Site Index:
thru 05/31/08
Everybody, The
adventures of 2008 from 1/1/08 through 4/30/08 have been published on the
website. We continue with the most
current edition, UPDATE 2008 # 11. UPDATE
2008 #11 05/01/08 through
05/31/08. At
last update, AMARSE was berthed peacefully at Brunswick Landing Marina in
Georgia. We were enjoying our last night in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. 05/01/08 THURSDAY
PUERTO VALLARTA, MEXICO to SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS Today, we must leave this tropical paradise
to fly back to San Antonio. Fortunately,
our flight is not scheduled until later in the afternoon.
From our beachfront room at the NH Krystal hotel, the view is nothing
less than spectacular and those tranquil sounds of the surf gently lapping are
wonderfully delightful.
In one of the many courtyards of the hotel,
budding young artists gleefully brush bright colors onto large pieces of paper
in mural fashion.
The pool and swim-up bar areas are
beautifully designed and maintained.
The restaurant facilities are located in
this huge thatched-roofed building.
The man-made facilities are no match for
the natural beauty of this lovely flower……
….. or this lovely lady.
The NH Krystal hotel is hosting
a weeklong series of seminars and conferences for surgeons from all over Central
and South America. There are
hundreds of laparoscopic specialists attending the events.
Dr. Armando Joya, one of the principal educators and presenters, gave
five live and simu-telecasted surgeries for the benefit of the conferees.
He came by for a visit to wish us farewell and a good trip.
Nathalie Batilliot and Judy say their
farewells at the entrance to the hotel.
At 4:20pm, the US Airways airplane was
taxiing out for departure. A change
of planes in Phoenix had us landing in San Antonio around 11pm. A taxi whisked us from the airport to our patio home arriving
at 11:30pm. 05/02 thru
05/05/08 SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS Much of this period of time was occupied
with rest and relaxation. Judy took
the opportunity to visit her dear friend, Teresa, in Rockport, TX, for a few
days. They have been such good
buddies for many, many years. Judy
really misses being with her when we are away. She
visited our old marina at Key Allegro and, fortunately, got to spend a little
time with Scott Kee (MOLLY BROWN) and Steamboat Willie, often confused with Bill
Seward (TORTUGA). Bill is getting
ready to start his cruising lifestyle by heading east along the GIWW in the next
few weeks. When she left Rockport on Monday morning,
she hadn’t gone more than 5 or 6 miles when the truck got rough and stalled.
Stash, the great guy that he is, quickly came to her rescue.
Within minutes, he had the problem alleviated and Judy was on her way for
the 2 hour and 45 minute drive. 05/06/08 TUESDAY
Judy’s daughter-in-law and lovely wife of her youngest son, Scott. HAPPY
course, I would never reveal anyone’s actual age, especially such a good
friend as Joe. That being said, six
freaking decades is a long, long time!
05/07/08 WEDNESDAY
SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS To commemorate his birthday, we invited Joe
Fugate and his fiancée, Roxanne Cady, to join us for dinner.
Many years ago, Joe and I took a trip to
the Tuscany region of Italy. There,
we enjoyed a meal of Tortellini en Brodo. Remembering
that good time, I recreated the Italian-style Chicken Soup, prepared with a rich
broth made from scratch, shredded roasted chicken breast, and ricotta cheese
stuffed pasta puffs called tortellini. With
a sprinkling of grated Parmesan cheese and Italian bread, still warmed from the
oven, we had a meal to celebrate. Careful
observers will notice the “black ribbon” that proudly proclaims “OLDER
It wasn’t exactly birthday cake, and it
wasn’t actually Italian, however, the éclairs looked and tasted delightful.
More importantly, Joe didn’t have to blow out any candles.
Being a jewelry-making fan too, Roxanne
enjoyed talking and comparing ideas with Judy.
Do you think that Joe looks bored in this picture? Or, could that just be
the look of amazement and adoration of artistic creativity?
THURSDAY SAN ANTONIO to FT. LAUDERDALE-HOLLYWOOD, FLORIDA Our wonderful friend and neighbor, Barb,
took us to the airport to catch the Continental Airlines morning flight to Ft.
