Site Index:
thru 12/10
Everybody, The
adventures of 2006, 2007, and 2008 through 11/30/08 have been published on the
website. We continue with the
latest edition. UPDATE
2008 #33 12/01/08 thru 12/10/08 At
last update, we were aboard AMARSE at the Abaco Beach Resort and Boat Harbour
Marina in the Bahamas. 12/01/08
I continue to feel the
heartfelt sorrow and loss at the passing of Miriam Grafer.
My thoughts focus on George and the moments of sadness well up in my
heart for him and his family.
My inner thoughts are
deeply bothered that anything might ever happen to Judy, my beloved and my real
happiness in life.
Overnight, the heavy
and continuous rains had everything in the area soaked.
Even the soggy ground and big puddles didn’t stop Judy from her morning
walking program with the girls.
Later, Judy and I rode
the bikes over to Skagg’s Grocery for our first visit this year.
The store was enlarged last year and has a fairly good variety of
staples. Although it’s a little
closer than downtown, the prices are slightly higher on most items.
As many of you know,
Judy is quite involved with her jewelry making and has created many awesomely
beautiful pieces. Here are a few
recent examples of her artistic talent:
Hues of the Sea of
Angel Fins of
Mermaid Reef…
The Sands of Abaco
Beach done in yellow jade…
One of the greatest
things about the RMHYC group here at Boat Harbour Marina is that “you’ve got
friends”. These are the kind of
friends that are much more than folks just to chat with.
These are friends that are much more than folks just to have the good
times with. These are the kind of
friends that will cheerfully offer their help when you need another hand or when
you could really use a bit more mechanical expertise.
Wink and Paul are always there and are ready, willing, and able to assist
you with whatever you need.
Looks like Tim (POKEY)
might be in luck for some of their underwater skills today.
Wink is on his way
under POKEY for some zinc checks and to tighten the propeller nuts.
Wink, “what a big wrench you have”.
“All the better to tighten your nuts with.”
One of the special
amenities of this resort marina is their towel service.
Anytime we want, we can exchange these dirty towels for nice, clean, and
folded replacements. Judy rides the
bike over to the activities center every day to get another set of freshly
laundered towels.
After walking a couple
of miles with the men’s group, Paul and I rode the bicycles to the Yamaha
dealer. I had an interest in a
small motor scooter for running around the island.
We looked at the Yamaha model and another Chinese copy of the same
design. My desire was soon quashed
as I learned that parts were nearly impossible to find anywhere for the Chinese
scooter and that I would not be able to get any parts or support for the Yamaha
model back in the USA because that particular model is not sold in that market.
In actuality, I think it is better to keep walking and using the pedal
bicycles. 12/03/08
Judy walked out with
the girls’ group while Wink and I took a different route toward town. On the way back, I spotted a plastic chair in the water by
the footbridge. Things in the water
are generally classed in one of two ways, either “Flotsam” or “Jetsam”.
is a technical difference between the two: Jetsam has been voluntarily
thrown or jettisoned into the sea by the crew of a vessel, sometimes in order to
lighten it in an emergency; Flotsam,
on the otherhand, describes items that are just floating on or in the water
without having been thrown in deliberately, perhaps because they have been blown
there or washed overboard. We
concluded that the chair was definitely Flotsam.
Wink quickly formulated a plan to retrieve the chair.
I fetched an ideal rock for a weight.
Wink lashed the rock to a piece of polypropylene line that he had just
bought. Like a well-trained rodeo
star, he lassoed the chair leg and dragged it in to where I could lay on the
bridge and pick it from the water. The chair was almost new and will be a welcome addition on
his trawler, JOHN HENRY.
My project for the day
was to work in the engine room. I
cleaned all the terminals connected to the two main battery banks with a
stainless steel brush. With a thin
coat of protective film, the connections should stay clean and corrosion free
for quite a while. I replaced the
fuel filter on the diesel generator, installed new copper washers on the bleed
screws, and replaced all of the absorbent pads under both engines and the
generator with new, clean white ones. While
down below, I topped off the engine oils to the full marks.
