Site Index:
thru 07/14/07
Everybody, The
period 01/19/07 thru 06/30/07 has been covered in Updates 1 through 20.
We continue with UPDATE 2007 # 21. UPDATE
2007 #21 07/01/07 through 07/14/07. Welcome back to the new Adventures of the trawler AMARSE. At last update, we were back home on AMARSE at Brunswick Landing Marina in Georgia. 07/01/07
chance to visit with Paul and Sue Graham from “ODYSSEY” has been the very
best of quality time. They are such
a joy to be with and they make us very happy to be around them.
The four of us hit the obligatory shopping spots such as Wal-Mart and the
Publix grocery store. It was
abundantly clear from the load of stuff in the trunk that we are, indeed, avid
consumers. The
afternoon was frequently interrupted with intermittent, very heavy rains.
Many people have been hoping and praying for rains here in the Southeast
due to the drought conditions. The
rains subsided and the skies cleared in late afternoon.
We packed our picnic lunches and fold-up chairs into the car and headed
for St. Simon’s Island. At the
base of the historic lighthouse, a concert was scheduled featuring the Motown
sound. Folks come out and set up
their stuff for a picnic and musical event.
Paul, Judy, and I brought sandwiches.
Sue had a craving for a big ol’ piece of fried chicken.
walkways and lawns were filled with eager music lovers.
were amazed at how elaborate some of the picnic set-ups were.
There was a range from family style to elegant tables of wine and cheese.
the eminent threat of more showers resulted in the cancellation of the event.
Oh well, we certainly enjoyed our picnic.
The rains came back in just as we reached the car.
Excellent timing. We
wanted a concert and, by gosh, we were going to have a concert.
We invited Paul and Sue to the AMARSE Concert Hall for a Rod Stewart DVD
concert. We enjoyed it, however,
Paul and Sue left about half way through. Cruisers
midnight had them falling asleep in their chairs. 07/02/07 MONDAY
I’ve wanted to upgrade the TV system on AMARSE for sometime now.
We started with a small tube type TV located in the aft stateroom that
came with the boat. In October of
2006, we donated that TV to Goodwill and installed a 15-inch LCD TV with an
integral DVD player in the main salon. It
worked quite well and we have enjoyed many hours of entertainment from it.
As many of you know, High Definition TV is the wave of the future.
I have been fascinated by the vastly improved quality displayed on these
newer sets. We spent a lot of the
day shopping and researching the options for a new TV unit.
shopping day is complete without a visit to Wal-Mart.
Judy needed some more “vacuum bags”.
These are not the kind for your cleaning vacuum but, rather, the kind in
which you store items of clothing, towels, blankets, or other soft goods.
For those of you unfamiliar with these miraculous bags, you simply place
those items inside the bag and then apply vacuum suction from your vacuum
cleaner. This compresses the
contents way down and allows you to store many times more items in the same
space. We then store the bags under
the aft berth. Everything is
protected from dust and moisture. Those
of us that live in tight quarters, such as boats and RV’s, need to conserve
all the space that we can. Numerous
heavy, heavy rain showers punctuated the afternoon.
I chose to work on update logs while Judy enjoyed more episodes of
“Married With Children” from the DVD series. Dinner came out very well and was absolutely
delicious. I made Stuffed Peppers
using sweet red peppers, ground sausage, ground beef, rice, grilled onion, and
cheese. The sides included fresh
corn on the cob, fresh slices of tomato and cucumber. 07/03/07 TUESDAY
time of year, sporadic, heavy rain showers commonly frequent the SOUTHEAST US
each afternoon. Today would be no
exception. They pop up fast, dump a
bunch of rain, and then the skies clear off until the next round strikes. We
did some more shopping for salon chairs today.
Unfortunately, everything we see is too large for our needs.
Designers are obviously focusing on the larger home market.
Thankfully, what we have works quite well, however, my lazy butt would
sure like a recliner. We will just have to keep looking for something more compact. Another
of those tasty meatloaf packages from Publix Supermarket, sides of herb mashed
potatoes, fresh corn on the cob, and sliced cucumber, provided a delicious
dinner selection. Tonight’s
entertainment on the small screen consisted of the first two episodes of Season
7 of Stargate SG-1. We sure enjoy
this series. We watched every
episode of seasons 1 through 6 while we were back in San Antonio in late 2006. 07/04/07
with “Age” before “Beauty”?) Of
course, everyone celebrates the birthday of our nation.