Lauderdale. Sharyn, my daughter,
and her husband, Jeff, responded quickly to our cell phone call that we had
arrived. Back at their condo, we
again enjoyed the gorgeous views of the Atlantic Ocean to the east and the ICW
to the west. This is certainly a
wonderful place. The
girls kept busy with their jewelry making artistry.
I took a nap and, then, joined Jeff to watch some sports. 05/09/08 FRIDAY
HOLLYWOOD, FLORIDA Our car has been in storage in the condo
parking garage during our absence. The
battery that had successfully survived the winter storage period had given up
for good. The car started with a
jumper cable assist and we headed to Sears to replace the aged Die-Hard Battery. Dave
has been taking care of AMARSE down at Nettles Island Marina, Hutchinson Island,
Jensen Beach, Florida during our trip. He
helped the fueler put only 200 gallons of diesel fuel aboard to the tune of
$868.92 (that’s $4.345/gal). The
price of fuel is literally skyrocketing. They
say it’s only the beginning. While
I napped and Jeff watched TV sports, the girls busied themselves with their
jewelry art. They photographed
these lovely examples of their handiwork.
The four of us decided to go to see a
Jai-Alai match in the evening. I
really enjoy the game and love the sound of the pelota (ball) cracking loudly
against the fronton wall. 05/10/08
seminar so we all left at 7:45am for our separate agendas.
We headed back to our beloved AMARSE taking 2 hours and 15 minutes along
almost traffic free roads. Auto gas
was $3.869/gal for mid-grade in W. Palm Beach. Our
boat ice machine has been giving us difficulty for months.
We decided to replace it with a new one from Home Depot in Stuart. One of
our new luggage bags that we bought for our trip was ripped to shreds when it
arrived at Ft. Lauderdale airport. Upon
close examination, we decided that it wasn’t from rough handling, rather, it
was faulty manufacturing and materials that caused the tearing.
We returned it to Wal-Mart in exchange for another.
Hopefully, this one came from a different batch and will stand up. The
marina dockman noticed some diesel fuel in the water.
He immediately suspected our boat as the offender since it has just
recently taken on fuel. I carefully inspected the bilges and interior areas and could
find no sign of any leak. The
dockman was not convinced so I called Dave to come and conduct a more thorough
investigation. Pleasantly, Dave
confirmed that it was in no way coming from our boat. The dockmaster had arrived and he was confident in Dave’s
assessment. The other dockman was
still skeptical, however, I think he became convinced that this came from
somewhere else and just blew into the area.
Within a short time, it was gone. I
am sure glad it wasn’t our problem. Fuel
spills can get mighty expensive in this day and age. 05/11/08 SUNDAY
NETTLES ISLAND to EAU GALLIE, FL At 7:15am, our good friend, Ivor Nathan,
came to bid us farewell and a bon voyage for our departure this morning.
He was proudly riding his new Suzuki Bergman motorcycle.
All dressed in black astride his shiny black steed, he gave the air of a
very happy man. Ivor has been such
a good friend to us. Dave
arrived to finish up a few minor items and help us cast off for points north.
Thanks, Dave. It’s
9:20am, the engines are humming, the lines have been tossed aboard, we’re
waving goodbye, and AMARSE is underway. Within
15 minutes, we have rejoined the ICW at mile 979.3 (as measured from Norfolk,
VA). Heading north, we pass the
cities of Ft. Pierce, Vero Beach, and a myriad of smaller towns along the way to
our anchorage at Eau Gallie, FL. We
chose a spot just north of the high bridge.
With the anchor set at 5:42pm, the GPS indicated that we had traveled 64
miles today at a moving average speed of 7.9 mph. POSITION N28 08.203 W080 37.510
Mile 914.2 05/12/08 MONDAY EAU
GALLIE to NEW SMYRNA BEACH, FL That pesky alarm sounded at 6am. The crew was feeling lazy and didn’t get out of bed until
6:45am. By 7:05, we had a pretty
clean anchor up and stowed. There
had been excellent holding in a black mud ground with small shells.
Here, there is virtually no tidal range and the winds had been quite
calm. We passed Cocoa Beach and
Titusville, home of NASA and the fabulous Space Shuttle.
