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UPDATE #7 5/19/06 - 05/27/06
05/19/06 Friday Spring Cove, Mill Creek, Solomons, MD to Calvert Marina, Solomons, MD A rather late morning for us today, we leisurely had some breakfast and puttzed around until raising anchor at 10:30am.
Our journey was only 40 minutes long and we were tied up to
the Calvert Marina transient dock by 11:10. The folks here are very nice and
with the Boat/US discount, the price is very good for this area. They have new,
long floating docks for transients making this an easy tie-up. We had reserved a car from Enterprise and they delivered it
to the marina at noon. This office gives excellent service and they complete the
paperwork right at the marina. I had called West Marine store in Annapolis for a
large BlueChart chip for my GPS. When I got there, they were all out of blank
large chips. The manager worked out a deal to provide the necessary coverage
areas on regular chips. I ended up buying all the additional chips that we would
need for our entire trip. We now have all the electronic chart chips for our
Great Loop cruise.
After some brightwork application, we headed to a Mom & Pop type restaurant in Galena for dinner. The seafood was quite good. The conversation and company was even better. As JD returned to his boat, we drove the 2 hr and 20 minute jaunt back to AMARSE. 05/20/06 Saturday Solomons, MD Today was the designated work day on the boat. I changed the oils and filters on the engines and the generator as well as numerous other little chores around the engine room. The engines take about 35 quarts of oil. Disposal of the used oil is problem, as you can guess. Fortunately, we still have the rental car and we located the disposal site. In Maryland, it is called a "Transfer Station". Don't ask me how they came up with that choice name. Anyway, it took two trips to this recycle facility to safely deposit the used fluids and filters. Judy worked hard doing outside work and making AMARSE really beautiful.
Solomons has a nice gourmet grocery store from which we selected a great dinner choice to be enjoyed aboard AMARSE. As I grilled, Judy did her extra special potatoes and onion dish that I love so much. We were exhausted from the busy day and sleep came easily. 05/21/06 Sunday Solomons, MD Todays plan included reprovisioning the grocery supplies
for our continuing trip. Fellow boaters, Bill and Jack, from the M/V Shoot and
Fish, joined us for breakfast. They joined us for a visit to the Calvert Maritime Museum.
The museum has a delightful replica of a Chesapeake "Screw-Pile"
lighthouse. Other exhibits include early fishing vessels and other typical Chesapeake memorabilia.
An interesting race using remote controlled sailboats was
fun to watch in the little bay fronting the museum. Bill and Jack toured more while Judy and I did our
necessary shopping. 05/22/06 Monday Solomons, MD Early habits are hard to break, so, I was up and out to
Drum Point Marina at 8:30am. I had learned that they were the service facility
for my Kohler Generator. The unit was putting out excessive voltage and I was
worried that it could harm our equipment. I anticipated a relatively simple
adjustment procedure. They sent over a real good gal named Katie to evaluate the
problem. She determined that the voltage regulator was not
adjustable and that it needed to be replaced. We agreed to change a diode and
the brushes at the same time. This is no easy process since the generator needed
to be moved off its mounts to gain access to the components. Katie unbolted and
disconnected everything and, together, we were able to move the heavy generator
to where she could remove the faulty components. The replacement parts were
ordered for overnight delivery.
05/23/06 Tuesday Solomons, MD Judy borrowed the marina courtesy car, a black Mercedes
sedan. We had breakfast and picked up some more groceries at Woodburn's, the
gourmet store. After lunch, we enjoyed more dinghy rides. We visited with
Linda and Fred Glassman aboard "Linda G II", a Present 40. They have
done the loop trip several times and have cruised the eastern US for years. They
now spend their winters in Marsh Harbor, Abacos, Bahamas and return to Baltimore
for the summer. We received many special tips and cruising spots from their vast
repertoire of experiences. The maintenance people called to inform us that all
of the parts had not come in yet so we would be at least another day. Oh well,
this is the best place that I could think of to be delayed. Fred and Linda
joined us aboard AMARSE for an extended cocktail hour or two. Wonderful folks
with wonderful stories of their adventures. 05/24/06 Wednesday Solomons, MD With Judy at the wheel of the black Mercedes, we headed to
town for breakfast. The marina lets you use the car for an hour at a time. As we waited for news on our generator parts, we tackled
chores like cleaning the isinglass enclosure, polishing the stainless steel with
Never-Dull, and scrubbing down the fiberglass. I even did some touch-up painting
on our boarding ladder that was developing a little rust. 05/25/06 Thursday Solomons, MD to La Trappe Creek Although we were up early, we opted to wait for the fuel
dock to open and to fill up the tanks with diesel fuel. We relocated to the
fuelers located across the creek, topped off both fuel cells, and were underway
by 8:10. This was Donna's first day at sea and Judy worked with her and taught
her many new "tricks of the trade". Safety stuff, line handling, and
line/fender use and storage methods were covered. We shared this lovely spot behind Martin Point with three other vessels and thoroughly enjoyed the peaceful surroundings in sheltered comfort. Cocktails, salads, grilled chicken breast, and garlic-butter pasta topped the menu tonight. Soooo Goooood! Location N38 37.942 W076 07.212. 05/26/06 Friday La Trappe Creek to Annapolis, MD At 6:30 am, we had the anchor up and we were proceeding through La Trappe Creek and the Choptank River. Two hours later, we were passing through Knapp Narrows. This is a very narrow cut through Tilghman Island that enables vessels to remain sheltered for the northerly passage.
We opted to try a trip up the Poplar Island Narrows into the Eastern Bay area. Rounding Tilghman Point, the Miles River leads to the very popular St. Michael's harbor. We had been experiencing light rain and cooler temperatures, however, our isinglass enclosure makes travel very comfortable. It was only Friday and just the start of the busy Memorial Day weekend. St. Michaels was already starting to go "nuts". Boats were cutting everywhere and most did not seem to care much for boating etiquette or the rules of the road. In these crowded conditions, it is rather unnerving to see. We decided to take our photos and head on out of the congestion.
A course through the Kent Narrows and out around Love Point
was thrilling and a real fun experience. We headed back down the bay, detoured
to take pictures of Sandy Point Light, and to pass under the huge Bay Bridge and
into Annapolis Harbor. Our choice was to find a mooring ball to secure to. The
front harbor was already completely full and we were directed into Spa Creek for
additional moorings. We passed the drawbridge and found a super spot in a small
cove of the main creek. Mooring #66 had a very messy line attached but the mud
was cleaned up and we were very happy to be here. 05/27/06 Saturday Annapolis, MD The morning was clear and beautiful. We rode around in the dinghy going up and down the side creeks and canals. Some wonderful looking homes with fantastic landscaping and the springtime flowers well in bloom. From "Ego Alley", we toured the historic district. Judy and Donna listened intently as Alex Haley read to them from his famous book "Roots".
We selected a neat place for brunch. Chick and Ruth's Delly
(no, I didn't spell it wrong) has been a fixture in Annapolis for many, many
years. It is family owned and operated featuring a New York style deli. Donna and Judy got on a bus and went shopping for grocery stuff. I sat around on Ego Alley just people watching. It was delightful and sunny. Before heading back to the boat, we were forced to visit Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream. In preparation for an early departure, we stowed the dinghy atop the sundeck and enjoyed dinner aboard. I grilled while the gals prepared salads and fresh corn on the cob. Life is soooo gooood.
Fred H. Reed |
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