soon appeared highlighting the rhythm of the
dancers to the primal beat of the Afro-Caribbean music.
Feeling the message of the drums, the exuberant crowd joined in the
parade and attempted to move synchronously to the beat.
Although a relatively small Junkanoo Band, the spirit and historical
significance of the uniquely Bahamian event thrilled the folks.
The power of the massive drums, responding loudly to skilled hands, was
almost hypnotic.
The well lubricated celebrants moved in a flowing mass, bobbing, dipping,
and weaving, as they followed along through the narrow streets of the island
At 1:30am, we boarded the ferry, which soon filled to capacity, for the
return to Marsh Harbour.
After a short stop at the regular terminal, the ferryman kindly dropped
our contingent off at Boat Harbour.
As we climbed aboard AMARSE, the clock showed 2:10am.
Although quite tired, we had thoroughly enjoyed the beginning of the New
Year in a very special Bahamian way.
If you have not already seen it, you can view our New Year’s greeting
card on this website.
Today was a day of resting and recuperating. It was a day of visiting
around with friends enjoying the tales of how differently many spent their
evenings. 01/03/08
Judy was back in the swing of things with the morning group for walk n’
talk. The
weather has made a turn to the chilly side after a cold front passage.
Now, I understand that many of you have little sympathy for our view of
chilly when the temperatures barely sink into the 60’s, for us, it shivers
many to the bone.
The locals will be bundled up in heavy clothes and pull-down hats.
Even the northern Yankees’ don long pants, shirts, and jackets.
Judy Williams (SHADE MOR) often plans and arranges lots of fun events for
the club members.
Today, she organized a bunch of folks for “Game Day” at the
Angler’s Bar at the Abaco Beach Resort.
Numerous tables were set up and folks joined in any game that suited
their fancy.
The bar hostess took drink orders and the fun began.
Our choice was the Farkle game under the direction and guidance of Steve
(L-to-R) Peggy Christensen (NAUTILADY), Terry Flail (TERALEE), Rita
Wieczorek (MAGNUM OPUS), Steve, Chris, and Karen O’Brien (CHRISTMAS), and Judy
(Not shown: Robert and Carolyn Wilson (SEA ISLAND GIRL) and Fred (AMARSE)).
The dominoes game looks intense.
We all got a big kick out of the extra enthusiastic dice rolls by Rita.
I don’t know what game these gals were playing but I think I see
hi-roller cash floating around.
Drinks were available to these card players.
The games started at 2pm and the tables were cleared by 5:15pm before the
place could get raided.
We didn’t have much time to get ready for the evening cocktail party.
Generous offerings to tempt the palate were brought by the group.
It was chilly and everyone was pleased that we could use the Marquis Tent
to shelter us from the elements.
The cocktail party broke up about 6:40p.
Just when you thought that we couldn’t have more fun in one day, we
have a special invitation to dinner aboard ABACO LADY.
Jim and Judy Enter, our portside neighbors, put on a remarkable feast.
A salad started us in this culinary extravaganza.
Judy has been preparing her special “pulled Pork” dinner all day.
The slow cooked meat was soooo tender and absolutely delicious.
Served alongside were helpings of wild rice, lima beans, hot corn bread,
and sweetened with Key Lime Pie for dessert.
Thanks for a great evening. 01/04/08
Once again, the effects of the north winds that followed the cold front
chilled everyone.
Judy put a chunk of beef in the Crock Pot to slow cook all day.
I worked on the logs and updates.
Cecil, the Boat Harbour Dockmaster, came by to visit aboard AMARSE and to
discuss the problems with the internet connections.
He always has a smile and a willing attitude to help the cruisers have a
great time.
For some reason, the crock-pot didn’t maintain enough temperature on
the low setting while out in the cold air.
The meat wasn’t quite cooked so we made other plans for a light dinner. 01/05/08
Judy set out on the morning women’s walk.
I worked on logs and updates.
The power was out when we awakened and we ran the generator for a while
to ensure the refrigerator wouldn’t defrost.
About 9am, the power came back on.
We put the crock-pot inside the boat and resumed the slow cook process.
Judy hopped on her bike and rode to Maxwell’s grocery store for some
About 4pm, Joe DeMaris came back in from his holiday flight back home.
Welcome back, JD.
We shredded the Pot Roast that had become a little overcooked.
It was actually very flavorful with the exception of a bit of dryness.
I wondered if the fish would like the slow cooked pieces of onion from
the roast.
