Site Index:
UPDATE#04 02/14 thru 02/20 daytime
Howdy Everybody, The adventures
of 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, and thru 02/13/2010 have been published on the
website. We continue with the
latest edition. UPDATE
2010 #04 02/14/10 thru 02/20/10
DAYTIME At last update,
we were in Boat Harbour in beautiful Marsh Harbour, Abacos.
Welcome back to the Bahamas… 02/14/10
Valentine’s Day is special for lovers.
Judy and I definitely qualify in that category.
Being in love with Judy makes my life worthwhile!
The boat’s name, AMARSE, is a Spanish word that means “To Love Each
Other”, so Valentine’s Day is for us.
The day had come for Judy’s brother, Dean, to head home in the
“frozen land”. The Kansas
weather forecasts blowing snow and temperatures in the teens F.
He left on the noon plane; we miss him already.
Numerous members of the RMHYC accepted an offer by Angler’s Restaurant
for a special dinner.
We were seated with Dick and Ann (RAGGEDY ANN), Wink and Wilma (JOHN
HENRY), and Fred and Sherry (CHIPKA FIRE).
Judy and I chose the filet and shrimp dish.
The presentation was okay. I
must remember what my Mom taught me, “If you don’t have something nice to
say, don’t say anything.” My
lips are sealed…
Was it wonderful and cute to see the stray dogs sleeping on the guest
lounges at the pool? For some it was, for some is wasn’t. Controversial? Oh,
My big project for the day was replacing the exhaust flappers on AMARSE.
The rubber flappers had become brittle and deformed through time and I
was concerned that they might no longer be effective at preventing backflow
while backing up or when strong winds drive seawater against the stern.
I used a replacement manufactured by Hardin Marine.
The old flappers needed to be cut away with a razor knife and the clamps
pried off. The new flappers required slight modification by cutting a
slot to reduce the mounting ring to fit the tailpipe diameter.
Fortunately, I was able to get smaller diameter clamps from the local
National Marine store. The process required me to lie on the swim platform and work
the tools and clamps by reaching under the water.
I was rewarded with a job well done.
At 3pm, the Commodore called the RMHYC Annual Meeting to order.
Members of the Bridge Committee gave their business reports and general
members were given the opportunity to ask questions and/or make comments. The meeting was well conducted and well received by the
membership. Judy and I offer our
thanks and appreciation to the RMHYC Bridge for their commitments and extensive
efforts to make our club the very best group of fun loving folks that could ever
be found.
Following the meeting, a poolside reception was arranged for cocktails
and the resort made a buffet dinner available.
The weather was turning cooler and the winds freshened as the cold front
arrived. A surprise birthday party
was to be held on the docks at Harbour View Marina in Marsh Harbour.
With the weather conditions threatening the success of the outside party,
the Harbour View Marina manager, Troy, came to the rescue by arranging a
protected location at Wally’s Restaurant.
It was a very generous offering that was key to making the celebration a
success. RMHYC members and friends
gathered to make it a very special birthday for Judy Fickes (SPLENDOR HYALINE).
Judy (yellow jacket) enjoyed sipping wine while visiting with boating
Judy’s husband, Rich, managed to arrange the big get-together in
complete secrecy. She had no idea
that all this would be going on. All
the boaters brought snacks, side dishes, and desserts.
Rich set up for a hot dog feast with all the trimmings.
Being able to have it on the enclosed patio of Wally’s Restaurant made
all the difference in its success. Rich
and Judy have been loyal winter boating residents at Harbour View Marina for
many years.
Two Judy’s that now share the same age of youthfulness.
It took two big, beautiful cakes to feed this celebrating crowd.
Judy blew out all the candles, ensuring that her wish will come true.
Judy went from table to table chatting with her many, many friends.
Troy (far left), the manager of Harbour View, laughed and joked about the
free food, but a mandatory $10/pp charge for cake.
He is well revered by all who know him.
Judy chats with Vic (Canadian Odyssey), and Pat and Mike (LIBATIONS
Scott and Mary Coles (MASCOT) arrived here at Boat Harbour by airlines.
