Site Index:
thru 11/30/07
Everybody, IMPORTANT
I did NOT send any email versions of UPDATES 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 or
33 because of the file sizes. I
included a lot of our Alaskan cruise pictures in those updates and I was
concerned that some email programs would be jammed up.
Please go to the website at www.amarse.net
to view those updates and learn more about AMARSE.
I have had several people request that I send those volumes to them via
email because they have been saving them on their computers.
If you desire, I can arrange to send them to you too.
Thanks. The
period 01/19/07 thru 11/15/07 has been covered in Updates 1 through 33.
We continue with UPDATE 2007 # 34. UPDATE
2007 #34 11/16/07 through
Welcome back to the new Adventures of the trawler AMARSE.
At last update, we were in Brunswick Landing Marina getting ready to head
south for the winter. 11/16/07 FRIDAY
BIRTHDAY TO ME, YEP, HAPPY BIRTHDAY FRED! I was shivering cold all night. When I took my temperature and it showed a fever of 101.7, I
could easily understand why. What
ever was going on, it made me feel weak and cold. For
lunch, I had some Chicken Noodle soup. My
Mommy had always said that it would make me feel better.
You know, she was right again. I
continued to rest while Judy took the crews from RHUMB LINE and SEA FOX for a
grocery run. My temp had dropped considerably to 98.6
but I was still weak. My BP was
running a bit low, maybe that was why.
dinnertime, I was ready to go out to celebrate a bit.
My first choice was Longhorn Steakhouse, however, the expected wait of
70-75 minutes was more than the group could handle.
Back into the cars and off to St. Simons Island and Barbara Jeans
Restaurant. It is off-season on the
island so we could be seated immediately. Helping
me celebrate were Jay and Maryann from RHUMB LINE;
Judy and Jonathan Jenkins from DOUBLE JJ;
Milton and Fran Ohlsen from SEA FOX;
.....and, of course, the birthday boy,
Fred, with Judy Law, from AMARSE.
Everyone seemed to enjoy the evening and I
was endeared to them for an engaging rendition of the Happy Birthday song; such
harmony, such talent.
Back at the boat, Judy surprised me again
with a nice triple chocolate cake and she even sang to me again.
11/17/07 SATURDAY
FL The alarm sounded early and we made
preparations to make way. A trip to
the marina office had our final bill tallied and we made reservations for a
return to BLM in May of 2008. By
9:35am, we had brought aboard our last dock lines and had the twin propellers
idling us out of the marina.
As we motored away, we had an excellent
view of the Brunswick Bridge on our way toward Jekyll Island Cut.
It was 10:53am when we rejoined the ICW waterway at mile 685.
By 2:30pm, we were easing up to the dock at
Fernandina Marina to pay for our overnight mooring.
In less than 20 minutes, we were secure in the mooring field on mooring
ball # 10 at mile 716.5. We were
fortunate to have had favorable currents for almost the entire trip.
Being quite early in the day, I decided to
cook a small turkey in the oven. This
is the first time that we have used this oven for cooking dinner. Usually, we use our small toaster/convection oven for what we
need. Not wanting to make too big a
mess, we used one of those Reynolds Cooking Bags. The oven was being a bit finicky at first and didn’t want
to stay lit. I finally realized
that closing the door too fast would extinguish the pilot light. So goes the learning curve.
As the bird slowly roasted, I took a nap.
I still had a 100.7-degree fever and didn’t feel all that energetic.
Cooking a turkey in the bag doesn’t allow the bird to brown very
nicely, however, it tasted great and the cleanup was much, much easier. We have decided that the cooking bag method is best for the
small sized oven and galley despite its drawbacks.
To accompany this wonderful first meal on our voyage south, we added
Mashed Potatoes, Stuffing, and Gravy. A
special note of thanks to Judy for cleaning up in the wake of the
‘Mess-Maker’. 11/18/07 SUNDAY
FERNANDINA, FL to ST. AUGUSTINE, FL The alarm sounded its wakeup call at 6am.
A half hour later, under still dark skies, AMARSE cleared her mooring at
mile 716.5. The weather was
cooperative and beautiful. The forecast was for near ideal anchoring conditions tonight.
At 2:30pm, we had found a secure spot in the south anchorage at St.
Augustine, FL. Looking around the
tranquil harbor, we commented on the vast difference from the last time at St.
Augustine when the wind was tossing the boats around like toys.
Our neighbors seem to be all sailboaters.