After throwing a few chunks in, I knew by the voracious attack that they
had a taste for the onions.
Joe (ADAMAS DE MARIS) enjoyed dinner with us consisting of pot roast,
mashed potatoes, and mashed sweet potatoes.
In the evening, we continued the Stargate SG-1 series with Season 10. 01/06/08
While Judy strolled the women’s walk, JD joined me for coffee and chat
on the sundeck of AMARSE.
I climbed atop the sunroof to work on the outboard engine of the dinghy.
I replaced a fuel connector fitting that has been problematic for some
time. I
obtained the part while back in Brunswick.
We lowered the dinghy off the port side of AMARSE.
This was no easy task with the wide catamaran in the adjacent slip.
There is not enough room to just lower it normally.
We had to have someone pulling it toward the dock to squeeze it by.
The test ride went fine.
At 2pm, the girls had set up a surprise birthday party for Paul Graham.
The group of well wishers assembled at the end of Dock #4 waiting for him
to arrive.
Judy made and decorated this delicious cake especially for the occasion.
Years ago, the multi-talented gal worked in a bakery as a cake decorator.
I am so fortunate to be with this great woman that is not only beautiful
but also skillful and talented in so many ways.
Simply said, “She’s amazing!”
Paul was indeed surprised and he appeared to very appreciative of
everyone’s friendship and consideration.
Paul and Sue always have a smile for everyone.
The happy couple is pictured in front of their, teal colored, Great
Harbor 37, ODYSSEY.
Boat Harbour has been their winter home for many years now.
We have become very attached to these wonderful folks.
This view of Marsh Harbour caught my eye at sunset.
To further celebrate Paul’s birthday, a gang of us walked to Snappa’s
Restaurant at the edge of Marsh Harbour.
(L-to-R) Sue Graham (ODYSSEY), Jonathan Jenkins (DOUBLE JJ), Chris
Johnson (CRITCHER CAT), Paul Graham as guest of honor (ODYSSEY), Jacki and Roger
Arrowood (PELICAN), Judie Jenkins (DOUBLE JJ) and Sandy Johnson (CRITCHER CAT).
On around the table, seated next to Sandy, Judy Law (AMARSE) and Joe
Everyone enjoyed their meals and the drinks were great.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAUL! (NOTE: His actual birthday is this
coming Tuesday, however, other events will preclude a party on that date.) 01/07/08
Judy was steppin’ out with the gals again this morning.
She seems to enjoy the 4-mile exercise with her friends.
Meanwhile, JD joined me for coffee and we attempted to resolve many of
the problems plaguing the world today.
My sleep had been interrupted on numerous occasions throughout the night
due to the wind blowing the dinghy up against the swim platform.
After 6am, I decided to just get up for the morning when I reset the
lines and stopped the irritating noise.
The big Chili-Cookoff event is scheduled for tomorrow evening.
Great chili takes patience and determination.
I began the slow cooking process to develop deep flavors this afternoon
and evening. 01/08/08
The dock was a bustle with folks ready, willing, and able to assist an
arriving vessel.
Our long time friends, Milton and Jimmie Neitsch, on their Eagle 40, OUR
WAY, hail from Victoria, TX.
As many of you know, Judy lived in Victoria for many years where she
owned and operated a couple of restaurants.
Also restaurateurs in Victoria, Milton and Jimmie served with Judy on the
Texas Restaurant Association for many years.
This couple is very high on our list of dearly loved friends.
Joining them for the week was their daughter, Katina, their grandson,
Jonathan, and his girlfriend, Erica.
We are so glad to have them here in Boat Harbour.
The delightful aromas of slow cooking onions, meats, and exotic spices
filled the air around AMARSE.
Today’s huge event for the Annual Chili-Cookoff has finally arrived.
I have been looking forward to this get-together for some time.
I will not tell you my secret recipe, however, I will tell you that I
have been assembling the many fine ingredients for some time now.
Many of the special spices were imported from Mexico and would be
impossible to locate here.
The finest chili takes a long time to prepare.
Twenty-nine of the RMHYC’s renowned chefs will display their own
special blend of chili this evening at the Marquis Tent.
Most of my day was occupied with the careful attention to my 8-quart pot
of melding flavors.
A frequent stirring was accompanied by the timely addition of special
ingredients specifically planned to develop their maximum contribution to sight
and smell.
I must say that this has been the most delicious batch of chili that I
have ever made and the most richly flavored that I have ever tasted.
At 4pm, the chefs brought their creations to the tables to be judged.