We have the additional joy of celebrating another birthday of Judy’s
brother, Dean. He really doesn’t
look like his actual age, however, I remember when he did. (Ha Ha Ha!) The
Brunswick Landing Marina hosted a wonderful cookout event for everyone at the
marina at 2pm. They supplied lots
of hot dogs, burgers, and even several huge, barbequed pork roasts.
Everyone brought a potluck side dish to make it a huge feast.
The marina had several tubs of ice cream to share with the sweet tooth
crowd. We were surprised at how
many folks were in attendance. Brunswick
is not a huge city. Their scheduled
parade will never be a televised event. It
consisted mainly of a couple of fire trucks, some young peoples groups walking
and waving, a police four-wheeler, a few civil war buffs in period uniforms, and
a small troupe of equestrians. The
route traversed the historic downtown area and culminated along the riverside at
Mary Ross Park. A DJ played a
variety of music genre and the activities committee conducted games of sack
races, hula-hoop contests, one-legged relays, and other family games. We
enjoyed a light supper of turkey sandwiches on hoagie rolls before finding a
great spot on dock #8 to watch the fireworks.
A group of us set up our folding chairs to watch a very nice fireworks
display that fired off from just across the river from the marina.
We certainly had the ideal viewing location. I can only assume that this entire spectacular event was for
Dean’s birthday. What do you
think? 07/05/07
10am, Paul and Sue hopped into the Riviera for the drive to Savannah. Sue was hankering to visit Mrs. Wilkes’ Boarding House for
lunch. She had visited there
several years ago and touted its unique approach to family style dining. We arrived there about 11:30am to find that a long line had
already formed.
joined the end of the line for a long wait of one and a half hours.
It was a beautiful day and we had the opportunity to chat with several of
the others that were patiently waiting their turn.
is seated around large family tables. The
staff begins to bring bowl after bowl of side dish specialties. There is no menu and the main course specialty is southern
fried chicken. Table eating styles
may often contradict Miss Manners’ approval. It is definitely a place where
the “boarding house reach” is well within the rules of etiquette. It was difficult to imagine all that variety of food on one
table. If you leave hungry, you
definitely missed the whole concept of this place. We really enjoyed the experience.
lunch, we drove around the City of Savannah.
You should see the wonderful old homes and buildings that fill the
streets. There are numerous
park-like areas within the residential zones.
Everything has been beautifully restored and decorated.
The landscaping is lovely. The
Savannah riverfront is lined with all kinds of little shops.
Of course, there are not enough parking spaces so I dropped off the other
three and drove around while they did the tourist thing. This
beautiful cathedral beckoned us to visit. The
fabulous architecture of this Catholic Church reminded us of European elegance.
interior was, perhaps, even more spectacular.
Marble columns, gold leaf, and huge stained glass windows command the
respect for old world artists.
girls decided that they wanted another religious experience, so, we made a stop
at Krispy Kreme Kathedral. These
must be two of the Nuns from the “Sacred Order of the Honey-Glazed”. Perhaps, we should all bow our heads.
took the opportunity to shop at Best Buy and at Sam’s Club.
We stocked up and finally arrived back at the marina around 8pm. 07/06/07
a lot of research, I decided to purchase a 26-inch HD LCD TV made by Samsung.
Amazon.com offered the exact model that I wanted and priced at a
significant savings over the retail stores.
Model LNT2653H had all the features of resolution and contrast ratios
that would provide AMARSE with the best all-around set for our needs.
Ordering over the Internet is just so easy. I
have also decided to install a new DVD Player.
Since the TV will be Hi-Def, I wanted to our collection of movie discs to
look great too. Through the miracle
of electronic technology, engineers have perfected what is called an
“Up-conversion” or “Up-scaling” DVD Player.
These little marvels, somehow, take the normal 480i input signal and
Up-convert it to either 720p or 1080p output.
Now, your regular DVD has the appearance of being Hi-Def.