Even though these engines don’t use a lot of oil, it is still important
to keep them topped up to aid in temperature dissipation and to maintain optimum
The weather was cool
and windy from the northeast. 12/04/08
Judy and the girls
energetically walk at least 4 miles every morning.
Wink and I chose a slower paced and shorter 2 miles version.
Susan Harward drove
Wilma, Sue, Judy, and me out to Abaco Grocery Wholesale and then to the produce
wholesale place. They have a good
selection of supplies and some fairly reasonable prices for the islands.
Judy started her
decorating for the holiday season. Her
choices were nicely done and look very festive.
It is a bit too windy
to be comfortable out in the small boats. This
didn’t deter Wink from seeking the elusive fish from his hook.
Many folks claim that catching the fish around the docks is nearly
impossible. Not for Wink, he has
the knowledge and technique perfected to snag those little flittering fishes.
Today’s variety included dock snappers and grunts.
If you had been there, he might have shared his secrets with you.
I will only tell you that the guy knows what he’s doing.
The most voracious
biters were the Key West Grunts or White Grunts.
Although they were no more prevalent than the snapper species, they were
much more eager to munch on the bait.
The Mangrove
Snappers or Gray Snappers were the other species in pursuit. These fish were much more cautious and resistant to the lure
of the bait. Only a few of the
Snappers were caught.
Although these are not
big, big fish, they are very tasty. We
were pleasantly surprised when Wink brought us a bag of freshly filleted pieces
of Grunt. The flaky white
fish meat is light and mildly flavored reminiscent of the more popular tilapia
found in stores. I merely sautéed
the thin filets in butter with a squeeze of lemon.
Our first experience with Grunt fish was very positive and delicious.
The winds may have
been breezy, however, the overall weather was extremely nice and comfortable.
In this typical island
sunset tradition, “Hot Lips” Sue is the leading resident “Conch-ette” of
Dock 4.
Bette Bauereis (TARHEEL),
another member of the Conch section of the Dock 4 Symphony, sounds the sunset
tribute. Her husband, Dave, looks
on in musical appreciation.
Bette is the faithful
and accomplished reporter of all the college and professional sports scores and
news on the daily “Cruisers’ Net” that is broadcast daily on VHF channel
68. She is our water aerobics
instructor and leader every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Bette enjoys and appreciates life in the Abacos everyday.
Paul “Satchmo”
Graham on the tenor conch…
At the initial stage
of this morning meet, it looks as if Rita has taken the early lead, Wilma
narrowly behind in second, and Judy vying for the “show” position. The puddles attest to the evening rains.
Sue and Vanessa have
caught up to the frontrunners as Bob and Vic led the men walkers.
Here at Boat Harbour
marina, you can always count on your friendly dockmates to be standing by to
assist with your docking lines.
This morning, I messed
around with fenders and docklines to improve protection for AMARSE at the dock.
I was happy to use lots of scavenged stuff in the process.
A flotsam fender retrieved back in Georgia, a discarded piece of rope
scavenged at Vero Beach, and an unwanted canvas bumper strip rescued from a
vacant dock provided the raw materials. Along
with the proper inflation of the existing fenders, a little inventive dockside
engineering resulted in a much-improved system that was fun to make.
Wink invited me to
join him for a morning of fishing. I
will be the first to admit that I know very little about the successful pursuit
of the finned creatures. Wink, on
the other hand, is the resident expert. He
is a natural-born hunter and gatherer.
Today was a special
kind of adventure. Now this story
is going to get a bit complex so it’s best to pay attention. We set out in his skiff toward a favorite, secret spot.
Within a mile or so, the skiff veered sharply left and power dropped.
Wink exclaimed that his hood and bucket had blown out of the boat and we
were returning to retrieve them. They
were quickly spotted and brought back on board.
Soon, we were on our way again.
Wink was all suited up
and ready to take the initial plunge. Reaching
for his mask, he realized that he had forgotten it back on the boat.