I guess most yachties and power cruisers prefer the security of a marina. For us, these short overnights are great on the “hook”
and we save considerable money in marina fees.
If the weather is lousy, I will try to get a dock since these trawlers
have a lot of windage that makes them a bit uncomfortable on heavy winds and
waves. The low profile design of a
sailboat makes it more conducive for anchoring. Tonight
would be placid and calm here at mile 778.1 and coordinates N29 53.133 W081
The leftovers from last night’s turkey
were reheated to make for another excellent dining experience.
In a tradition handed down from my father, I slathered hot gravy over a
slice of white bread to top off the meal. Oh,
so very yummie!!!! ‘Me Pappy wuda
bin sew prowd o’ me’. We ran
the generator to charge batteries and watch a bit of local TV.
Still not feeling real well, my slight fever made for a restless night
even after going to bed as early as 8:30pm. 11/19/07 MONDAY
ST. AUGUSTINE, FL to NEW SMYRNA BEACH, FL The familiar sound of a 6am alarm had us up
and, with power from the generator, making coffee.
By 6:40am, we had the anchor aweigh with no sticky mud residue.
Judy served a breakfast of cereal on the bridge as we motored along. The
ICW has stretches of open, rural setting interrupted by residential areas and
boat docks. Judy was down below as
we passed one community with boats tied up to their piers.
I was somewhat shocked when a rather shapely lady came out of her boat
door in black lace bra and underwear. Do
you think it was real or was I having a fever-induced hallucination?
I’m sure it was real. The
lighthouse at Ponce Inlet stands tall by the channel outbound.
A cutoff route provides a more protective route for the ICW traveler.
We chose an anchorage just south of New
Smyrna Beach and just south of the high bridge.
By 3:45pm, our firmly set anchor held us at mile 846.4 and coordinates
N29 00.989 W080 54.789.
Using the carcass from the turkey, we
boiled it with onions and seasoning to make a rich, hearty broth.
When you add shredded meat and rice, you have some of the best soup known
to mankind. Every since I was a
young boy, I have revered this recipe as one of my favorites. 11/20/07 TUESDAY
NEW SMYRNA BEACH, FL to DRAGON POINT The familiar sound of the morning alarm
allowed us to have the anchor in the chocks by 6:35am.
The skies lightened with a magnificent sunrise.
Today’s temperature would top out in the high 70’s followed by lows
in the upper 60’s. The water
temperature indicated 67 degrees on our instruments.
Friends, this is what cruising is all about.
The ICW traverses Haulover Canal from
Mosquito Bank to the ICW north of Titusville.
A proud contingent of Pelicans and other shorebirds stood guard along the
rocks lining the canal.
The swing bridge at Titusville rotated on
its pivot point to allow several of us to pass through.
This bridge leads out to Cape Canaveral.
At 3:30pm, we anchored near a low bridge in
Eau Gallie. It was quite noisy and
shallow without much swinging room. The
marina operator suggested that we move over toward the public park. After several tries, we could still not get the anchor to set
properly in the muddy ooze. Tired
of cleaning off the muddy chain and anchor with each try, I decided to exit this
small bay and relocate to another place. This
is one of the advantages to an early start in the morning.
It gives us the option to readjust our plan at the end of the day’s
cruise. Behind Dragon Point at Indian Harbor Beach,
a place made famous by a huge, concrete form of a dragon, we found our secure
anchorage. Although the massive
dragon now lies in shear ruin, it still bears the reminder of its once held
glory. I have fond memories of this
location from many years past. At
4:40pm, our anchor was well found for the calm night ahead.
LOCATION: Mile 914.2 N28
08.510 W080 36.098 11/21/07
BEACH, FL. The alarm issued notice in the still dark
morning. Judy found that we had
gotten water into the forward stateroom and that the mattress was wet. A closer examination revealed that the anchor washdown hose
that passes through a locker just forward of the mattress had cracked and was
spraying water whenever the washdown pump was activated.
We cleaned up the water and removed the mattress to the outer sundeck to
dry out. I rigged a couple of trash
bags as a shield to deflect the pump spray away from the bulkhead and direct it
into the bilge. This would allow us to use the pump to retrieve the muddy
anchor and chain. We also reduced
the leak pressure by leaving the nozzle full open.
Everything worked well and the anchor was retrieved without much mud. By
6:50am, the anchor was up and we were underway.
Judy rearranged the sundeck to promote the drying of the wetted items. The
waters were smooth and calm as we slowly cruised the ICW.