Haulover canal is a narrow channel that cuts through from just north of
Titusville to Mosquito Lagoon. The
tidal current flows back and forth through this canal making it a favorite spot
for small boat fishermen.
Upon exiting Haulover Canal, the waters
open up into a large body called Mosquito Lagoon.
The huge Space Shuttle can easily be seen sitting on its launch pad
awaiting liftoff in a couple of weeks. If
I were in the area, this is where I think I would position myself to watch the
blastoff. AMARSE’s
flying bridge gives a great view and is comfortable with the isinglass
enclosure. The large windows unzip
to regulate the amount and direction of the desired airflow.
Just north of Haulover Canal, in the
channel of Mosquito Lagoon, the starboard engine began to run rough with
occasional drops in power. I
checked the vacuum gauges that indicated a high vacuum condition indicative of
filter clogging. Since it was
intermittent, I decided to continue on to our anchorage before working on the
problem. Within an hour or so, the
starboard engine quit and we continued on with the port engine running smoothly. We
reached our anchorage just south of the New Smyrna Beach high bridge at 3:45pm.
It is good holding ground in this place and we expected a peaceful night.
The GPS indicated that we had traveled 67.1 miles today at a moving
average speed of 7.6 mph.
After the engines had cooled down to a comfortable
level, I went below into the engine room and replaced both the port and
starboard Racor filters. I use
2-micron elements. Some folks
disagree with my choice. Here is my
logic. The fuel is filtered through 3 elements before it reaches the
injection system. The first is the
Racor, then two filter stage elements at the engine that are reportedly about 10
micron grade. These engine elements
are time consuming to change and are oriented in an inconvenient location.
My thinking is to capture any particulate matter greater than 2 microns
in the first stage of Racor filter. With
the bulk of matter already filtered, the remedy is to change that 2-micron
filter more frequently than the 2-stages of engine filter.
I can change a Racor filter in 15 minutes and could do it readily
underway if necessary. Perhaps
I’m right in my thinking; perhaps others are right in their thinking. After
the filter change, the engines purred like contented kitty-cats. POSITION N29 00.922 W080 54.708
SMYRNA BEACH to ST. AUGUSTINE, FL At 6:24am, Judy was raising the anchor up
from good holding ground. It was
pretty clean and didn’t require too much hosing off.
The sun was just rising at 6:33 as we passed the New Smyrna city dock
that looked pretty nice since its recent renovation.
There are signs proclaiming “no overnight docking” that, reportedly,
may, or may not, be enforced. The
waterway just north of New Smyrna Beach town should be navigated with extra
caution. The buoyage can be
confusing and we have friends that have mistakenly gone aground in this area
where the two channels merge.
I love the sight of stately white heron
stealthfully skulking through the shallows in the early morning light.
As we turned into the Ponce Inlet cutoff,
we came upon a small dredge clearing the channel.
I contacted the WILCO on their working frequency and received concise
passing instructions.
By 8:40am, we were in the Daytona section
of the ICW. Just south of this high
bridge, a mangrove island provides home for hundreds of shore birds. The mangroves are literally covered with a thick coating of
white crust as evidence of their habitat.
Daytona has numerous drawbridges and many
high bridges. The vertical supports
of this high bridge are beautifully decorated with inlay mosaics of area
We traversed the waters of Flagler Beach
and passed by Fort Matanzas before reaching the south anchorage at St.
Augustine, FL. This city boasts the
title of the oldest city in the US. At
3:10 pm, Judy had the anchor spotted in good holding in the crowded anchorage.
It is evident that many of these boats are relatively permanent fixtures
here rather than transients. The
wind was a brisk 15-20 out of the NE and the current was running strong.
The significant tide will change three times during our brief respite
here. The wind will constantly
fight the tide for control of the boats’ position and AMARSE, and her anchored
neighbors, will twist and turn in a somewhat harmonic response. I will need to make frequent anchor checks overnight to
ensure that all the tugging and twisting does not uproot our anchor and permit
us to drag. Additionally, the
anchor alarm will be set for a first-alert to any problems.
Although we would love to visit this
beautiful city, the expense of municipal dockage is high and the problems
associated with lowering the dinghy have dissuaded us this time. The
famous Bridge of Lions is still undergoing its multi-year renovation project.