It is really too cool to imagine. My
research peaked my desire for another Samsung product.
Model DVD-1080P7 was purchased from the local Circuit City store after
they agreed to match their own website price.
In retrospect, I probably should have ordered it directly from Amazon.com
too but I didn’t. Much
of the rest of the day was wasted trying to communicate with Verizon Wireless
customer service (term used loosely). I
was attempting to cancel my AirCard service that feeds my computer with Internet
service. They are certainly a lot
more difficult to work with in this circumstance than they were when I signed
up. Oh well, what should I expect? 07/07/07 SATURDAY
is another good day at Brunswick Landing Marina.
Friends, John and Sue Winter, of “MISS LIBERTY”, have arrived from
Florida. They have been delayed on
the St. John’s River for over 3 months with an engine rebuild problem.
With everything resolved now, they are headed north to the Carolinas to
complete their trip. Fortunate for us, they chose to stop here for the night.
We spent a good long time chatting with them aboard their boat before
taking Sue to do some grocery shopping. John
undertook the oil-changing chore that afternoon. At
5pm, we picked up John and Sue from Dock #1 and headed for St. Simon’s Island.
Before we could get to the restaurant, it started to pour the rain like
you wouldn’t believe. As I pulled into one of the few empty parking spots along the
street, the puddles turned to rising streams and, before long, everything looked
more like a lake than a roadway. We
just sat in the car as the pelting rain beat on the roof like it was a snare
drum. Thank
goodness we had our “Crocs” shoes on. As
the rain let up a little, we darted across to the restaurant in ankle deep water
only to be informed of the 30 to 45 minute wait.
one inside was going to leave in this mess, so, we took a spot under the eaves
for protection. By now, the rain
was relatively light, however, none of the patrons would vacate their seats.
You know, it made the experience seem even more adventuresome and we will
always have even more to spark our wonderful memories of this fun evening.
(photos credits to John Winter)
the rain ceased, a table soon became available after the droves of customers
streamed steadily from the front door of Barbara Jean’s Restaurant. John was excited about the restaurant name because it is the
same as his sister’s name. He
even bought her a T-shirt. As
always, the home-style fare was delicious. Tonight
was NASCAR night for the Nextel Cup Series.
Paul and Sue Graham, from “ODYSSEY”, were already at the marina
clubhouse lounge warming up the TV set. The
two Sue’s are about equally avid and intense about their racing.
Before long, the two fans were rooting and cheering vehemently for their
favorite drivers. Decked out in
their finest race garb, Sue G. (red) yelped and screamed for Carl Edwards while
Sue W. (black) belted out her endearing support for Jeff Gordon.
Judy (white/pink) had her Nashville shirt on.
Nashville is home to one of NASCAR’s finest tracks.
It was certainly a fun-filled and totally enjoyable night.
said our farewells to John and Sue knowing that they would be gone with the
break of day. We all wished they
could have stayed longer, however, with only a few hundred miles left on their
cruise, they were anxious to get home. I
wasn’t feeling very well and when we got back to the boat, I found that my
temperature was 101.1. I guessed
that I had picked up some kind of internal infection so I took a few aspirin and
started some antibiotics. 07/08/07 SUNDAY
fever was still a bit high and I was feeling a bit weak.
I was having some urination problems but initially thought that the
antibiotics would kick in before long. By
late morning, I noticed a bit of blood in my urine.
OK, no more fooling around and I suspected something more serious might
be going on. Judy and my sister,
Carol, (RN), urged (No, insisted!) that I get some medical attention.
At 1pm, we signed in to the Southeast Georgia Regional Hospital.
Within a very short time, I was called into “Triage”.
This is where the ER nurse discusses your problem and then applies a
priority and treatment recommendation to the staff. Being in no immediate danger, I was sent back to the waiting
room. The seemingly endless wait
was the hardest part of this ordeal. About
3pm, I was called into the treatment area.
The efficient and friendly team set about to take urine and blood
samples. My veins are deep and they
presented a challenge to several competent phlebotomists.