A family of porpoises or dolphins joined in our wake as if to escort us
through their home waters.
Their agility and aquatic skill always
amaze me.
This one seemed to cast a cheerful glance
and the hint of a smile as if to say, “Welcome Friends, Everything is cool;
You’re traveling with us now”.
It was only 11:40am when we approached the
fuel dock at Vero Beach. We filled
our water tank and moved to our assigned mooring ball #14.
We were surprised that the pennant was missing from the ball.
We summoned a passing dinghy and asked him to feed our line through the
eye and back to us. By 12:15pm, we were made fast.
We had secured the last empty mooring and had been informed that we could
expect additional vessels to come soon and raft themselves to us.
The rule here in Vero Beach allows up to three similar sized boats to
occupy the same mooring ball.
We put out fenders on both sides of AMARSE
to cushion the arrival of any rafting boat.
With the dinghy lowered from the sundeck roof, we were free to move about
the area. Of course, we would have
to use effective power management and be sure to use the auxiliary generator to
recharge the batteries used for lighting and refrigeration.
Fortunately, public transportation in the
form of a small bus makes regular runs between the marina and city shopping.
Needing a few things, we took the 10-minute ride in the 2:05 pm bus to
the Publix Grocery. We hustled
around to make the 2:40pm return bus. Using
leftover turkey, I combined the meat with stuffing and gravy to make a delicious
casserole. While the generator
recharged our batteries, we took advantage of the AC power to watch TV and DVD
Season 8, episodes 1 & 2 of Stargate SG-1.
The trip from Brunswick, GA to Vero Beach
used 38.1 hours of engine time according to the tach hour meter. LOCATION:
N27 39.361 W080 22.203 Mile
Marker 951.7 as measured from
Norfolk, VA. 11/22/07 THURSDAY
THANKSGIVING DAY. This is the kind of day that everyone can
be thankful for. For us, we are
constantly thankful of all of life’s bounty and are thankful to each other for
all we do to make each and every day a day of thanksgiving.
The weather is absolutely perfect and the Chamber of Commerce can be
proud of living up to their word. The
peaceful tranquility of the mooring location was made even more enjoyable with
coffee and filo, cheese bear claws served on the sundeck.
We took some time to call friends and family to thank them for their love
and caring. At
11am, we dinghied around to the landing for the annual nautical flea market.
Each year, cruisers from all over come here to Vero
Beach to join in the Thanksgiving day events.
Miscellaneous items are brought out for sale.
It’s just the guys cleaning out those unwanted, unneeded used items
that are just occupying space. Robert
Wilson had a bunch of surplus gear from his sailboat days.
Now a trawler guy, he doesn’t have much use for the stuff.
Robert is a natural born salesman and just loves the marketplace.
The best salesmen need to know their
products and their competition. Robert
carefully studies the supply house catalog to get info and price structures.
Meanwhile next door, the folks are busy
setting up for today’s big feast and get-together.
Nearly 200 people will bring their contribution dishes for the famous,
annual festivities.
Robert and Carolyn Wilson were delighted
that their longtime friends had driven over from Orlando to be with them on this
Thanksgiving Day. Bucko Reese,
Dixie, and their daughter, Katie, all wore the huge smiles of a thankful group.
Before long, the food tables began to fill
up with a myriad of culinary delights.
Many folks brought their favorite family
traditional dishes prepared just like Mom used to do.
Judy prepared her specialty of Pecan Sweet Potato Casserole.
My contribution was Golden Kernel Corn in a Butter and Balsamic reduction
This whole table was reserved for those
sweet tooth items.
The actual dinner started precisely at 1pm.
To maintain some semblance of order and to
keep the wild jackals at bay, the organizers devised a method that worked quite
well. Each table was assigned a
number that was written on a piece of paper.
In lottery fashion, the drawing table would be called as the previous
table line dwindled. Unfortunately,
our table was one of the last ones called.
Oh well, there was plenty for everyone.
Our table sat the Wilson’s (SEA ISLAND GIRL) and friends, the Reese
family, and the crew of MERGANSER. Special
thanks to Carolyn for snagging us the table early.
We took an after dinner ride around the
crowded harbor. We came across a
very unusual sight. This gorgeous
sailboat was equipped with two enormous yellow bags hanging from its masthead. This will take some explaining since I had never seen the
likes of it before. This vessel is
reported to have a 7 –1/2-foot draft, as well as, an 80 foot mast height.