The temporary bridge that was constructed solely to exist while the
renovation is ongoing will be destroyed around 2010 when the historical bridge
is completed. Is that “Nuts” or
Today has been a wonderful day for
traveling with beautiful, sunny skies and pleasant temperatures.
We even had the good fortune to see a bald eagle both in flight and at
rest. They are so graceful and so
cool. An
evening game of farkle was especially fun because I won. Our
day’s travel added up to 68.8 miles at a moving average of 7.7 mph. POSITION
N29 53.297 W081 18.423
MILE 777.8 05/14/08
AUGUSTINE to CUMBERLAND ISLAND, GEORGIA Of course, with the numerous changes of
wind and tide, my sleep was frequently interrupted to check our security and
position. At one time, we were awakened to a banging sound on the hull.
With the wind and the current at odds, we found the boat at an unusual
angle to both as they fought to control the boat position.
This had caused us to swing into an empty mooring ball that was not being
adversely affected by the wind and solely by the current.
The large ball was rapping against our stern and swim platform. Rather than exacerbate the problem with useless intervention,
I decided to let the natural forces take care of the situation.
Fortunately, just left alone for a while, everything cleared itself up. At
6:14am, the windlass retrieved the Fortress anchor from great holding ground and
the flukes were in relatively clean condition requiring a minimum of clean up
effort. At this time in the tide
cycle, the current was almost slack. The
temporary bridge stands immediately north of the concrete towers of the Bridge
of Lions.
As the sun rose in the east, we approached
the confluence of the ocean inlet and the continuation of the ICW. It is an unusual situation here that requires very close
attention to navigation. The ICW
would appear to turn northerly at an incorrect place. Adherence to the charts and markers provide a path that
carries further east than might be visually suspected.
The prudent mariner follows the markers and ensures that the numbers fall
in sequence to avoid confusion with other markers that lead out the inlet to
sea. From our position here, it
appears that we are going to sea, however, we are taking a more than 90 degree
turn at this time to remain in the ICW channel.
The bigger problem for some is that they turn east too early where they
mistakenly interpret the markers to line up visually. This plants them firmly aground on a massive sandbar that is
often lurking just below the surface. Fortunately,
I have known about this trap for many years and we try to pay close attention to
our marks.
The Intracoastal WaterWay is often lined
with magnificent homes. This
estate, located just south of Jacksonville Beach area, is one of the most
attractive that I have ever seen. The
land is gorgeous and the mansion is regal.
As we twisted and turned through the
meandering ICW just south of Fernandina, Florida, a boater caught our attention
by waving his arms. He was anchored
and could not start his engine. His
battery was dead and, consequently, his radio was inoperative.
He had hoped that we could jump-start his engine, however, our batteries
are deep in the hull and we didn’t have cable anywhere near long enough.
He had called via cell phone for a commercial tow but that would take
hours to occur since they were busy on another run.
We agreed to tow him to the marina at Fernandina Beach.
Skillfully, Judy fashioned a towrope from our longest dock line and she
passed him one end while making the other end fast to our stern cleat.
The current was running strong so it was a challenge to maintain position
while he attached the towline and tried to retrieve his anchor.
To complicated matters, he was having a tough time getting his anchor up.
Strangely, he had managed to get the anchor entangled in a derelict crab
trap. It is a good thing he was a
strong guy and was able to free the fouled flukes.
As we approached the marina docks, the previously alerted dockmaster was
standing by to assist. Judy
masterfully handled the towline situation while I eased the boat alongside the
dock. The transition was smoothly and efficiently executed.
That’s our good deed for the day.
Who knows, we may be the next one’s to need help.
We had originally planned to take up a
mooring ball at Fernandina, however, we learned that a number of our looper and
Bahamas friends were planning to be anchoring behind Drum Island adjacent to
Cumberland Island National Park. We
decided to join them in the anchorage. At
3:15pm, we successfully set the anchor just north of the second Ranger Dock.
Our travel miles today came up to 68.9 at an average moving speed of 7.7
mph, which included the time we were towing the stranded boat.
Already anchored were TIME OUT, SUE SEA Q IV, and
SALTY DAWG. George (TIME OUT) soon
moved over to raft up with Sue Sea Q.