Other than a mild frustration at this second situation, the problem could
be easily rectified with quick zip back to JOHN HENRY at the dock.
After grabbing up the
mask at the “Mother Ship”, we accelerated once again out of the harbor
entrance at full tilt. Within
another mile or two, the skiff decelerated sharply.
The mask was gone from the back seat of the skiff and no one had any idea
where it had departed. Now, with
this third occurrence, I think that Wink is starting to think that I may be a
jinx. I must admit, I was wondering
the same thing too. Mild
frustration turned to a seriously hampering situation.
The mask is no ordinary type. It was a specially ordered mask with
prescription lenses that cost big bucks. Our
next act was to return to JOHN HENRY where he had another brand new backup mask.
Unwilling to accept the loss, he formulated a plan to undertake a search
for the missing mask. It started right there at the dock and proceeded from there.
I was to operate the skiff while Wink trailed on a towline behind the
slow moving boat. From his vantage point in the clear Bahamian waters, he hoped
to spot the little mask in a huge body of water.
Idling out of the harbor, nothing was spotted. Rounding out around the breakwater, I zoomed in on the
close-in scale of the Garmin GPS. There
were close to twenty tract lines etched onto the display. Remembering the approximate pathway in good detail, I
selected the tract that I thought we had taken.
Recreating that route at close tolerance, I hoped that Wink would have
the best opportunity to visually search the bottom. Before very long, Wink released the towline and dove into the
10 to 12 depths. With a big smile,
Wink surfaced with the valued mask in hand.
It was an exciting moment. It
felt like we had located the lost treasure of the Spanish fleet.
The happy resolution turned the unfortunate series of mishaps into a
morning of fun adventure.
Spiny Lobster has a
long, cylindrical body covered with spines. Two of their spines form
forward-pointing "horns" right above each eyestalk. The lobsters are
generally olive greenish or brown, but can be tan to mahogany. There are some
yellowish to cream-colored spots on the carapace and on the abdomen. Unlike the
Maine lobster, spiny lobsters have no claws. There are two pairs of antennae.
The longest pair of antennae are covered with forward pointing spines hinged to
thick bases. They are especiallly adept at using these larger antennae like
rapiers for defense purposes.
The plate-like
structure of the exoskeletal abdomen is smooth and has a shallow furrow across
the middle. The powerful tail has pairs of swimmeret fins on the underside that
are yellow and black. The lobes of the tail are colored similarly to the
Wink is unquestionably
the best hunter-gatherer that I have ever met in this aquatic wonderland.
His skills and understanding of the habitat and patterns of the
shallow-water fishes and crustaceans assure him of a rich bounty.
The modus operandi had
Wink conducting underwater operations while I had the responsibility for on-deck
operations. Wink would plop a sea
creature on the deck and I would find a way to get the wriggling catch into the
cooler. I would no sooner have the
boat deck washed down clean before the undersea master would slap another onto
the deck and the process repeats.
The next phase of the
day’s adventure was for Wink to scour along the length of coral rock ledge in
search of tiny, live specimens to be displayed in the aquarium aboard JOHN
Wink shows-off the
fresh catch of the day.
What’s your
preference, the spiny lobster or the fresh Mango snapper?
I finally got around
to taking a picture of the Christmas decorations that Judy put up on AMARSE.
She prominently hung
my special sign. I like the
Another beautiful
Dinner was offered
aboard JOHN HENRY. You guessed it,
the main course was sautéed lobster and fried snapper.
Wilma also treated everybody to her famous family recipe for hushpuppies.
Dinner hosts and
guests included Wilma, Wink, Paul, Sue, Sherry, Judy, and me.
What a great day!
Thanks, Wink… Thanks, Wilma… 12/06/08
On the morning walk
with Wink, the beautiful view of the placid waters of Marsh Harbour presented an
irresistible photo opportunity. As
time goes by, more and more sailors will arrive to fill the tranquil bay.
The variety of
colorful flowers is so eye-catching. Note
the tiny white blossoms nestled in the brilliant red leaves.