Small chaffing candles did a good job of keeping the pots hot.
Next year, I must remember to bring a special apron for this event.
Judges considered four categories; Unusual, Mild, Medium, and Hot.
My chili was entered in the Medium category.
Milt Sales (LO KEE) carefully judged various entries.
Bob Williams (SHADE MOR), former Winner of the event, headed up the
judging team.
Each chef was issued a specially fitted and titled hat.
It’s obvious that Judy just cannot resist a man in uniform.
The great chili chefs of the Southwest often come up with unique names
and descriptions of their creations.
Although only three of the RMHYC chefs chose that tradition, their titles
were interesting.
Robert Wilson (SEA ISLAND GIRL) displayed a sign proclaiming the contents
as “Vincent’s Deck Wash” (affectionately named for the local Haitian that
scrubs his boat.)
Roger (PELICAN) entitled his entry with “Bahama Jack Russell Chili”
(affectionately named after his Jack Russell bred dog, Rowdy).
Although I don’t think it contained any real dog meat, he did enter
using a blend with chunks of Pork.
After long deliberation and consideration, I named my specialty, “CHILI
How fun is that?
My computer-generated sign explained more interesting attributes.
Roger and Jacki Arrowood (PELICAN) had great fun.
Chef Dave Bauereis and Bette drove in by car from Treasure Cay for the
Their had taken beautiful sailboat, TAR HEEL, out to visit some friends
for several days, however, there was no way they wanted to miss this special
The Master of the S/V ADAMAS DE MARIS, Joe DeMaris, has really enjoyed
preparing his special version of chili.
Chef Mike Beneville (LIBATIONS) won a first place with his entry into the
UNUSUAL category.
His wife, Pat, was obviously very proud of his accomplishment.
Dan and Alicia (S/V DANALI STAR) came over from Marsh Harbour Marina to
join in the festivities.
Dan is one of the fantastic hosts of the Cruisers’ Net VHF radio
program airing daily on Channel 68.
After a 12-year courtship, they are to be married on Friday at Patti’s
home, Blue Dolphin.
Having just arrived this afternoon, Milton Neitsch (OUR WAY) didn’t
have time to be a chef.
He, and his wife, Jimmie, had a great time visiting and tasting the
variety of chili dishes.
A total of 174 members and guests attended the event.
They went through those 29 pots of chili like a bunch of rabid jackals in
Tom Thompson (TOMLIN TOO) assisted with the open bar.
What a great club, what a great bunch of folks!
Leading the team of judges, former winner, Bob Williams (SHADE MOR),
probably sizzled off most of his taste buds during the sampling.
The proud chefs were called upon to serve their spiced concoctions to the
members and guests.
As you can see, the chefs had to be of the male gender.
The club contracted with the Abaco Beach Resort to supply salads, rolls,
and assorted “fixing’s” like sour cream, chopped onions, and shredded
Later, they brought out fresh baked fruit pies that were delicious.
Chef Fred Gassman (LINDA G II) was honored with awards for 1st
in Class and 1st Overall.
Congratulations, Fred.
He will inherit the honor of being lead judge in next year’s Cookoff.
Lead Judge Bob Williams (SHADE MOR), Commodore Robert Wilson (SEA ISLAND
GIRL), and Event Chairman Charlie Dowling (WILD ROSE) presented the coveted
The biggest drawback to being a participant is that most of the chili has
been pillaged to extinction before the chefs get their chance.
I only managed a few spoonfuls.
Oh well, we sure had a great time! 01/09/08
Breakfast consisted of tasty waffles freshly made in
the galley.
We had morning visits from Joe DeMaris (ADAMAS DE MARIS) and from Milton
and Jimmie Neitsch (OUR WAY).
Have you ever had a hot, Grilled Cheese Sandwich made with fresh homemade
That’s what we had for lunch.
It reminded us of one of our favorite spots, the Sunset Café in Blanco,
At 6pm, we took a taxi to the Jib Room Restaurant at the Marsh Harbour
Wednesday night is Baby Back Rib night.
Seated with us, (L-to-R) Jimmie and Milton Neitsch (OUR WAY), Joe DeMaris
(ADAMAS DE MARIS), Katina (Neitsch) Arterberry , and Fred and Judy (AMARSE).
Father and daughter, Milton and Katina, show us a lovely bag created by
Albury Sailmakers here in the Abacos.
Katina really got some sun today.