CHOP joined to make it a four-vessel raft.
Since we were leaving very early the next
morning, we opted to anchor by ourselves. Larry
likes to tow his dinghy behind Sue Sea Q, therefore, he quickly volunteered to
provide a water taxi for the AMARSE crew to join the cocktail party on TIME OUT.
From his dinghy, I caught this great picture of our beautiful AMARSE.
As you know, AMARSE means “to love each other”.
We certainly love her and we know that she loves us too.
Marian Grafer (TIME OUT) and Judy.
Larry Vhig
(SUE SEA Q IV) and Fred.
Steve Purdy (SUNCAT) and Tim (LAMB CHOP)
seem altogether too serious in this picture. Usually, the only thing they
are real serious about is their boating skills and, then, never missing
the cocktail hour.
Grafer (TIME OUT). We hadn’t seen
them since the winter of ’07 in the Bahamas.
Sue Vhig (SUE SEA Q IV) and the Canadian
gal from LAMB CHOP.
After a while, Pat and Pat Dwyer (SALTY
DAWG) arrived to join the festivities. They
have been touring the Cumberland Island Park.
We got a ride back to AMARSE with Pat and
Pat. They were departing sometime
tomorrow too and decided to remain anchored separately.
SALTY DAWG is this delightful Pilgrim 43 tug.
Ain’t AMARSE real perty-like?
The Dwyer’s dinghy is both fast and
comfortable. Nice ride!
It sure was fun seeing everyone again.
We rested comfortably in this tranquil weather and light wind. POSITION
N30 46.206 W081 28.260 NEAR
MILE 711.0 05/15/08
ISLAND, GA to BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA At near sunrise, we had the anchor aweigh
at 6:34am. It had been good holding
ground and the chain was pretty clean. We
had to backtrack a little south to clear a shoal on the south side of Drum
Island before we could reconnect to the ICW at 6:53am. Our
route carries us passed the Kings Island Submarine Base.
Fortunately, there were no subs operating in the area.
If there were, we would have been unable to pass or move in this area.
The sub pens are huge and can be seen for
many miles.
We are on the final leg of our journey to
Brunswick. A relaxing Judy gently
warms in the morning sun.
By rolling up the isinglass windows, we can
regulate just the right amount of airflow to be comfortable.
Today, the weather is pleasant with low humidity.
In this area, you don’t see many other
boats. Even the shrimp boats seem
to be few and far between these days of rising fuel costs.
These guys must be devastated economically.
A couple of the larger shrimper vessels
pass close aboard. We couldn’t
give any more room to starboard as we were pressed against the edge of the
channel. With no radio contact, we
had no way of knowing that he wanted to turn sharply to the left toward the
beach area. These bigger boats
generally ply the waters offshore. In
this case, his booms are extended, however, his nets are raised.
After passing through the relatively
shallow waters of Jekyll Island Cut at about half-tide, we emerged to turn up
the Brunswick River. The
architecturally pleasing high bridge spanning the river highlights the familiar
A northerly turn up the east river channel
carries us past the gravel loading area for large ships.
The first set of shrimp docks finds the
majority of the boats tied up. Is
this the result of high fuel cost?
This three-masted schooner is a permanent
fixture at this dock. Although it
looks old, it is not that old. Rumor
has it that it was brought out of South America after payment of a handsome
price. I’ve never seen it move.
The second set of shrimp docks finds
another large contingent of boats dormant and unproductive.
Is the wild shrimp industry doomed to extinction due to high fuel prices
and more economical farm-raising methodology?
Brunswick is now a cruise ship port. It is a smaller line called American Cruise Lines.
They schedule infrequent stopovers here at the municipal docks.
Brunswick will seldom be called a glamour
port, however, it is a sleepy little town with a nice historic district and
several nice restaurants nearby. Our
marina lies just ahead to the north.
Dock one locates the marina office. The visiting Coast Guard Cutter is lying along the face dock.
The marina currently has 14 rows of docks with another 6 rows in the
planning stages. The dockmaster reports that there is a sizeable waiting list
of nearly 60 boats desiring slip space.
Judy may well be the most accomplished deck
person and line handler that I’ve ever met.