In as much as the majority of ICW bridges are fixed at a height around 60
to 65 feet, the vessel would be unable to transit in its normal configuration.
What these ingenious folks have done is to hang two huge bags of water
weighing 2000 lbs each from the mast. The
underway vessel is turned sharply causing the heavy bags to swing outward by
centrifugal force. The off-center
weight causes the boat to be
dragged over sideways until the bags reach the water level where they stop.
The boat is now leaned way over on its side in excess of 30 degrees.
This changed the effective height of the mast to be low enough to clear
the bridge. Once on the other side,
they are somehow able to right the vessel and continue along the straight path.
It was absolutely amazing to watch the process play out before our very
eyes. I salute their ingenuity.
No Thanksgiving day would be complete
without the obligatory afternoon nap that lasted a couple of hours. What a great
day. For
dinner, we opted for a lighter entrée of toasted tuna sandwiches.
11/23/07 FRIDAY
VERO BEACH, FL Although there were more clouds in the sky,
it was still a beautiful day in the 70’s.
A leisurely breakfast out on the sundeck consisted of scrambled eggs with
Mexican cheese and fried onions served with hot biscuits. The
municipal marina provides a special dinghy dock for the moored boats.
It is most often as crowded as a mall parking lot with two and three rows
We took a bit of a bus tour around and
finally got off at the ABC liquor store and Publix market.
We had lunch at Kelley’s Deli and Pub.
Judy chose the turkey sandwich and I tried the grilled corned beef on
rye. We can recommend this place. I
signed up and paid for the “Yacht Spot WiFi” internet service.
Believe me, this expensive service was junk.
Their tech support was absolutely no help and there are no refunds.
It was a rip-off. Robert
and Carolyn joined us on AMARSE for our dinner Mexican Fiesta.
Picadillo was the main meat dish served with tomatoes, lettuce, sour
cream, salsa, and corn chips. I
made mine into a burrito. Everyone
seemed to like the frijoles dish with 3 kinds of beans all sautéed with fresh
baby ‘bellos (mushrooms) and onions. They
taught us a new dice game called FARKLE. Actually,
the game dates back to Elizabethan days. Judy
won and it was a real fun game. 11/24/07 SATURDAY VERO
It was another absolutely perfect day.
I can’t say that we did anything extra special but I know that we
enjoyed the day. 11/25/07 SUNDAY
(Greyhound from Ft. Pierce to Jacksonville) Good Morning, Sunshine.
As the sun peaked over the horizon, we
slipped the mooring line from the ball under partly cloudy skies and
temperatures forecasted to reach the upper 70’s.
Our course followed the ICW from MM 951.7,
past Ft. Pierce, to MM 987.9 where we turned west toward Stuart, FL on the
Okeechobee Waterway. After passing
under the Roosevelt Bridge, we turned up the St. Lucie River to find our Dock at
13:45pm. Dave Elliott, our super
maintenance expert and all-around nice guy, had arranged for a temporary dock
behind a private home. This would
be home for the next couple of weeks while Dave made repairs and did our fall
preventative maintenance. Dave
was busy for Monday so I figured that it would be a good time to go get the car
from Brunswick. Dave dropped me at
the Greyhound Bus stop at I-95 in Ft. Pierce.
I had planned for an easy trip up scheduled to arrive about 11:30pm.
I could not have been more wrong. I
had not anticipated the extra crowded conditions in as much as this was the
Sunday following a Holiday week. The
actual bus I wanted (3:10p) was already full so they put me on an earlier bus
(2:55p that was already running late). I
actually thought that this was better, however, they had put me on a local bus
with lots of stops. With the extra
delays, the bus arrived in Orlando at 6:40pm.
I should have connected with the 6pm bus for Jacksonville, however, it
had already departed. The next bus
(8:15pm) was already full. To
handle the extra crowds, they put on another bus that departed at 9pm going
direct to Jacksonville. That bus
pulled into the Jacksonville station at 11:30pm.
Although the same bus was scheduled to continue northbound along I-95,
they would not stop at Brunswick because that station was closed at night.
I was informed that my next option was a bus leaving at 6:30am.
This meant a long night sitting on a hard metal bench for 7 hours. Oh well, the joys of “ridin’ da ‘hound”. 11/26/07 MONDAY
PORT ST. LUCIE, FL (Greyhound
Bus from Jacksonville to Brunswick; Car from Brunswick, GA to Port St. Lucie) It was a long, long, long night in the bus
terminal. They allow you to sit,
however, you can not lie down on the floor and sleep.