Girlfriend, Erica, and Neitsch grandson, Jonathan Arterberry, enjoyed
their moments at the adjacent table.
Following a fantastic dinner, we went out on the patio to listen to the
sounds of “Rake n’ Scrape”.
Judy was one of the few that braved the Limbo pole.
How low can she go?
The incomparable Limbo King is Desmond.
Nobody around here goes lower.
Although not nearly as much fun, it seems to me that a Zippo would make a
better all-around cigarette lighter.
I think he amazes everyone with his flexibility.
The Jib Room bar is always an active haunt for the regular cruisers.
This absolutely fabulous morning matches the forecast for the next few
days. Judy
laced up her sneakers for the women’s walk while I started getting AMARSE
ready to leave the dock.
At 10:40, we motored away from the protective nest of Boat Harbour.
Our southerly course was plotted to take us to Snake Cay.
Our plan was to anchor and be joined by several other boats.
Behind the cay, a shallow area is reportedly scenic and interesting for
exploration by dinghy.
With the wind more easterly than we had expected, the anchorage was
experiencing choppy conditions that would be rather uncomfortable.
Using the dinghy would be much too wet today.
We decided to relocate to a position more suitable for these wind
directions and velocities.
We selected a sandy area to the lee of Elbow Cay near Tahiti Beach.
We had to motor back almost to Boat Harbour before turning easterly
toward our destination.
Waters in-between can often be shallower than the minimum draft required
From the northern end of Lubbers Quarters, we turned south again to
locate a nice patch of sand for our anchorage.
Our first attempt to anchor resulted in a fouled anchor.
Upon retrieval, we were surprised to find that the anchor had caught on a
long, heavy cable of some kind.
I examined the situation and determined to free our entanglement using
the boat hook while Judy inched us ahead with the propellers.
Fortunately, we easily let the cable sink back to the seabed.
2:15pm, our anchor found solidly and we were secure at a point not far
from Tahiti Beach.
We had radioed ahead to DOUBLE JJ and CRITCHER CAT of the change in plans
so they were already anchored nearby in the company of about 10 other cruisers.
Having towed our dinghy this time, we zipped over to the beach for some
sand time.
At high tide, the entire beach is nearly all submerged.
As the tide recedes, more and more beach becomes available and the water
continues to change its alluring shades of turquoise and blues.
With just the two of us aboard the dinghy, it will zip along at about 20
miles per hour.
Add another person, however, and the inflatable will not plane and the
speed is held down to perhaps 6 mph.
Judy and I rapidly made our way into White Sound of Elbow Cay.
We walked over the narrow cay to look out over the vast Atlantic Ocean as
viewed from the Abaco Inn.
These two pieces of wreckage came from the explosion disaster of the
Space Shuttle Challenger many years ago.
I wonder if the explosion carried them this far or if the forces of winds
and seas floated the honeycombed constructed parts here.
This is the bar and restaurant at the Abaco Inn.
The backside opens out for a spectacular view of the ocean from the
How could I resist a nap back aboard AMARSE?
Oh well, I couldn’t.
Dinner consisted of Beef and Rice with Gravy.
Later, while Judy read, I worked on logs and updates.
By 10pm, we were down for the count. 01/11/08
Our anchorage was peaceful, tranquil, and calm.
The surrounding views of the nearby cays and the various shades of Aqua
Azul are a delight for the eyes to behold.
It was a snuggling kind of morning followed by breakfast on the sundeck.
How about Corned Beef Hash, Potatoes n’ Onions, Eggs, toast, and hot
It was a restful kind of morning when Judy could read in peace and I
could make progress on the logs and updates.
At 12:30p, we all headed out to the Abaco Inn for lunch.
Four dinghies carried the group into White Sound to the restaurant dock.
How beautiful is White Sound?
Dave and Barbara Bluto (CHABLIS), Jonathan and Judie Jenkins (DOUBLE JJ),
Chris and Sandi Johnson (CRITCHER CAT), and Fred and Judy (AMARSE) found a nice
table overlooking the deep ocean blue.
I cannot recommend the food or the service here, however, the Pina Colada
drinks and the spectacular view make everything else worthwhile.
Next time, I’ll be on a liquid diet focused on the health benefits and
vitamins found exclusively in a Pina Colada.
Out of White Sound and south on the Sea of Abaco, Tiloo Cut opens to a
passage out to the ocean.
It is an unmarked route twisting through the reef and is frequently
treacherously dangerous due to winds, currents, and waves.