She always has the right lines at the ready and fenders the boat well to
prevent any damage. I think she
should be elevated to the position of “Deck Supervisor”.
AMARSE will be at home on Dock 5 this year.
Although I usually back in to the docks, we have to bow in because our
egress is on the starboard side and the dock pier is more conducive to safe on
and off. The docks are very nice,
concrete, long, and floating.
This is the view of Dock 5 from the rampway.
The floating docks will rise and fall nearly 6 feet with each tidal
change. The current remains
relatively light during the entire cycle.
This is the view looking north at docks 6
through 14. All the docks stretch
for almost half a mile.
JACKSONVILLE to STUART to BRUNSWICK We had the predicament that our car was
parked at Nettles Island Marina more than 300 miles south of here. No one-way rental cars were available in this town.
Although the Greyhound Bus was a viable option, a better solution arose
with a suggestion from our dockmaster. Sherry
was driving another couple to Jacksonville airport at 8am.
If we would split the $100 trip with the other couple, we could ride
along and pick up a Hertz car at
the airport. At 9:45am, we pulled
out of the airport area in a Kia Rio. Perhaps
the name Kia POS would have been more descriptive.
We arrived in Ft. Pierce at 2pm where we perused the stuff at the used
boat parts place finding nothing of interest.
After crossing the bridge, we headed south on Hutchinson Island to the
marina. Judy drove her car and I
drove the rental to the return spot in Stuart.
I filled up the rent car at Sam’s Club at $3.74/gal and turned in the
Kia around 4pm. The rental was an
amazingly low price of $38.05 total for the rental. Together, we headed off toward Brunswick.
It was about 9:10pm before we got back to the boat. 05/17/08 SATURDAY BRUNSWICK
LANDING MARINA, BRUNSWICK, GA We had hurried back to Brunswick because
George and Miriam Grafer were staying the weekend in Brunswick before heading
further north. We were excited
about spending some more quality time with them. With
the car, we could take them on a tour of the area and, especially, St. Simons
Island. The weather was absolutely
perfect and must have been ordered up by the Chamber of Commerce.
As we’ve said so many times, “it’s
the people that make this lifestyle so great”.
George and Miriam make this clearly evident.
We had a great time!
At low tide, this sand bar dominates the
view to the east, however, as the tide rises, that sand will be totally
This lovely church is nestled among many
magnificent trees. It was on these
grounds that Rev. Charles Wesley preached his early sermons. His brother, John Wesley, founder of the Methodist faith,
joined him here on occasion.
Fort Frederica is famous for its role in
maintaining British sovereignty at the southern most point of the empire. The Spaniards controlled Florida and they sought expansion to
the north. General Oglethorpe
resisted the overwhelming odds of their forces and kept Georgia intact.
Little remains at this historic site operated by the US National Parks
Canons like this were poised ready to
damage enemy vessels approaching the tiny fort compound.
We opted for an early dinner at Barbara
Jean’s Restaurant. At the
non-peak hour, we had immediate seating and a wonderful, relaxing meal. It was back to the boat by 5:30pm to rest awhile and clean
up. A little after 7pm, we picked up George and
Miriam to attend the Island Players Production of “The Best Little Whorehouse
in Texas”. Although we were the
first folks in line, the season’s ticket holders were admitted first and they
had the pick of seats. We were
fortunate to have excellent seats right in the front row where we could see and
hear the whole show. It was so much
fun and all of us enjoyed every minute of it. Following
the show, there was a meet the cast opportunity.
This is a special time for the Island Players since this is the final
production to be performed in this theatre.
Subsequent shows will be performed in the Casino Theatre on St. Simons
I think I was a bit taken by the Madam of
the house. I guess I should
remember that it is only a “play”. The
sheriff looking from behind is actually her husband.
Oh, Oh….
GA Judy worked very hard cleaning the boat
interior. It pleases me that she is
so caring to keep everything nice for us in our floating home.
In the afternoon, she went to TIME OUT to learn some new techniques of
jewelry making. Miriam does it
professionally and has developed a technique of crocheting the wire to enhance
to decorative beauty. They had fun
together making beautiful works of art. Following
the obligatory Wal-Mart run to re-supply the cruisers, a trip to Publix Market
enabled some tasty chicken for the picnic tonight. At
5:45pm, the four of us loaded into Judy’s car with our picnic lunches and
folding chairs. The concert would
begin at 7 pm, however, the crowd gathers early on the lawn of the St. Simons
Lighthouse to visit with friends, picnic, and locate the prime viewing spots.