At 6:15am, the boarding process began for the 6:30am departure.
An hour and 15 minutes later, I stepped down to begin the walk to the
marina. The still air and foggy
conditions were perfect for the “No-See-Ums” to be out in force.
They had a fine time chewing and chomping at my legs and ankles.
By 8:30am, the car was pulling out of the marina parking lot headed
south. Out of
Georgia and into Florida, I had an idea that I would stop in New Smyrna Beach
and try to find the latest edition of “Guide to the Abacos 2008” by Steve
Dodge. I had heard that it was hot
off the press located in that town. When
I got there, nobody seemed to have ever heard of White Sound Press.
Come to find out later that is operated from a small, private building.
With time for lunch, I had wasted 2-1/2 hours of travel time.
Within a couple of hours, I was back safely on AMARSE.
It was nice to have some good food with a
Mexican style dinner of Burritos
and Frito Pie. Why don’t you ask
me if I was tired enough to sleep well? 11/27/07 TUESDAY
PORT ST. LUCIE At 8am, Dave was right on time to begin
work on the lengthy list of items. He
is great to work with and is very reliable.
If he says he’ll be there at 8am, you can set your watch by it.
He goes about the work cheerfully, efficiently, and competently.
The first item on the list was to remove
the fuel injectors so that we could send them out for servicing.
Although we were not experiencing any specific problem, we agreed that
since the starboard injectors were dirty, it would be wise to recondition the
port ones now and gain the side benefit of better fuel economy too.
Another big project was the changing of
both exhaust mufflers. Several
hairline sized cracks were evident on the top of the fiberglass that allowed the
smallest of water seeps to escape. Although
they had been noticed when we bought the boat, they had not been problematic,
however, we decided that we would take the best care of our AMARSE and do what
we could to keep her in top-notch shape. 11/28/07 WEDNESDAY
PORT ST. LUCIE, FL Once again, we greeted Dave at 8am. He continued with the project list. Each morning, over a cup of coffee, we would start by
planning the day’s projects. All
the panels of the floor would have to be removed and stored in the aft
stateroom. If Dave needed parts or
supplies, we would run around in the car and pick them up.
It was extremely handy to have the car available. Just
beside the boat, this flock of Ibis would wander around pecking up food from the
11/29/07 THURSDAY
PORT ST. LUCIE, FL Another project day with solid progress on
AMARSE. During the afternoon, the
diesel shop called to let us know that we could pick up the reconditioned fuel
injectors. For
supper, we went to Sam’s Club for a pizza.
Seems that after a day of working around, we are just too exhausted to
prepare our own dinner. 11/30/07 FRIDAY
PORT ST. LUCIE, FL Today, we cleaned all the sea strainers for
the engines and generators, changed fuel filters in the primary Racors and
secondary engine double-units, and the generator.
We tightened a couple of loose bolts on the genset, rodded out the main
heat exchangers, and changed the pencil zincs.
Dave found that the insulation covering the main battery grounding cables
was in poor condition. We decided
to replace both cables with 2/0 tinned marine cable.
A trip to the marine surplus store in Ft. Pierce provided the raw
materials. Dave would fabricate the cables in his shop. We
went to Charlie’s Flashback Diner and found it a very good place to eat.
I had broiled Scallops and Judy had Prime Rib. POST
SCRIPT: As I assemble this edition, we
are already in the Bahamas for the winter aboard AMARSE. (it's early Jan ‘08
already). I offer my apology for being so tardy in putting the log
updates together. While I am
catching up on these late editions, you will probably notice some changes in the
format. Hopefully, these will allow
me to be more punctual. Whatever,
we sincerely hope you enjoy these compilations. Please let us know if you have
any special suggestions and thoughts. We
thank those of you who have contacted us recently and we are looking forward to
hearing from each of you in the near future.
Thanks for allowing us to share our life and adventures with you. REMEMBER:
The website is now fully active and you can visit it at any time.
You can review any of the 2006 or 2007 logs right now. Soon, the
2008 logs will begin. Learn more about the crew and our plans.
You may contact us via email. Our
cell phones have been turned OFF. We
do have occasional SKYPE connections at ‘amarse1’. "AMARSE".
is pronounced "AM-ARE-SAY". Our website is: www.amarse.net
. Lot of
Love, Fred Reed
and Judy Law AMARSE MT40 |
Fred H. Reed |
www.amarse.net © 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 |