An orchid tree, how
island tropical is that?
Wink loves to scavenge
hunt during the walks. He scoured
the shores of this little inlet in search of treasure.
The calm wind and
tranquil state of the Sea of Abaco beckoned.
Barb and Dave Bluto (CHABLIS) thoughtfully invited us to join alongside
them for a dinghy trip to Hope Town on Elbow Cay.
We lowered the dinghy from AMARSE’s sunroof for the first time this
season in the Bahamas.
As you can see, AMARSE
still had the telltale signs of travel evidenced by her “waterway smile”.
Using a time tested
and environmentally friendly remedy, Judy sprayed bottled, concentrated lemon
juice on the stained areas. Miraculously,
the stains vanish before your very eyes leaving the hull a beautifully white
again. Before learning this great
trick, we tried expensive cleaners and scrubbers.
Nothing works better than the lemon juice in our opinion and experience.
Look, Ma, No more ugly
Then, it was
I love these
mirror-like conditions seen in the marina basin…
As we glided past, Bob
Williams signaled his greetings from the side deck of SHADE MOR, a gorgeous
65-foot Hatteras motor yacht.
First to idle out was
Dave and Barb (CHABLIS) with Rita (MAGNUM OPUS).
Zipping along with us
in their tender, Wink (at the wheel) and Wilma (forward) were happily enjoying
this sunny day with Sherry (center).
Quaint island
buildings and residences dot the island at Hope Town.
The docks at
Lighthouse Marina with the historic Hope Town Light…
the 1860's, the British Imperial Lighthouse Service built this lighthouse to
mark the Elbow Cay Reef. At the
time, Hope Towner's resented this and vehemently opposed the project seeing it
as a direct threat to their wrecking trade.
The wrecking trade involved the scavenging and salvaging of supplies and
everything thing else of value from the unfortunate ships that founded on the
hazardous reefs. Reports are that
the local “Wrackers” went as far as to sink a barge being used to transport
building materials during the construction stage. Despite their interference
efforts, the landmark candy-stripe lighthouse at Hope Town flickered into
operation in 1863. Today, it is one of the only two remaining lighthouse
beacons in the Bahamas that have survived automation, a conversion opposed by
the residents. Currently, the locals are involved in vigorous efforts to secure
spare parts for the light apparatus, most of which are no longer manufactured.
Harbour View
Restaurant offers waterfront dining in a casual setting…
We continued along the
harbor rim to dock at this spot reserved for dinghies.
Using their reserved
dock, we passed under the entryway and up the stairway to the Hope Town Harbour
Out at the ocean beach
edge, the bar invites a relaxing crowd to imbibe a chilled tropical cocktail.
Team CHABLIS, starring
Barb and Dave Bluto with a special appearance by the lovely Rita Wieczorek,
peruses the menu selections for lunch.
If the Chamber of
Commerce could pick the perfect weather day, this would have been it…
I must admit that the
Pina Coladas were good enough to
entice more than just one…
I am not able to tell
you what kind of flower that this is, but, as you can see, it sure is fabulously
This small, rustic building is the meeting place for members of the Hope Town Burial Society. Its members pay a small annual subscription to the society, which handles undertaking and funeral details for the tiny community.
Atlantic Ocean view
from the North Beach area…
The extensive mooring
field located in Hope Town harbor…
Worker bees buzzed and
flittered between the blossoms of these colorful flowers…
Vernon’s Grocery
store is almost a landmark site around here.
Vernon is also the island pastor for many of the inhabitants. If you are hankering for some sweets, their home-baked pies
are renowned throughout the local area.
The return dinghy trip
back to Boat Harbour was just as great as the trip over.
Soon after our return, we got the signal to visit Jim Fenn (FENNDERS)
over on Dock #5. Jim and his group
had just returned from a hugely successful deep-sea fishing day out on the
Atlantic Ocean ridge. Already
filleted out, big slabs of fresh Wahoo were packed on ice in a large cooler.