In the dinghy, we edged our way closer to the actual inlet, however, the
swells and breaking waves were enough to convince us to turn back around.
The temperate afternoon provide the perfect opportunity for my afternoon
nap. Judy
relaxed with her novel until sunset.
Both our stomachs were still a bit uneasy from the unsavory lunch.
Judy managed some cereal and I cooked some plain, buttered pasta.
In as much as we needed to run the generator for battery charging and
we used that opportunity to watch some more episodes of Stargate SG-1.
We are nearing the end of the entire series.
At bedtime, the phenomenal number of stars visible in the remote
anchorage amazed us. 01/12/08
We awakened to an absolutely fantastic morning.
It was warm and calm with only a hint of wind that might register barely
a knot from the southwest.
Waffles seemed to be the perfect breakfast choice out on the sundeck.
We relaxed peacefully observing and commenting continuously about the
placid waters and brilliant colors surrounding us.
At 10:30a, we climbed into the dinghy for a day of adventure and
Anchored nearby, Dave Bluto was scrubbing the waterline of CHABLIS, a 54
–foot Tollycraft Motor Yacht, while Barbara assisted with the lines.
It took almost no convincing for us to agree to join them for lunch at
the lodge in Hopetown.
They would meet us later after we had some time to explore around the
Hopetown Harbour area.
Hopetown is a lovely small community that maintains a quaint Bahamian
style despite its tourist allure.
The historic lighthouse is still fired by oil and constantly tended by
the lighthouse keepers.
The mooring field in Hopetown Harbour is almost always filled to capacity
with cruisers.
The vast majority of vessels are sailboats.
There are several side sloughs and lagoons branching off the main harbor.
We located the dinghy dock reserved for the lodge and tied up to wait for
Dave and Barbara.
All dinghies need to toss a stern anchor out as they approach the dock.
This keeps the boats perpendicular to the dock and allows more boats to
squeeze in.
Through the archway and up several flights of stairs, the main dining
room and lodging area can be found.
A bit further brings you to the ocean side and the lovely, outdoor
restaurant and bar.
The Hopetown Harbour Lodge has long been recognized as the premier
location on the entire Cay.
Just as prearranged, the Bluto’s arrived for the luncheon.
From the outside bar/café, the ocean view is nothing less than
Dave and Barbara Bluto (CHABLIS) and Fred Reed and Judy Law (AMARSE) had
the best seats in the house.
How is this for an idyllic tropical paradise?
Chris and Sandi Johnson, with dog Sammy, (CRITCHER CAT) and Jonathan and
Judie Jenkins (DOUBLE JJ) soon joined us at the table for eight.
We had a very nice lunch and the Pina Coladas had lots of good flavor.
Judy and I shared a dozen Conch Fritters and a dinner plate of Grouper
The distinctive beauty and delicate features of this Hibiscus blossom
seemed so perfect in every way.
There are several different dinghy docks available for cruisers to choose
In calm weather, the harbor portrays a tranquil nautical atmosphere for
all to envy.
Upon our return to AMARSE, we loaded up the dinghy atop the sundeck roof
using the mechanized crane.
By 3:15p, we were underway to arrive at Boat Harbour at 4:10p.
Special thanks to all those that helped us get resituated in our slip.
Near sunset, we joined the informal chat and cocktail session on our
dock. For
dinner, Judy had some leftover Smoked Sausage and applesauce.
I just had some Farfelle with butter sauce.
For some strange reason, the ice machine doesn’t want to turn on.
We are suspecting a faulty membrane switch.
I wonder if there is anything that I can do to get it working again?
We watched the final episode of Season 10 and the finale of the entire
saga of Stargate SG-1.
I will miss this very entertaining Sci-Fi series that has enjoyed the
longest running in history for a Sci-Fi hit.
Although we have three more seasons of Stargate Atlantis to watch, Judy
has asked for something else to spark her interest for a while.
Between 10p and midnight, we visited aboard ADAMAS DE MARIS to welcome
Joe, Jr. and Melody DeMaris who will be visiting his “Pop” for two weeks.
Hope y’all have fun.
The live in Portland, Texas near Corpus Christi. 01/13/08
It was a nice calm morning, however, we are expecting a cold front this
evening or tonight.
Somehow missing the breakfast meal, we made Tuna sandwiches for an early
The evening cocktail hour was special tonight.
Joe, Joe Jr., and Melody came over to AMARSE with a full pitcher of
frozen strawberry daiquiris.