Early arrivers get to choose a parking spot from the sparse selection.
From the Gazebo, the “Fifth Street
Band” entertained the spectators. The
weather was threatening rain and the wind was howling.
The attendance tonight was fewer than
usual. I am not sure if the weather
kept them away or if the main summer residents don’t get here until Memorial
Day. George and Miriam moved a bit
further back to get shelter from the wind and reduce the loudness. Judy and I stayed up front and center. As the sun dipped low, Judy felt the chills.
Inventively, she used the seat holders as leggings and flipped up the
hood of her jacket. She was happy and warm.
At one point, the group started a conga
line. If Judy had joined in, it
would have looked like a potato sack race.
The more wine that flowed, the more dancers
We had a great time and the music was
excellent. 05/19/08 MONDAY
BRUNSWICK, GA George and Miriam took TIME OUT back out on
the river very early this morning. We
will miss them and we wish them Bon Voyage. Judy
undertook the daunting task of doing laundry today.
My chore was to spend lots and lots of time with the Dell Computer guy
trying to resolve the problem with my Inspiron laptop. Tonight,
the Spurs won the Game 7 against the Hornets. 05/20/08 TUESDAY
BRUNSWICK, GA The sunsets can be quite pretty across the
harbor waters.
05/21 thru 5/23/08
BRUNSWICK, GA It has been a routine few days. The Dell Computer repairman came with the designated repair
parts. After their installation,
the pesky vertical lines were still there.
He called Dell directly and ordered more parts for overnight delivery.
Well, guess what, the parts were shipped to a San Antonio repair office.
That complicated matters and
the whole process got very confusing. In the
meantime, Judy is getting comfortable with our new computer.
She has a folding table that she uses for the computer and also for her
jewelry projects. It works quite well with her leather chair.
05/24/08 SATURDAY
BRUNSWICK, GA It’s Saturday night and the south Georgia
“good ol’ boys” are ready to make some noise at the local oval racetrack. Tonight is special because the Waycross Motor Speedway is the
host track for the National Circuit guys that have come from Florida, the
Carolinas, and Georgia. It is one
of the two big nights of the season around this half-mile asphalt track.
Looks like race fan Judy has already been to the concession stand.
The racing card was quite enjoyable. There was a slight delay of about half an hour for a quick
rain shower. It was enough to force
people into their cars for the delay. Soon,
the roar of powerful engines filled the air along with the smell of racing tire
An unfortunate encounter with the outer
track wall halted this boy’s evening plan to take the winners’ circle.
It took two wreckers to haul this dude back to the pits.
We had left the marina at 5:15 pm for the
hour plus trip to Waycross. Hot
laps started at 7pm and racing kicked off at 8:30pm following the rain delay. The final race ended at about midnight. It was 1:15 am when we finally got back to the boat. 05/25/08 SUNDAY
BRUNSWICK, GA Tonight’s program at the St. Simons
Lighthouse was called Jazz in the Park. The
setting is lovely and the music emanating from the gazebo was delightful.
An Asian gal from Japan offered wonderful
renditions of some classic standards. The
trumpet player has just been awarded a full scholarship to the famous Julliard
School of Music. Every note from
this band was very enjoyable.
With perfect weather and the Memorial Day
weekend in full swing, the lawn was overflowing with spectators.
Every quadrant of the lawn area was packed
with picnic partiers and wine aficionados.
Young and old, tall and short, fat and thin;
everyone loves Jazz and a picnic.
We were fortunate to arrive early enough to
get prime seating area and good parking.
05/26/08 MONDAY
Our THANKS and GRATITUDE to the members of the armed forces that fought
and sacrificed for our freedoms. Our salon chairs on the boat were
relatively comfortable as delivered. I
had the idea that I could modify the base mounts to cant the back a little more
by placing a wooden block and longer bolts in the base.
We bought the supplies at Home Depot and I converted one. The result was much improvement.