The attending physician recommended a CT Scan of my kidneys to rule out
tumors or stones. Well, now for the good news, the test results could not find
any serious, long-term problems. The
diagnosis was, as I had first suspected, an infection somewhere in the kidneys,
bladder, or urinary tract. The
treatment was simple, just take a series of Cifrofloxin antibiotics and some
pain stuff. We finally got back to
the boat about 7pm. The
worst part of this illness situation was that we would miss a visit from our
dear, dear friends, Susan and Ivor Nathan.
For weeks now, we have be anxiously awaiting their arrival for a couple
of days visit during their road trip to Kentucky.
When they heard that I was under the weather, they felt it best to pass
us up this time. Although we were
very disappointed, I would have been too weak for them to have much fun.
I can assure you of this, we will get together again soon if I can have
anything to do with it. We love
those two very much! As
you can guess, I needed a lot of rest to get my strength back. 07/09/07 MONDAY
feeling zapped and running a bit of fever, I just wanted to rest and recover.
The outside temperatures were running very hot.
Thank goodness for the powerful and efficient air conditioners aboard
AMARSE. I didn’t go out at all
and found myself napping frequently. Judy
only ventured out to pick up my prescriptions at the CVS Pharmacy. Judy
fixed us a wonderful Chicken Pot Pie, however, I just don’t have much of an
appetite yet. I just couldn’t eat
anything that robust. 07/10/07 TUESDAY
Another viciously hot day was in store.
No real problem as I didn’t have the energy to do much anyway.
We were getting the fever under control and I was starting to feel
better. I still needed lots of
rest. 07/11/07 WEDNESDAY
I’m starting to feel more like myself. The
fever is all gone now and my strength is starting to return. We walked over to ODYSSEY to visit Paul and Sue.
We had a wonderful time just chatting for about 3 hours. Hurray,
the new TV was waiting for us at the office on Dock #1.
Unfortunately, the special cable (HDMI to HDMI) was backordered and we
need one before we could hook up the TV to the DVD Player.
At retail in the stores, the cables are very expensive.
Circuit city suckers some folks into paying $100 for one.
We ended up spending almost $30 at Wal-Mart for the same type cable that
you buy online for under $10. Oh
well, the price is always too high for stuff you need now. With
the new equipment set up in the main salon, we set to programming the
auto-tuning feature. We were quite
surprised to see a number of High Definition channels come up over the ordinary
airwaves. We had no idea that these
stations even existed since our older TV didn’t have the HD tuner built in. Although
a number of them were dedicated, religious channels or infomercial stations, we
could receive ION and CBS in HD. I
am so pleased with our choice of electronics in this case.
We attached our Bose Speakers up to produce exceptional sound that is
significantly better than the TV speakers.
My hearing is not all that great, however, the sound is much clearer and
more audible for me. A
beef roast has been simmering in the Crock Pot all day.
To help keep the cabin cooler, we had placed the cooker out on the
flybridge deck. That Judy comes up
with some great ideas. Dinner
served with fluffy rice was absolutely delicious. Of
course, the fantastic picture on the new TV fascinated us.
In HD, we watched Criminal Minds and CSI:NY.
We slipped in the Stargate SG-1 DVD disc for another episode from Season
7. We were in awe of how great it
looked in the “Up-conversion” format. 07/12/07 THURSDAY
is not much of a selection for HD station content during the day. Here is the new TV displaying the kid show of “Theodore,
the Tugboat” broadcast on ION TV. This
was a great upgrade to our lifestyle and to AMARSE.
always takes great care of me. Today,
she gave me a nice haircut and even a pedicure.
How’s that for a good woman? Sue
had dropped by and Judy offered to trim her hair in readiness for a wedding she
and Paul would attend this weekend. As
you would expect, Judy had her looking even cuter with each snip of the
scissors. Isn’t this what good
friends are all about?
made a call to the Bahamas today to make a reservation for this coming winter.
Using our Skype connection, a deposit secured our slip reservation at
“Abaco Beach Resort and Boat Harbour.”
This sets our plan to spend at least three months at this great spot in
the Marsh Harbour area. The
Ritz theatre in the heart of historic downtown Brunswick is operated by the
GIAHA (Golden Isles Arts and Humanities Association).