Joe Jr. had managed to carry in a large bag of frozen strawberries in his
Going down smoothly, it wasn’t long before Jr. was sent to fetch
another pitcher full.
I had just a small glass, however, I switched from the sweet stuff to my
favorite bloody mary cocktail that has a more salty taste.
By 7pm, they had drained every drop and headed off to dinner.
A meatloaf served with rice and buttery corn highlighted our dinner menu.
Tonight, we started in on Season 1 of the Sopranos DVD series.
We have the complete set of six seasons to enjoy.
It appears that there are about 13 episodes per season.
The first two episodes of Season 1 played tonight.
I think we will enjoy following the story line to its conclusion. 01/14/08
Another nice morning greeted us.
The cold front has slowed and is now overdue.
We chatted with friends and Judy walked her routine of 4 miles.
I worked diligently on the logs and updates.
I am proud to announce that I completed the entire volumes for 2007.
They are currently published on our website for everyone’s enjoyment.
That frontal passage crossed us in mid afternoon with only a sprinkle and
ushered in only a mild Northerly wind.
At his request, I helped Milton (OUR WAY) set up his computer to accept
emails through Outlook Express.
Just before giving up, I remembered the sequence to input to enable the
All the mental stress must have set me up for a very welcomed, afternoon
Judy and Melody walked to the downtown stores for a supply run.
We visited with Bob and Judy Williams (SHADE MOR) to sign up for the Sea
Spray Resort Rendezvous Event scheduled for late January.
They placed us in the number 1 standby position for a slip with power.
At 5pm, we made the walk to Snappa’s Restaurant and Bar.
With my bum leg and JD’s bothersome knees, we were in no big rush.
With happy hour prices on drinks running strong, we made up the
difference in quantity.
Those Bloody Caesars (made with Clamato Juice) sure tasted great.
Waitress/Barmaid Maria puts together a nice mixture.
Once again, the grilled Mahi Mahi sandwiches were excellent.
The trip back to the marina was a lot less painful in the taxi.
We should have taken the taxi there too. It is really great having Joe,
Joe Jr., and Melody DeMaris here in the Bahamas.
Judy went out for the walk with the gals and still had enough energy left
to do several loads of laundry this morning.
Although it has been well over a week since I took the spill down the
cabin stairs, my left leg is still very sore and the swelling refuses to go
away. I
will have to regiment myself to keep it elevated and stay off it until it heals.
I suspect that I may have a fine line crack that will have to heal on its
own over time.
I toasted a waffle and enjoyed it with a ration of bacon.
In the crock-pot, I placed a sliced onion and a chunk of beef for pot
After some interesting ideas for discussion, Joe DeMaris decided to
try my idea of using the bee’s wax from a toilet bowl ring to keep water out
temporarily while he repacked the shaft gland seal.
The dive and the idea proved successful.
I tried to be a good boy and rest my leg keeping it elevated
as much as possible.
I must admit that it does help.
Milton (OUR WAY) was interested in setting up a Skype telephone
We worked for quite a while overcoming bad connections to get him
The marina folks promise a resolution to these poor connections.
Today, we had to sit on the steps of one of the office buildings to get
even a marginal connection.
I was glad when cocktail hour rolled around and we could get together
with friends on Dock #4.
I shredded the delicious eye-round roast that had been slow simmering all
day. With
some baked Red Potatoes, nothing could have been more wonderful.
I will be anxious to try another eye-round cut for the next time too.
The DVD player sent more episodes of the Sopranos, Season 1, to the
It is a pleasure to get such a high quality resolution picture. POST
As I publish this first edition of 2008, we are enjoying the Bahamas for
the winter aboard AMARSE.
We sincerely hope that you will review the previous years of compilations
to give context to the current editions. I look forward to publishing the
upcoming 2008 Updates as our year unfolds.
Please let us know if you have any special suggestions and thoughts.
We thank those of you who have contacted us recently and we are looking
forward to hearing from each of you in the near future.
Thanks for allowing us to share our life and adventures with you.
The website is now fully active and you can visit it at any time.
You can review any of the 2006, 2007, or the upcoming 2008 logs and learn
more about the crew and our plans.
You may contact us via email.
Our cell phones have been turned OFF.
We do have occasional SKYPE connections at ‘amarse1’. "AMARSE".
is pronounced "AM-ARE-SAY". Our website is: www.amarse.net
Thanks Lot of
Love, Fred Reed
and Judy Law AMARSE MT40 |
Fred H. Reed |
www.amarse.net © 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 |