Our good friends and former neighbors from Dock 4 will be staying aboard
ROVING SEAS with Brian and Jan. 02/18/10
Doug and Leslie (HAPPY CLAMZ) put together another fabulous outing for
the RMHYC members. This was just
one example of numerous successful programs to enhance our club experience. We highly applaud their initiative and insightfulness to
organize the perfect combination of fun activities.
At 10am, 30 members boarded the Knowles Bus and 8 more piled into a taxi
van for the trip south to Little Harbour. Our
friendly driver, Glender Knowles, gave us a running commentary and history
lesson about the important features along our route.
Welcome to Little Harbour, home of the world famous, Pete’s Pub…
The van experienced a flat tire, so, after the bus group disembarked, the
bus went back to pick up the rest of the group that was waiting a mile or so
The sheltered harbor, with numerous boats on moorings, remained sheltered
from the stiff breezes.
On the other side of the sand dunes, the Atlantic Ocean surf pounded
against the coral rocks.
The treasure hunters combed the shoreline for interesting shells and
pieces of sea glass.
Back on the harbor side, a long dock allows easy tie-up for cruisers
Art lovers are always fascinated by the Gallery and Museum featuring the
works of the late Randolph Johnston and his son, Pete.
Works by other prominent artists are on display and offered for sale.
Outside displays are eye-catching and provide focused insight.
The tranquility and beauty of Little Harbour surrounds…
Doug and Leslie planned today’s event around a scheduled casting in
bronze. Blasting flames temper the
molds at the rear of the foundry room, while metals molt in the furnace at the
lower right.
This bronze casting of a stingray has been significantly worked from its
rougher casting. The results are artistically amazing.
A budding young artist was fashioning bits of copper wire into small
bracelets. Learning from these
great masters, she may follow in the footsteps to become a renowned artist of
the future.
the Foundry, the Johnston’s produce bronze sculpture using the 5,000-year-old
Lost Wax Process. This is the only bronze foundry in the Bahamas.
The French artist, Richard Appaldo, gave us extensive insight into the
art, science, and skillful techniques of this unique method of casting in
sculpture is first created in clay. A flexible rubber mold is made of the
sculpture, consisting of two or more parts.
clay sculpture is then removed from the mold set. Liquefied
wax is then poured inside the mold.
After cooling and
hardening, the wax replication is removed from the rubber mold.
With wax vents and pouring gates attached, the wax piece assembly is
solidly encased by subsequent dipping and dusting it into colloidal silica and
fused silica flour resulting in a pouring mold substantial enough to accept
molten bronze.
The final investment mold pieces are fired in the kiln oven to melt out
the wax and dry the mold. As the
alloy of metals was being heated in the furnace, the group took a break for some
refreshment at the famous Pete’s Pub beach bar.
Back at the foundry for the resumption of our tour, Richard Appaldo was
suited up to work with the super hot alloy.
Glass bottles were introduced into the alloy to help precipitate the slag
materials. Richard is removing the
molten glass and impurities.
Working with extreme heats, Richard dons the appropriate protective
The bronze alloy, consisting of 85% copper, 5% tin, 5% zinc, and 5% lead,
is melted in a crucible to more than 2000 degrees F.
Set in the pouring station,
the hollow investment molds receive the careful pouring of glowing, liquid
The cooled investment mold will cracked off of the bronze casting.
The piece will then cleaned,
smoothed, shaped, patterned, and artistically fashioned.
Finally, the delicate and complex art of applying a desired patina, or
particular coloration, will be accomplished to produce the desired aesthetics.
Richard conducted a delightfully
comprehensive and extremely enjoyable demonstration of the foundry’s
expertise. I certainly have gained
significant insight into this rare art form and technique.
At the conclusion of the foundry tour, the ravenous group scurried over
to Pete’s Pub for a delicious lunch and quenching libations.
The famous “Blaster” seemed to be a favorite choice of beverage.
We shared a table with Scott and Mary Coles (MASCOT) and Bob (CATCH ME IF
U CAN). Judy and I had the seared
tuna steak accompanied with pineapple coleslaw.