Jim generously filled a big Ziploc bag to share with us.
Thanks, Jim! Jim said it was
the most Wahoo that they’ve ever caught at one time aboard FENNDERS.
Congratulations on a great day of fishing, Jim.
Amongst a whole bunch
of other snack goodies, tonight’s specialty item was piping hot conch fritters
direct from Sue Graham’s galley. Sunset
cocktail hour… (L to R) Dick,
Wink, Andrew, David, and Vanessa.
Dick and Ann Cunneen
John and Gail
Thomassen (OUR TIME)…
Four more member boats
arrived today on our Dock #4. Several
others were assigned to other docks. The marina is filling up fast with member
vessels. On the other hand, we are
seeing far fewer boats arriving on the non-member side.
It should be clearly
evident that this is how a
really fun-loving group should look… Cheers…
67 years ago today, an
unprovoked, surprise military strike conducted by the Japanese navy against the
U S naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii caused a disasterous loss of life, ships,
aircraft, and equipment. The anger
raised would later result in the United States becoming militarily involved in
World War II. The Japanese intended it as a preventive action to keep the U.S.
Pacific Fleet from influencing the war Japan was planning to wage in Southeast
Asia against Britain, the Netherlands, and the United States. The attack
consisted of two aerial attack waves totaling 353 aircraft, launched from six
Japanese aircraft carriers.
The unexpected attack
sank four U.S. Navy battleships (two of which were raised and returned to
service late in the war) and damaged four more. The Japanese also sank or
damaged three cruisers, three destroyers, and one minelayer, destroyed 188
aircraft, and caused US personnel losses of 2,402 killed and 1,282 wounded.
Japanese losses were minimal, at 29 aircraft and five midget submarines,
with 65 servicemen killed or wounded. USS
Hickham Army
Judy and I observed a
few moments of silent remembrance for the terrible loss of life, the injured and
wounded, and for the sorrows endured by their loved ones.
am aware that Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest, however, our day turned
out to be anything but restful. It
became a very busy workday as we scraped, taped, and re-sealed the outside seams
of the main salon windows. Additionally,
we applied a moisture sealing bead of 3M brand 4000 sealant to the entire
eyebrow panel seams. I
accomplished the tedious chore of scraping out all the old caulking.
Judy did an expert job of blue taping the edges to ready the job for me
to re-caulk.
Jim and Judy
Howenstine (THE SILVER FOXES) (R) contributed to raising the feelings of the
season by erecting a huge, inflatable snowman on the upper deck of their
Mainship trawler. John (OUR TIME)
(L) lent a helping hand. John is a
Canadian and although he has had lots of experience with all that frosty white
stuff, I’d be willing to bet that this is the first snowman he’s ever put up
wearing a short-sleeved T-shirt.
While in the work
mode, I decided to reseal a few suspect screw heads.
All too soon, the
setting sun brought our work program to a close for this day.
Delightfully, we were
invited dinner guests aboard MAGNUM OPUS. Robert
and Rita Wieczorek hosted a magnificent evening featuring friendship, food, and
drink. Other guests were David and
Audrey (JAFTICA) and Ted and Brenda (BRENDA J). Everyone enjoyed the fantastic selection that included Filet
Mignon. Continuing late into the
evening, we thoroughly enjoyed sipping some specialty Port wines and chatting as
only friends can do. Thank You, Bob
and Rita! 12/08/08
Although wide-awake
much earlier, I was out of bed at 5:30am. Brenda
(BRENDA J) has “schmoozed” me into doing the announcements for the RMHYC
Commodore’s Ball and Mardi Gras Party. That
gala event will be held on February 13th here in the Marquis Tent
facility at the Abaco Beach Resort and Boat Harbour.
All kinds of thoughts were running wildly in my mind about how to handle
the broadcast. Perhaps I will call
on my old Cajun friend, Boudreaux LeBlanc, to help me with this one.
Who knows? The radio spots
begin on January 14th at 8am on VHF channel 78.