Tonight commences a program of “Turner Classic Movies Summer Film
Series at the Ritz”. A joint
project with TCM (Turner Classic Movies), Comcast Cable Company, and GIAHA,
tonight’s feature of “The Wizard of Oz” appeared on the screen.
As you may remember, Ted Turner had taken a number of classic films
and developed a process where by films were converted to color from the
original black and white versions. It was a
very controversial situation that conjured very different feelings in film
circles. Many felt that this destroyed the artistic intent of the
directors and other film makers. This
wonderful film, however, was not one of those. Our friend, Gwen Kulesa,
corrected my misconception that it had been colorized. My special thanks to this
great teacher. The Oz segments were, in fact, actually filmed in
Technicolor back in the late 1930's. Some of the Kansas segments were done
in Sepia Tone originally. It
was a fun event and the series will continue for a total of six weeks. Back
at the boat, we still had time to watch CSI and Shark in HD TV. 07/13/07 FRIDAY
was an ideal morning for breakfast out. The
Cracker Barrel restaurants always seem to please us with their extensive menu.
On a less pleasant note, we finally resorted to a personal visit to the
Verizon Wireless corporate store. For
over a week now, I have been unable to get a response from Verizon’s customer
service (obvious misnomer) as to the cancellation of my aircard service.
The store CSR extended the effort to finally cancel the account while
charging me $175 fee in the process. As
I have said before, we cancelled the service because we have WiFi here and in
the Bahamas (where AirCard doesn’t work anyway).
It was not because of problems with the connection service as we have
been satisfied with that. I still
firmly believe that Verizon is the best source for AirCard Internet
conductivity. Once
again, it was another stifling hot day. It
seems that everyone we talk to is experiencing exceptionally high temperatures.
The Chesapeake travelers report high 90’s as do the loopers in Canada.
It seems that everyone is sweating it out no matter how far north they
went. The
heat didn’t stop Judy from climbing up on the sundeck roof and applying
waterproofing chemicals to the canvas bimini top.
She used a roller and long handles to generously spread the liquid to the
sunbrella fabric. Within several
hours, we had a torrential downpour complete with lots of thunder and lightning.
Some of it sounded like it was all too close.
I bet you can guess what happened next.
With my AirCard now cancelled a few hours ago, the lightning knocked out
the marina’s WiFi connection. How’s
that for luck? Now I won’t have
Internet connection until they fix it sometime next week.
Oh well, you can’t win for losing. Judy’s
waterproofing job worked quite well and she knows where to apply some additional
material on the second coating. For
dinner, I made up a wonderful pot of Beef Soup.
This has to be one of my favorites. 07/14/07 SATURDAY
the morning, I worked on the update logs. Judy
climbed back up on the sundeck roof and applied the second coating of
waterproofing to the Sunbrella bimini top.
Paul had chores to do so I volunteered to accompany the gals to Jekyll
Island. Judy had seen some sandals
that she hoped might be found there. The
island charges each and every car a $3 parking fee to enter the island.
It must be quite the revenue producer for the wealthy island.
Not only did they find the shoes they wanted, they also couldn’t pass
up the chance for ice cream. As
they aptly demonstrate here, it takes a fast and skillful tongue to maintain
control in these hot temperatures. Now
that’s talent!
the windshield wipers sweeping away the moderate afternoon rains, we headed back
to the marina clubhouse to watch the NASCAR Busch Series race. As usual, Sue gleefully vocalized her support for Carl
Edwards. I’m quite sure that Carl
could even feel the positive vibes through his protective helmet.
I don’t know if it is more fun watching the race or watching Sue
enjoying her favorite sport. What a
great and fun gal! It is so nice to
have good friends nearby to help us enjoy these good times. Spaghetti
with meat sauce and meatballs made a great dinner. POST SCRIPT: REMEMBER:
The website is now fully active and you can visit it at any time.
You can review any of the 2006 or 2007 logs and learn more about the crew
and our plans. Enjoy. ATTENTION:
SPECIAL NOTE: "AMARSE". is pronounced "AM-ARE-SAY".
Our website is: www.amarse.net . Please call or email us with your thoughts and
comments and ideas too. Thanks Lot of Love, Fred Reed and Judy Law AMARSE MT40
Fred H. Reed |
www.amarse.net © 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 |