Shirley (M/V TALLY HO) must be singing that old-time commercial song,
“You’ll wonder where the yellow went, when you brush your teeth with
Pepsodent”. Maybe you shouldn’t
use the new “lemon” flavor… He-He…
Posed in front of the eclectic Pete’s Pub beach bar, Sue Graham (ODYSSEY),
Leslie Folkerth (HAPPY CLAMZ), Judy Law (AMARSE), and Mary and Scott Coles
With a little sand in our shoes, the group strolled back to the waiting
Glender Knowles, our driver, told us a humorous tale of her adventure to
a Florida Wal-Mart store. She had
everyone rolling in the aisles. A
group sing-along followed…
On our return to Boat Harbour, we visited on S/V ADAMAS DE MARIS.
Beautification is a strange process.
Seeing Madeline at this stage was enough to “curl” your hair…
Eileen was having a good laugh about it too…
Captain extraordinaire, Joe
and I have been the closest of friends and sailing buddies for over 25 years.
I continuously thank him for all he has taught me over the years and for
all the fun times we’ve enjoyed aboard his wonderful vessel.
As if the day hadn’t had enough excitement, someone organized another
great dock party at the picnic table area of Boat Harbour Marina.
We have all been enjoying this new addition set up for our gatherings.
The herb and vegetable garden is sprouting wonderful results.
The green-thumbed members have done a remarkable job of fostering the
plant growth. Anyone need some
fresh basil, parsley, or chives?
Friends being with friends; that’s what the RMHYC is all about…
A positive weather window surfaced and Fred and Sherry (CHIPKA FIRE)
availed themselves of the excellent conditions to commence their voyage
Loving waves goodbye and well wishes for fair seas were the focus of
their departure. This wonderful
couple will always be fondly remembered and greatly missed by all…
Bon Voyage, mes amis…
Eileen manned the foredeck of S/V ADAMAS DE MARIS as they eased outward
for their several day cruise of the nearby cays.
Their guests, Tom and Madeline, are looking forward to enjoying the sun,
sand, and sea during their visit. With
great weather forecasted, it should be a wonderful time…
If you might like have fun, if you might like an enormous variety of
activities, if mike like making friends with the warmest, most wonderful folks
in the world, if you might like morning walks, if you might like water aerobics
in a heated pool, if you might like yoga exercises, if you like planned social
events, if you like extemporaneous events, if you might like any one of a
thousand other things happening, then the Royal Marsh Harbour Yacht Club is a
group that would love YOU to belong. In
my lifetime, I’ve never experienced anything more fun and rewarding.
It’s easy and very reasonable for you to be a part of our membership.
Please take a look at the club’s website at www.rmhyc.com
or email rmhyc@yahoo.com for more info.
Okay, so much for the proud dissertation and on to more fun stuff.
The fabulous “Commodore’s Ball” was held at the Marquis Tent
facility at the Abaco Beach Resort. 200
ticket holders had been priming and primping themselves for the gala event.
The theme was “FIESTA” and it was just that. Complete with
castinettes, Chiquita Sidonia and Señor
Fred (SHEARWATER) were dressed to the “nueves”
(nines) for the optional costuming.
Judy and Señor
Fredo (AMARSE) looked
Shirley and El Guapo,
Eduardo (M/V TALLY HO)…
Leslie and Señor
Señores, Señoras,
Y Señoritas
Leslie, Doug, Fred, Sidonia, Judy, Fred, Shirley, and Ed…
As we entered the Fiesta tent that was decorated like a fancy cantina, we
found our table assignments prominently displayed.
El Padre, Milt, and la Señora
elegante, Kathy (LO KEE)…
Roberto Y Señora
El Matador, Señor
Tom, Y Señora
Could that be Panama Jack or Panama Frank?
It must be Panama Frank (SEA SMOKE).
No one would ever guess that behind the “Mask of Zorro” was Señor
Henry (OH HENRY)…
Panama Franko Y Señorita
Ay Caramba !!! La Mujer Bonita, Señorita
Vanessa (S/V TALLY HO) Y el caballero Señor
Fredo (AMARSE)… Ay Caliente !!!