After the morning
walking program, we had our first session of water aerobics in the resort
swimming pool. Under the direction
and leadership of Bette Bauereis, we learned and practiced the basic,
preliminary moves. The water was a
bit chilly and it took me a while to warm up afterwards.
Last month in Vero
Beach, I had to replace the main batteries aboard AMARSE.
This has had me thinking about the electrical system layout and ways that
it might be improved upon. Wink
Thornton (JOHN HENRY) is a bona-fide ‘whiz-kid’ about this kind of stuff and
he cheerfully offered to help me begin the process of tracing down wiring and
creating a diagram. We concentrated
on the dc system for the batteries and charger circuits. Some things are just plain mystifying, for instance, why
would anyone wire up the charger unit using a black wire to the BATT 3 POS post
and a red wire to the DC NEG post? Perhaps
they thought it would be better to delineate the Generator start battery bank
even though the scheme defies convention. If
you can think of another reason, please enlighten me.
Wink was fantastic at
organizing the preliminary diagram and format.
I really enjoy learning from his wealth of knowledge.
Over the next while
this winter, I hope to develop a more organized and efficient schematic plan for
handling the mishmash of cables attached to the battery bank.
Although it is operational, I know that there’s a better way.
After gently broiling
some of the fresh Wahoo filets, courtesy of Jim Fenn, I made some wonderful
“Wahoo Salad”. Similar to Tuna
Salad in composition, the flavor and texture of the Wahoo version is even more
delicious. Charlie, The Tuna, let
me introduce you to Willie, The Wahoo…
Every morning, some of
the folks from the various docks gather at 8:30am to commence their
exercise-walking program. Even
though some are fast and some are slow, everyone seems pleased to be doing
something for their health and longevity.
Two more boats arrived
today at Dock 4 to meld with the RMHYC fleet.
On our starboard side, PROPINQUITY, a Morgan sailboat with Paul and Mary
Shidlowski, and at our port side, another TALLY HO, a Gulfstar trawler with Ed
and Shirley Zellers, are our new neighbors.
Welcome, y’all…
Anticipating a fun
evening, I snuck in a bit of an afternoon nap.
All too soon, it seemed, it was time to get all primped for the RMHYC
Annual Christmas Holiday Dinner Party at the Angler’s Restaurant. Limited by reservations for 95, the celebrants began to
gather at 5pm for cocktails on the patio. Judy
looked absolutely stunning as she sipped gently on her Bahamian Rum Punch.
I just gotta tell y’all, I am one very lucky and one very happy dude.
Past Commodore Dave
Bluto and Barbara Bluto (CHABLIS) toast to us all with a little of that fruit of
the vine…
Smartly casual, yet
elegant, the amiable group of RMHYC members visited, chatted, and just enjoyed
each other during the cocktail social time serviced by two outside bars working
at full tilt.
Cheers to our recently
elevated Vice Commodore, fisherman
extraordinaire, and genuinely
great all-around guy, Jim Fenn.
With the sunset and
oncoming coolness of evening, the party began to move inside to the main dining
room of Angler’s Restaurant.
III), Judy (AMARSE), and Wink (JOHN HENRY) enjoyed being together by the
festively decorated, holiday tree.
Fred Reed and Judy Law
The traditional Bahamian Santa Claus came by to see if Wilma
and Wink had been a good girl and good little boy…
I don’t know if Santa believed them or not.
Santa said that he
knew by the twinkle in her eyes that Judy had obviously been very, very good.
Judy and Wilma…
Rick and Karla Allen (ISLA
Bette and David
Bauereis (TARHEEL)…
Wilma and Wink
Thornton (JOHN HENRY)…
Following a wonderful
spinach salad with warm bacon dressing, the wait-staff served the chef’s
special preparation of stuffed chicken breast, roasted baby red potatoes, and
green beans in almond butter sauce. Everything
was so right-on.
The dessert specialty
of lemon meringue pie with raspberry drizzle was seasonally decorative and
simply sensational.
No evening would be
complete without a few kind words from our Commodore, Robert Wilson.