I will convert the other one later when we get more parts. On
major holidays, the marina hosts a big cookout for the folks.
They set up the grills and provided Hot Dogs and Burgers with all the
fixin’s. Side dishes were present and lots of desserts from guests
rounded out the get-together. It
was fun chatting with lots of folks from the marina that we hardly ever see.
The weather was absolutely perfect. 05/27/08 TUESDAY
BRUNSWICK, GA Judy tackled the mound of laundry at the
marina wash facility. She stripped
the cover off the Divan and it came out beautifully clean.
I worked to modify the other salon chair. They are much more comfortable now. I had
to spend altogether too much precious time on the phone with Dell Computer
trying to resolve the mix-up problem with the parts.
Hours later, the new components were on their way to the repair
technician. 05/28/08 WEDNESDAY
BRUNSWICK, GA Harris, the Dell repairman arrived from
Waycross, GA with several boxes of component parts.
He replaced the LCD screen, the motherboard, and the bottom frame plastic
case. He also determined that the
bezel and top cover needed replacement. I’m
sure glad that I purchased the all-inclusive warranty plan. 05/29/08 THURSDAY BRUNSWICK,
CAROL EDITH ANN ELISABETH JOAN CAMILLE REED KENNEDY POCO Judy measured and sewed all day long making
slipcovers for our Divan sofa cushions. She
has done a great job and they will protect our upholstery from everyday wear,
tear, dirt, and stains. 05/30/08 FRIDAY
BRUNSWICK, GA Harris came from Dell with more boxes of
parts. He replaced the screen bezel
and the top framework and hinges on the laptop.
I questioned why the Bluetooth light was not illuminated.
I surmise that he forgot to transfer the chip when he replaced the
motherboard. He promised to check
into it. We’ll see. 05/31/08 SATURDAY
BRUNSWICK, GA The local farmer’s market is held on
Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays within easy walking distance from the marina.
As the warmer days of summer draw nearer, the supply of local produce is
increasing all the time. Although
many of the items are brought north from Florida, the Georgia crops are
beginning to come in. I really love
the colors of all the veggies and fruits.
This Saturday night, the south Georgia
“Good ‘Ol Boys” took to the 4/10ths mile, oval dirt track to battle it out
for the checkered flag. The Golden
Isles Speedway is located Waynesville, GA which is about a half hour drive from
the marina. The track operates on
alternate weekends in coordination with the Waycross Motor Speedway.
As Waycross is asphalt and Golden Isles is dirt, fans get to experience
their favorite drivers racing on different surfaces every week. As
good fortune would have it, the National Circuit boys were here too.
They only run twice a year on this track.
The purse for the feature race was $3000 and the competition was fierce.
The track opened with a wetted dirt
foundation in perfect racing condition. It
was fast and exciting. As the
racing progressed, the track began to dry out.
Combined with a bit of breeze, the dust began to fly.
It was often a challenge to keep the specks out of our eyes.
Judy had rows of dust and dirt covering her white shirt.
I must say that I love this dirt track racing stuff. With
all of the qualifications, racing heats, and feature events, along with numerous
caution delays, the races continued until about 2am.
Fortunately, this track is only about a half hour away.
We got to bed about 2:45am. It
was great loud and dirty fun.
This concludes this edition of the AMARSE Update logs.
We hope you will join us again soon for more of our activities and
adventures in the month of June and beyond. POST
SCRIPT: We sincerely hope that you will
review the previous years of compilations to give context to the current
editions. Please let us know if you have any special suggestions and
thoughts. REMEMBER:
The website is now fully active and you can visit it at any time.
You can review any of the 2006, 2007, or the upcoming 2008 logs and learn
more about the crew and our plans. Enjoy. ATTENTION: SPECIAL NOTE:
You may contact us via email anytime.
We will have internet where ever we find WiFi
Our cell phones have been turned back ON.
Judy has AT&T/CINGULAR service.
Fred has VERIZON service. Email
us if you would like our phone numbers.
is pronounced "AM-ARE-SAY". Our website is:
www.amarse.net . Thanks for
allowing us to share our life and adventures with you. Lotsa Luv, Fred Reed
and Judy Law AMARSE MT40 |
Fred H. Reed |
www.amarse.net © 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 |