Fredo Y Señorita
Judy (AMARSE)…
Dos Corazones
en Amor Verdad (two
hearts in true love)… Yo
te quiero para siempre, mi amor ; abrazos y besos para ti siempre … (I
love you for always, my love; hugs and kisses for you always)…
Fred Y Judy, siempre juntos (always together)…
Nuestro Amigos Especial (our special friends), Señor
Paulo Y Señora
La Pachanga
(the party)…
El Hombre de Música
(the music man), DJ Ray (LAST DANCE)…
Past Commodore, Dave Bluto (CHABLIS)…
Come Y Tome mi amigos (eat and drink my friends)…
La Bella del Baile
(the Belle of the Ball), Judy Williams (SHADE MOR)…
Judy W. (SHADE MORE) and Señor
Fred (AMARSE)…
Papa Ray (LAST DANCE) and visiting daughter, Christine…
Un buen puro (a good cigar)…
Ellos bailan la macarena en la fiesta (They
dance the Macarena at the party).
Baile, baile, baile (dance, dance, dance)…
Una Mujer Bella (beautiful woman),
Lily and El Zorro, Señor
Henry (OH HENRY), with El Caballero, Señor
Fredo (AMARSE)…
Charlie and Rose (WILD ROSE); Could she be singing her favorite song
about someone called “ALICE…?”
Panama Frank (SEA SMOKE)…
The “Chicken Dance”…
Los Muchachos
(the kids), Señorita
Jane and Señor
George (TIME OUT)…
El Charro, Señor
Fredo (AMARSE)… The authentic
folkloric outfit came from Guatemala. The
pants feature handwoven panels as do the red waist and shoulder bands.
The handmade leather belt is inlaid with natural horsehair.
The hat is an official “Fiesta” hat from San Antonio.
Las Amigas, Señoras
Penny and Sally… It is an honor
to be with them.
Diane and Señor
Rick (LADY DI)…
Los danzadores
suave (the smooth dancers), Señor
Mike and Señora
Juntos enamorada
(together in love), Señora
Judy and Señor
The fantastic collection of music played on to the delight of the hardy
dancers until the wee hours well past cruisers’ midnight.
Our special thanks to all of the organizers, helpers, and especially to
the chair-couple, Dick and Ann Cunneen (RAGGEDY ANN).
It was another fabulous event for the Royal Marsh Harbour Yacht Club. 02/20/10
At 10:30am, the harbor came alive with humming dinghy outboards.
At least nine dinghy loads of RMHYC cruisers putt-putted out of Boat
Harbour heading for Man-O-War Cay.
The tender to JOHN HENRY carried Grandpa Wink, Grandma Wilma, daughter in
law Toni, and granddaughters Amber and Emma…
The tender dinghy from SHEARWATER was loaded with Sidonia, Fred, their
son Mike, Diane, Wally and Joan (FANCY BREAD).
Other dinghies carried Doug and Leslie (HAPPY CLAMZ), Ed and Shirley (M/V
TALLY HO), Carl and Lois (PUFFIN), Paul and Sue (ODYSSEY), Dennis and Georgia (NJORD),
Jonathan and Judie (DOUBLE JJ), Bob and Sharon (CATCH ME IF U CAN), and Bernie
One of the dinghies had engine trouble and was towed in by a fellow
dinghy. Our destination was the
Dock N’ Dine Restaurant located at the harbor side docks at the Man-O-War
Marina. Unfortunately, they were
out of fish for lunch. The grouper
fingers are usually the best we’ve ever had.
We chose the “Cracked Conch” with French fries and coleslaw.
It was quite good too, although we would have preferred the grouper fish.
After lunch, we walked casually through the street of the cay.
The flowers were absolutely beautiful in this sleepy, little island
After returning to Boat Harbor and AMARSE, I took a relaxing nap.
Judy was like the energizer bunny and kept going and going and going…
Not feeling all that well, I elected to stay in for the night.
Judy joined a bunch of neighbors to walk to the evening Annual Junkanoo
Event. The next update will be
dedicated to the pictures that Judy took at that parade event.
We hope you enjoy… CONTINUING
We sincerely hope that you will review the previous years of compilations
to give context to the current editions. Please
let us know if you have any special suggestions and thoughts.
REMEMBER: The website
is now fully active and you can visit it at any time.
You can also review any of the previous logs from the years 2006, 2007,
or 2008 and learn more about the crew and their many adventures.
You may contact us via email anytime. Thanks
for allowing us to share our life and adventures with you. Lotsa
Luv, Fred
Reed and Judy Law AMARSE MT40 "AMARSE"
is pronounced "AM-ARE-SAY".
website is: www.amarse.net .
Fred H. Reed |
www.amarse.net © 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 |