The Commodore
presented our newly appointed Vice Commodore, Jim Fenn, with the burgee proudly
depicting his RMHYC officer position.
Kathy Sales (LO KEE)
(L) and Kathy Fenn (FENNDERS) (R) did a magnificent job planning and organizing
the whole event. Here, they assist
Jim with the drawing of names for the table decorations.
Judy Williams (SHADE
MOR) (L) was another planner and organizer for the gala event.
She presented Sherry (CHIPKA FIRE III) with a cuddly little elf for her
winning ticket.
Carl Lantz (PUFFIN)
led the group in several holiday songs…
Paul and Sue Graham
David and Audrey Crone
Andrew and Vanessa
Benjamin (TALLY HO)…
Carolyn Wilson (SEA
It was the kind of
festive gathering that had everyone raving accolades for days.
RMHYC is really a wonderful part of our life. 12/10/08
We had lots of
exercise today. It was kind of like
being in a Triathlon. The first of
the three events started with the walking group.
Judy jaunted the full 4-mile course and I chose the slower 2-mile route.
Immediately following, we plunged into the chilly swimming pool for
almost an hour of water aerobics. The
final challenge put us on the bicycles for almost 10 miles of pedaling.
We rode out further than ever before to near the airport.
Of course, we made several stops at various stores to pick up provisions
and supplies for the boat. I’m
sure glad it wasn’t a sanctioned meet as we were merely enjoying a fun time
just moving about.
Tupp’s is a purveyor
of fine wines and spirits here on the island.
They have a great selection in a very nice setting.
They host an annual holiday party and wine tasting every year at this
time. Judy and I had the
opportunity to mingle with many cruisers and islanders while sampling several
very nice wine selections.
Bette and David
suggested extending our evening at Curly Tails Bar and Restaurant.
The open-air, upper
deck bar seemed like the place to be. In the picture (L to R) are Judy, Rita,
Bette, David, and Robert. Robert is
holding up a roll of paper towels, humorously reminding everyone that the drink
waitress had just spilled a whole tray of icy cold drinks directly in my lap.
Now, that was cold and wet. With
barely an apology, she returned with the roll of paper towels and another tray
of fresh drinks.
When we returned to
AMARSE, we received an email bearing the sad news of Gene Williams’ passing.
After many months of suffering, the cancer that had invaded his body
claimed his life.
Gene was a dear friend
in our Texas Chapter H group of the Gold Wing Road Riders Association (GWRRA).
Gene drew us all to him with his endearing personality.
Quiet yet strong, knowledgeable and friendly, and reliable and supportive
are just a few of his traits that made him so loved.
On many a motorcycle ride, Gene would cover the “drag” safety
position guarding the riding group. His
family and his motorcycle were the focal points of his love for life.
Gene faithfully served our country for over 23 years from 1970 to 1993
and retired as a USAF Master Sergeant.
His devoted love for his wife, Raguell, his pride for our country, his
respect and concern for his many friends, and his spirit for the open road were
just a few of the admirable traits that drew him close to us. Although our
motorcycling adventures are on temporary hold while we cruise, we are sure to
feel his presence when we ride again. Our
deepest sympathies and condolences go out to Raguell, Lisa, and the entire
Although we will be
unable to join his motorcycle escort, we will be honored to ride alongside him
in our thoughts and in our memories. This
photo of Gene was forwarded to us from a ride in 2006.
We sincerely hope that
you will review the previous years of compilations to give context to the
current editions. Please let us
know if you have any special suggestions and thoughts.
The website is now fully active and you can visit it at any time.
You can review any of the 2006, 2007, or 2008 logs and learn more about
the crew and our plans. Enjoy. ATTENTION:
You may contact us via
email anytime. Thanks
for allowing us to share our life and adventures with you. Lotsa
Luv, Fred
Reed and Judy Law AMARSE MT40 "AMARSE"
pronounced "AM-ARE-SAY".
Our website is:
www.amarse.net .
Fred H. Reed |
www.amarse.net © 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 |